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Nexus Mods Profile

About TurkeyPringle

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I'm playing through the mod and I'm loving it so far (except for frustrations in apocrypha) but I have arrived upon an annoying bug. I spoke to the broker once already after I got access to the spire and now that I am preparing to be a lich, I cannot seem to get the ingredients from her or trigger a courier when I fast travel, any ideas?
  2. I've been using one character for about 77 hours with no issues, now all of a sudden I get crashes on load screens and when I try to save, especially near Castle Volkihar. Any suggestions?
  3. I've tried this by deleting the mods that were acting up and the problem is still there but thanks anyway to both of you. While I'm here, is there anyway to prevent this from happening in the future?
  4. I've used the save game script cleaner here on the nexus and followed all the steps in the description but I still have the same problems, is this the right program for my problem? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?
  5. I've started a new game and modded powers and hotkeys work fine. I take it this is when save cleaning tools are appropriate since all my saves with that character share the problem?
  6. I've beein playing with one character with over a hundred mods for a total of about 420 hours with almost not issues, recently, hotkeys from mcm (such as check needs in realistic needs) and powers from mods (such as horse call from convenient horses) have completely stopped working, any suggestions?
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