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Everything posted by CobaltCakes

  1. This is fair! i was not aware of the time zone difference, so thank you for that lol
  2. I second this- I've had years in customer service and retail under my belt, and if i spoke to single upset customer the way Iluviel responded to like dozens of people.. i would have been fired on the spot. Hell, I saw co-workers get fired for LESS then that. It is not how you speak to people who are paying for and supporting the service you provide. Doesn't matter if you specifically think they've a right to be upset or not. Actually distressing and depressing to see, as is the absolute radio silence on this post from any of the team. I'm not saying they should be fired, but it is truly unfair to the user base to treat them that way
  3. Honestly, yeah- i'm not really a forums user on any site. but the changes were so frustrating and bad, i started searching what other people were saying and how to give feedback about it. If not for this whole issue, i likely would never have come to the forums. So, congrats on dragging a lot of silent people out of the woodwork i guess, nexus.. only wish you'd actually give us responses instead of telling us we just hate change and need to suck it up.
  4. I find it genuinely so upsetting that every time i see real feedback of why this new UI isn't sitting right with a lot of people and real, thought out examples of potential fixes- it's always being replied to as if its just whining. This is not purely an issue of people saying 'i dont like change' and either they know it and do not care, or are choosing not to see it. Sad and frustrating tbh.
  5. the old layout was perfectly fine, though. I've had so much lag, problems with navigation, and generally just a far worse user experience since this update- it's certainly not making me want to use the site on a regular basis. Frankly as far as the search menu goes, i never needed a way to switch between games or anything- if i wanted to look for something for a different game i'd just go to that page.
  6. Really not a fan of any of these changes, but especially how clicking search opens a window rather then a drop down. actually terrible. Would it maybe be possible to give us an option to turn that off, or roll back to the old layout or anything? bc this kind of sucks
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