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About amoeba1126

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  1. I think I might have figured it out. Apparently STEP advises against using the new version of XP32 so I am reinstalling 1.9.4
  2. I moved the XP32 skeleton under DSR and repatched both FNIS and DSR, but the dagger is still on the hip. I have FNIS installed outside of MO so I wonder if that might be causing a difference, though it never has before.
  3. Yes. In fact, I also reinstalled removed DSR Overwrite patch, FNIS Overwrite patch, erased the overwrite folder, reinstalled DSR, ran FNIS Generator, created a new FNIS Overwrite patch, ran DSR patch, created a new DSR Overwrite patch, and finally recreated the Bashed patch. Not sure what I am doing wrong at this point.
  4. So long story short, I installed the new XP32 skeleton and replaced the older version of XP32MS with it. After that I installed HDT-PE and a BBP body mod for HDT-PE. I decided I didn't like it and removed all of that and reinstalled the original XP32 skeleton again. Since then, even after reinstalling Dual Sheath Redux and FNIS as well as XP32 multiple times, the dagger is still on the hip instead of the back. Ironically, the animation for sheathing and unsheathing is still for the back dagger style. I use Mod Organizer, since I understand it can make a huge difference. I have also cleared out the overwrite folder in MO as well. I need help desperately on this as it is driving my OCD nature insane. :) If anyone can lend a hand, I would greatly appreciate it!
  5. I am having the infamous vampire dark face tint issue that seems to be caused by Unofficial Skyrim Patch when installed through Mod Organizer. Apparently, this is due to some BSA priority issue caused by the way MO works. Problem is, I don't understand what they are talking about in this thread and don't know how to begin to fix this issue. Can any kind soul help me out here?
  6. So one of the books I have been reading by Piers Anthony, Gaea (Mother Nature) has this cloud dress type clothing that changes from milky white to opaque mist where it doesn't actually show anything specifically, but shows off silhouettes here and there. I was wondering if someone would be interested in designing something like this or if there is already something like it on Nexus. Please let me know! :D
  7. So I figured out how to merge mods. Apparently I have to name them the same as the main mod for MO to give me the merge option. Your instructions also fixed my issue. Thank you so, so much!
  8. Thanks for the detailed instructions! When you say merge with another mod, does that mean I manually merge the mods myself via an archiver or does MO have a function that allows me to merge mods together when installing? Sorry for the noob question. Thanks again so much for your assistance!
  9. My apologies! The problem is that every NPC has a dark brown/red forehead. Here is a screenshot of the issue. http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll117/chenjy9/2015-05-07_00004.jpg
  10. I know this is supposed to be easy and feel like an absolute moron for not being able to figure this out. I need help desperately guys. I am using MO. Here is a run down of my other mods and what I have tried. Installed Mods: - All mods listed in STEP - UNP Body - SG Renewal Textures - ApachiiSkyhair mods - ApachiiSkyhair for NPC Overhaul - Both Color Fixes - ApachiiSkyhair Brown Forehead Fix What I have done: - Installed both color fixes (2 separate mods) - Installed brown forehead fix manually and set the Data folder when prompted (didn't see merge option) - Game still shows dark brown/red forehead - Open both color mods in explorer through MO - Delete Skyrim.esm folder (it still shows under data on left hand side in MO) - This is where I am a bit confused, the instructions mention de-activation, does that mean uncheck under modlist in MO or uncheck and recheck ESP files? - What I ended up doing was unchecking both color fix mods and the brown forehead fix mod under modlist and rechecking them, but I am still getting the brown foreheads I am at my wits end trying to get this to work. It is literally the only thing preventing me from being able to have the game running flawlessly. Please help guys!
  11. Body Types: - CBBE - UNP - ADEC Textures: - Navestea - SG Textures Renewed - Milkdrinker/Barbarian - Mature Skin Faces: - Coverwomen - Bella - SG Textures Renewed - Milkdrinker/Barbarian - Mature Skin There are a couple of cute and oriental based ones as well.
  12. Does anyone know if there is a mod out there that allows me to set the ownership of a bed to allow my followers to sleep in it?
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