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  1. I think you should start off with Outfit Studio like qwertyzeldar mentioned. Mashups aren't too bad and it'll show you the ropes. Some mashups will require mesh editing which you can do in Blender and you'll get familiar with the exporting, importing, setting up materials, texture paths, file structure, the Creation Kit and its annoyances, etc etc. It's actually how I started off modding.
  2. So basically there are two animations on an object and I want to toggle between them through an activator. The animation is of the object moving and the other is a stop animation. So when the moving animation is working and I select the object I want the stop animation to play and when I select it again I want the moving animation to play. How will the script to do this look like? I guessing I'm going to have to use some booleans and whatnot but I don't know how to start it off. Both are gamebryo animations and I'm using the Self.PlayGamebryoAnimation(AnimName, abStartOver = True) line to call them with AnimName being a String Property. Thanks.
  3. I'll just leave this here.... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29672
  4. Hey guys, got a problem which I can't figure out. I'm adding bone weights to some meshes but they're coming out corrupted--as in completely out of shape. This just randomly started happening recently. I thought maybe it was a bug with Outfit Studio so I updated to the latest version but it's still happening. Any ideas on how to solve this? The mesh appears fine in OS but in NifSkope and in-game it's like this. Maybe it's the bone weights but I've never seen them do something this crazy. Thanks.
  5. As far as I know normal textures are all that work. I've looked at many vanilla ground textures and they're all running normal maps.
  6. You're a magician. Works like a charm. See, the thing I was doing was finding the errors and if I couldn't fix them by doing very minor things I'd just delete them and yea.... then you have even more errors. All I can do related to scripts is butcher them, and quite well actually. Thanks a lot!
  7. Thanks for the reply. That actually did work but now there are a ton of other errors, looks like the script might have to be rebuilt and I can't do that. Would it be possible to write a small, separate script which hooks onto the Angry Artillery script and runs when a certain thing takes place? It's a simple thing I want to run--PlayGamebryoAnimation. I know the settings for that and it just needs to run after Self.PlaceAtNode("ProjectileNode", MinArtilleryMuzzleFlash).
  8. Hey guys, got a compiler error. I'm trying to add a line or two to to the Angry Artillery script but I get the error: ArtilleryReferenceScript.psc(22,16): no viable alternative at input '\\r\\n' How can I fix this? The script:
  9. Hey guys, got an animation problem. The howitzer I've been working on has been animated but it's not triggering in-game. It's a simple animation where the barrel recoils. Would something like this need an actual hkx animation file attached to a BSBehaviorGraphExtraData node? I've seen those in the vanilla mortar and flag but not in others like the large tool box. I'm replacing the mortar with this so it needs to be triggered by the script--the node setup is pretty much identical though. The animation also shows up in the CK when you preview the object and it's a Gamebryo animation. Any ideas? Almost forgot to mention, the barrel sometimes just... fall. I load the save and the barrels are just... on the ground. Oh modding....
  10. You have to transform GamebryoController instead of ProjectileNode. Only move ProjectileNode if you want it to move on the local axis.
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