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  1. oh my god yes, 'you have 30 seconds to comply /growl'
  2. yea its not like modders on nexus would ever make nude mods in the first place.... oh wait.
  3. While the hell we arent able to give dogmeat a better name is beyond me, and needs to be changed. 2nd, a turret attached to dogmeat's armor to allow him to work as a ranged character would be pretty epic imo.
  4. The lover's embrace perk is pretty nice but I feel like it's gained FAR too easily. Just simply sleeping in a bed then instantly waking up and having successfully banged your GF/BF isn't very immersive. So, I'd like to suggest a sex mini-game for the perk.... Once you've successfully romanced a companion and try to sleep with her/him, you enter a mini-game where you have to pleasure said companion appropriately. Some companions would like it rough, like cait, while others would prefer a more gentle touch and some preferring a mix of both to varying degrees. This could be implemented by the dialog wheel used 2-4 times to determine the positions/actions of the PC and in turn effect the success rate of the perk's effects. To clarify, the PC chooses position 1a-4a, then when the player is ready they can switch up positions/actions, rinse repeat until the mini-game is concluded after X rounds. Perfectly satisfying your companion would provide you with the full perk, while completely failing to satisfy your companion would result in a NEGATIVE xp bonus, ie -15% xp (for example). PS: For those who don't want or are not into adult activities such as this in their games, remember that everyone has different tastes, so please spare me and my fellow perv's the chastising and negative comments. Don't like it, don't download it. Thanks in advance.
  5. I have a number of mod ideas ranging from simple armors to full-on easter egg questlines. Most of these are from my lover of comics, but I digress. I start with the simpler ones first.... First off a re-tooling of the nerd-rage perk: Instead of simply gaining strength and more durability, have the player literally Hulk-out and turn into a Super mutant or super mutant behemoth but restricted to only using unarmed & melee attacks. Mr Freeze power armor: Pretty self explanatory, and thanks to the inclusion of the cyrolator, making a power armor variant that resembles Mr. Freeze's armor from batman TAS is, imo, a no-brainer, especailly with a nice foggy/iced-over glass helmet. If you know look up the armor Im referring to you'll see it even fits the retro-style used throughout FO3 & 4. Predator armor: This should not be a power armor as predator armor is as much about maneuverability as it is durability. But it should contain all the right goodies ranging from intergrated stealth-boy functionality, shoulder-mounted laser/plasma cannon, and a nice bladed gauntlet. (truthfully, I'd be surprised if some modder out there doesn't already have this in the works but still I felt it should be mentioned). Star Wars armors: Bounty hunter power armor with jet-pack and an optional wrist-mounted flame-thrower. Storm trooper armor, not power armor, but say equal to combat armor with a nice charisma bonus. Questline mods: Super mutant X-men: Super mutants fighting for a world that hates and fears them XD !! Properly dressed in pseudo-lore friendly outfits resembling the X-men. Now the beauty of this idea is that many of the necessary abilities required are already in the game. For example, a Cyclops super-mutant could be equipped with a visor that functions the same way as the assaultron's eye beam. Wolverine would naturally have an adamatium skeleton/indestructible limbs with a VERY high hp regen. Gambit would wield a customize/metal pool cue stick and throw pink/purplish grenades with reckless abandon. Many other X-men favorites could be created as well, the ones I listed are simply (imo) obvious examples of ways to implement them. For X-men villians a super-mutant behemoth Juggernaut, properly dressed in his red-domed helmet would be pretty easy imo. Next you could have either a simple replacer for Liberty Prime to make him resemble a sentinel OR a custom giant sentinel in it's own location (but should still be, imo, close if not equal to LP in terms of stats). Apocalpse would be another super mutant behemoth who's size/stats grow as he takes more damage (making fighting him harder the closer he comes to defeat) with any number of abilities limited only by the modder's whims (as Apoc can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants in the first place). Last, but certainly not least, would be Magneto. Mags could be implemented similarly to Lorenzo Cabot with abilities that knock players/objects around trying to impale/crush/etc the player & X-men. I have more ideas but these are definitely at the top of my wish list. My thanks in advance to any modder's out there that make any/all of these come true.
  6. I know I'll have to wait but you gotta get the word out asap if I want to see it happen anytime soon :)
  7. I support this thread! We also need plasma swords and jackal shields!!
  8. Make it happen modders, cause I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do it myself (I have no modding experience beyond downloading the mod manager). Thank you, that is all.
  9. the mod already exists, just type in "halo" in the mod search function. Though I haven't been able to get mine to work for some damn reason.
  10. Too involved for one individual person, absolutely. Not too involved if MANY modders took the challenge. Copyrights could be protected with the appropriate disclaimers and credits to the original copyright holders. No monetary or other gain would come from this project so it should be protected. Besides, Lucasarts and Bioware have more things to worry about then a mod. Not if that mod could potentially hurt sales for that new kotor MMO that's coming out, which btw is a COMPLETE disappointment IMO.
  11. I'd like to see some a good melee combat mod. Something that makes combat feel more like, oh say, "the LotR two towers" for xbox or "God of War" for PS in 3rd person view ofcourse! Cool but easy to pick of combo chains/moves and so on.
  12. This would be too epic for words but like you said yourself the time and resources needed would be waaaaaaay too involved for someone to do in their spare time. Now on the flip side if someone were to do some reskins/textures for KoToR using Skyrim's graphic/physics engine that might be do-able though it would probly break any number of copyright laws. :(
  13. Seeing as how this game is designed to be played in first person prespective I'd say guns are an absolute MUST. As great as Skyrim is the first person melee combat is just garbage. It's not the designer/developer's fault, they have done the best they could for what it is. It's just not a fun style of play, never has been, never will be. Every time I see a game come out with first person melee I want to drive to the dev's house and slap them. First person gameplay is meant for shooter's aka using guns. If Zenimax/bethesda would just suck it up and create a true 3rd person combat experience for melee this game would easily go down as one of, if not THE, greatest game ever made. But until then.... Gimme my P90C urban assault rifle!. Oh, as for guns being OP'd, I think that would be an super easy fix. Just use the same formula for bow and arrow as gun and bullet. So, a gun does X base dmg + X bullet type dmg. So say the gun does 5 base dmg + 3 bullet dmg = equalling 8 total dmg per hit. Then all's the modder's gotta do it decide the rate of fire. I'd probly go with something like 1 shot per sec or something just to keep it simple. PS: I just wanna run around skyrim as Masterchief while rocking the assualt rifle and lobbing grenades at everything in sight, is that so wrong? /tear
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