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Nexus Mods Profile

About GodOnDrugs

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  1. I support this! How about the invulnerability lasts for about 3 seconds and get a Damage Over Time(bleed?) effect based on the damage accumulated on that invul' period, including the damage that wouldve hit you into the negative HP value. You can use healing spells right after it expires (making the restoration school worth it) and potions 12 seconds after that?(Unless you have the realistic potions thingie) -This way there's still a window to die and you cant really fight back while you are trying to heal up. Immersive!
  2. There's quite a few fire wolf followers, but they do not fit into my fire mistress roleplay! So... Does anyone know of a fire element cat/sabrecat/fox follower mod? Can you link it? Cant find any, so would be cool if someone would pick up the task and beam it here! I tried modding it myself, but I suck at it! :D It doesn't have to be made of transparent fire texture, like the typical wolves ones, but something like on the picture. If the ?mane? and the tip of the tail was on fire, then I think it would look super-cool! :devil: I'm getting more hyped by typing this, lol. :laugh: But yeah, Thank you for your time~<3
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