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Everything posted by RavenKnight1

  1. Hi and thanks for reading, I have been trying to get into modding lately and I have been working with the Skyrim Creation Kit to create a small learning mod. Everything works great for Skyrim SE aside from blackface. The scripts work perfectly, the voiced dialogue from xVASynth works well enough and only needs a bit more tweaking done by me, and my custom items work just as expected. Only one problem. When I move it to my Skyrim VR folder the game completely ignores my scripts. I have tried installing it with and without a mod manager, I have tried it both with and without SKSE-VR, and since I found a couple of other script folders I tried putting the scripts there... but nothing. It's like the script files aren't even there. I enabled Papyrus logging and get the following errors related to my mod: [11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Cannot open store for class "HFA_FleebJuiceScript", missing file?[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Cannot open store for class "HFA_SwapJerryScript", missing file?[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script HFA_SwapJerryScript to (07003C9F) because their base types do not match[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Cannot open store for class "HFA_ResearchNotesScript", missing file?[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script HFA_ResearchNotesScript to (07002C62) because their base types do not match[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Cannot open store for class "HFA_ThalmorBossScript", missing file?[11/04/2021 - 02:53:16PM] Error: Unable to bind script HFA_ThalmorBossScript to (07003C96) because their base types do not match These files are absolutely not missing. This is so frustrating because it works fine in Skyrim SE, and all I had to do there was put the script files in the correct folder. Any ideas on what might be causing this? Skyrim Creation Kit version Skyrim SE version latest update Skyrim VR version latest update If this is in the wrong place, please let me know so I can move it. Thanks.
  2. Well I found the mod for downloading but it didn't come with the source Papyrus scripts... can anyone point me in the direction of some tutorials? I have tried going off the list of commands on the main Papyrus information page but I just keep getting errors no matter what I do. Errors saying the compiler can't find a function, or can't find my quest, or can't find a character... Maybe I need a guide on how to create a more complex quest than the tutorials I have found so far do. I will continue googling, but any help would be appreciated. I have a cool idea for a mod and right now no way to make it! Thanks! Raven
  3. I am working on a mod for Skyrim that would involve the player character being able to take on the appearance of another character and then change back to their normal form. I know there is some degree of physical transformation possible because there is transformation into a vampire and into a werewolf in the original game. I haven't done much work with Papyrus, and I know I have a lot of research and learning ahead of me... but I was wondering if anyone knows if what I want to do is even possible. It would involve changing at least the race and the gender of the player character, the more features that can be matched to the target NPC the better. It doesn't have to be perfect. If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it, or at least let me know if this is even possible. I'd rather not take up large amounts of time researching the impossible. Thanks, Raven
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