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Posts posted by scatlm

  1. After the first patch I did a fresh install and now I'm running the game straight off TESV.exe with fxaa + enb v.5 + 4gb fix+ retexts and I haven't looked back once. I wouldn't even think about going 1.2. I've had 0 crashes since the 4gb fix and the game looks amazing.


    If more people stopped d/l the backward patching Betehsda is providing they'd think twice before ruining the game experience for their client base.


    If people do not test the updates and report the bugs then we will never get an improved game.

    If we all sat back and did not upgrade but just waited till someone else says the upgrade is good. It would take forever as the bug reports would be slow


    They need to do a much better job of testing the patch before they release it. That is part of the process within the development team. Unfortunetly, in order to solve a minor bug they are creating 3 majors ones. Its like taking a step forward and then three backwards. It ends up being regressive.


    Anyway, they created 1.2 based on client feedback on bugs and issues within the game. So, according to your logic, they should have solved the issues and not created new ones, but thas not the case. I myself have reverted to a nonsteam and nonpatched version and I am running fxaa + enb + 4gb+ a ton of retextures and havent looked back since.

  2. For now solve the crashing issue by enabling the 4gbfix . Graphic improvements are highly subjective. Some people can't tell the difference. Other like the way vanilla looks. But if you know how to mess with it you can alway make the same "Vanilla" palette looks sharper and better.


    The presets that the fxaa comes with might not be suitable for your tastes or for to your own individual monitor and graphics settings.I found the presets to bee on the "extreme" side of palette and sharpening effetcs/ I had to mess with the settings to get it to look good, but it looks 100x better than stock vanilla.

  3. After the first patch I did a fresh install and now I'm running the game straight off TESV.exe with fxaa + enb v.5 + 4gb fix+ retexts and I haven't looked back once. I wouldn't even think about going 1.2. I've had 0 crashes since the 4gb fix and the game looks amazing.


    If more people stopped d/l the backward patching Betehsda is providing they'd think twice before ruining the game experience for their client base.

  4. when skyrim came out id crash to desktop every hour or so, whatever


    the last week its been every 30-45minutes.


    and today, ive crashed about every 3-4 minutes


    i started the liberation of skyrim for stormcloaks today, and im almost done, but ive had to redo each one of the bastards like 5-6 times cuz in the middle of killing iomperials at the forts id crash, and id have to start over..


    its god damn irritating. ive wasted about 2 hours in the last 3 hours of playing, restarting missions cuz of crashes... f***in bulls***


    b4 1.2 id crash at most every hour or 2..sometimes not at all over 7 hours of playing...they need to fix the REAL ISSUES, not RARE issues that really arnt so god damn rare.


    I had the crash problem with fxaa + enb + retexts until I changed it manually to use 4gb since I couldnt get the skyrim4gb.exe to work.


    This is the manual way of doing the 4gb fix. And it is guaranteed to smooth out gameplay but most importantly stop the crash to desktop.


    Here is HOW to stop crashes:


    1. Download Explorer suite also known as CFF explorer @ http://www.ntcore.com/exsuite.php


    2. Once you install it, run it, and follow the instrucitons below:


    Click the folder icon or go to File -> Open and browse your PC for TESV.exe.



    Click on File Header at the left, find Characteristics at the right, and click the Click here blue button.



    Check the "App can handle >2GB address space" box



    Click OK.

    Save by clicking the disk icon or going to 'File -> Save.



    Overwrite the file when it asks you to.


    If it doesn't let you overwrite just rightclick TESV.exe and uncheck the "read-only" box. THEN OVERWRITE.






  5. I had the crash problem with fxaa + enb + retexts until I changed it manually to use 4gb since I couldnt get the skyrim4gb.exe to work.


    Here is HOW to stop crashes:


    1. Download Explorer suite also known as CFF explorer @ http://www.ntcore.com/exsuite.php


    2. Once you install it, run it, and follow the instrucitons below:


    Click the folder icon or go to File -> Open and browse your PC for TESV.exe.



    Click on File Header at the left, find Characteristics at the right, and click the Click here blue button.



    Tick App can handle >2GB address space.



    Click OK.

    Save by clicking the disk icon or going to 'File -> Save.



    Overwrite the file when it asks you to.


    If it doesn't let you overwrite just rightclick TESV.exe and uncheck the "read-only" box. THEN OVERWRITE.



    This is the manual way of doing the 4gb fix. And it is guaranteed to smooth out gameplay but most importantly stop the crash to desktop.





    Download and install CFF Explorer. http://www.ntcore.com/exsuite.php

    Make a backup of your original exe just in case something goes wrong.

    Run CFF Explorer.

    Click the folder icon or go to File -> Open and browse your PC for TESV.exe.



    Click on File Header at the left, find Characteristics at the right, and click the Click here blue button.



    Tick App can handle >2GB address space.



    Click OK.

    Save by clicking the disk icon or going to 'File -> Save.



    Overwrite the file when it asks you to.



    NOTE: If you use this method, you need to keep the backup of the exe file you changed with CFF Explorer.

    When you update your game, you will need to copy the backup exe back to folder and replace the edited exe file.


    Go to the folder which has the executable file you changed.

    Delete the current *.exe file.

    Rename the backup executable back to the original name, now you can safely update/upgrade.



  7. I'v enoticed that some shots actually have upwards trajectory before drop-off. But if you're talkign about long distance shots you always aim about one head-and a half higher.


    However, you may be trying to hit you target at a distance where the arrows looses force and it doesnt register a hit even if you're on target.

  8. http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l560/lokimatrix/Merkab%20Skyrim/81762554.png


    I made this one with more rugged feats, instead of the traditional elongated-slimmer face. Like I said, this Elf is both recon and full frontal assault. In other words; a heavy-class Elf with human blood.

  9. I enjoy the Dunmer returning to their rugged, threatening appearance from Morrowind. In Oblivion, they were just way too... friendly. Dunmer were meant to look threatening, borderline monstrous, that's the reason they got so much dislike.


    Bosmer also additionally look more like what they should, they are rugged hunters in skyrim, not the skittish keebler elves of Oblivion.


    The Altmer are odd though. I thought they were supposed to be the fair-skinned, most pleasant looking of the elves. Instead, they just look like tall, yellow Dunmer. But far less pleasant.


    Orsimer, on the other hand, now look more Orcish, whereas they were just kind of dumb looking in Oblivion. Now they look beastly, and monsterous, as orcs should. OrsiMER = elves btw, in case there are those who don't already know that.


    Exactly. Anyway not all Elves are "light-class". My character for instance is built both for recon and full frontal assault.


    At level 30 I have a fully-built archer (i.e 15% chance of 25% critical damage hit, Ability to move while having bow loaded and arched, 4/5 80%+ damage) and one-handed dual-axe combat system. (i.e.@72 one-handed points -- 4/5 80% damage bonus, 25% faster and 50%+ damage on dual-weilding apps. + 2/3 Axe continuos bleeding bonus)


    With 80% stronger enchantment, 25%+ bonus on all Fire, Frost, Shock damage with the ability to blacksmith enchanted weapons for dmg. multipliers which include all "grand" enchanted weapons and armor (i.e. 35%+ one-handed weapons, 35%+ archer damage X 2, 35+300 healthpoints, 33+ heavy armor points)


    And 60%+ Heavy armor resistance and @ 250 stamina.. Moreover, I am in the process of getting all the sneaking damage bonuses and I am just level 30.

  10. While i lament the lack of choices when customising the faces (all of them, not just the Mer) i applaud the move back towards the concept art and design scheme of the Mer which has persisted since time immemorable.




    This is Merkab. Sent by the High council of Valenwood in order to infiltrate the ranks of the Companionship circle and the Imperial political-class for nothing less than ravaging retribution for the killings of the Mer children in he woods of Valen.

  11. Hey,


    I've been running for the past hour with an arrow that doesn't seem to go away. I was hoping someone could help me out with a console command. This is actually the second time it happens. The first time it happened with an ice spike and I had to revert back to another saved game sinve it annoyed the crap out of me. But this time I have singificant gametime and I'd like to know if there is a command.


    Thank you

  12. Hello,


    I was hoping someone could help me find some new hair retextures. I've searched and came up empty handed. I'm somewhat suprised that more people havent retextured the hair. The default textures are really sub-dx9 ish.


    Thanks for any help

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