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Everything posted by Airbreathers
In response to post #56309451. #56312206 is also a reply to the same post. That is a strange metaphor, Modders getting Rewarded for creating content that brings people to the Nexus, and in some cases the Games they have Modded reminds you of the events leading up to a train crash from 1903. I'd love to see the mental gymnastics you when through to make that one work. lol. If you think about it, Modders in some respects shouldn't expect anything more then they will receive some number of Reward points from this system. To clarify, there seems to be now way to know how much was in the pool until after you received your reward points, and even if they did tell everyone, there is no way to know how many people will upload a mod that month, and how many unique downloads those mods will get. Some times an author could be donated tons of reward points off of there less downloaded mods, I't just to random and unstable a system to make the reward points the reason for modding, So really they'll just be a Bonus or incentive, In fact it may entice others that could not justify Making mods with their limited time to give it a try, sure they still may not walk out of making a mod with the money for a car payment, But they may be able to say hey, My supporters just bought me Lunch. Cool. Great Johnny Cash song, though :)
In response to post #56297776. lol, I love what kinggath has done, But i bet just giving him all the money will rub some the wrong way;) Yeah, I agree i think that Sim settlements should get it's own category, I love the mod, But I think its getting too big for the player settlement Category. tons of Add-ons. I will say We'll probably get more out of this if one of us makes a separate thread for it, they probably won't appreciate it if we hijack this one.
In response to post #56279206. #56280316 is also a reply to the same post. I can understand if you think that Robin should have left this post for only mod Authors, That's with me having Zero mods, that would make sense to me, but I really appreciate Dark0ne deciding to share this with every user, to me it show that Robin respects the nexus's patrons. Letting us know ahead of time so that we could all talk it out is really best for the community. Also to every one I hope you had a good Holiday if you had one, MysteriousGuy is kinda right, We should be more thankful for each other. So thanks Man.
In response to post #56262141. #56262426, #56262576, #56262581, #56262936, #56263031, #56263146, #56266491, #56267106, #56267256, #56274311, #56277726, #56280516 are all replies on the same post. As an American, i am well versed in spotting fear mongering. Ashes, your post is fear mongering, your post take this system out of context completely. The people decide not the nexus, and for your read between the lines idea, the authors can decide how to split the points. think about it like this you have a great mod that works a a base of key feature of many others, we can all think of a few. Now lets say that author tells people that if they want to use that mod they need to give them 50% of the reward points. That might be steep to most, at some point another author will create an alternative and maybe ask for like 10% or 5%, that mod becomes the norm, the community stables out, I mean it becomes a free market of ideas, where they rise and fall based on quality and value not just popularity and "elitism". the way i put it may sound scary to some, but i put on my big "scary" American capitalist hat ( I don't think its scary) to lay it out in another very American way. You know seeing as we are a wide and diverse nation with many people with differing ideals, like like everywhere else likely in that regard, meaning it's hard to speak for everyone, Basically impossible.
In response to post #56242976. #56254041, #56254341 are all replies on the same post. So I do understand the system then? Also i Feel they should not have used the word "scheme" it has such a negative connotation. Maybe Program, Plan or Project.
In response to post #56242976. Here's opinion on all that. 1) there shouldn't be less money then the amount of reward points currently held by Participants unless the Nexus poorly manages its Budget and was not really ready for this system. I personally like to think that have themselves in a good enough position to pay their side of things even if there is a real drop in income for like a few months or so. So to sum that up, it should be open to everyone, not just that top anything. 2)I don't See a point to this. If the Nexus properly curates the system and doesn't let people put small bug fixes and such, But instead only Adds at most substantial updates, or expansions ( it will be the Nexus's call on what will fly there). then more or less there are only so many unique downloads you can get, its based on the first time a IP address downloads the mod, not the maybe 1000x they download it later. I know i do that too. 3)I disagree with idea of limiting the amount of times a user can donate to author wholeheartedly. that is their call, Not the Nexus's ,unless they can prove something nefarious is happening. and looking at this in reference to question 2, that should not matter because the authour's mod only receives reward points based on unique downloads, not downloads. i could download any mod every month, and from what i understand only the first time matters.
In response to post #56235636. those most popular authors had to start somewhere. Before they where super popular they wern't, I guess is a good way to say it. can't wait to see your project.
In response to post #56187486. #56203666, #56213196 are all replies on the same post. Yah that is kinda a downside. I mean the system is sorta fair in the another way too. in that is all kinda random, i mean some one could game the system and wait till the end of a very slow Month to release a mod. Which is fine i guess, but also from what i see, it seems like the Reward is not just based on a mods first month, but when ever it gets a unique download, so be it it's first day of release or like 5 years later. Now i do figure that that first month is were most download will come from, But maybe not. let me know if i misunderstood how the system will work in that regard. Yah it would suck to have a big OverHaul that took teams of modders years to make get released at the same time as a bunch of other mods even if they are great other mods and then them end up with less Reward Points then the Modders that release during a month when their are only like a few mods released. But I guess that's why they are not taking away our ability to support/ donate to a Mod author or team directly. I think that was in the post or Robin Commented it, once again correct me if I'm wrong.
In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146, #56205391, #56216681 are all replies on the same post. To LeonidasNerevar, No My issue is definitely not that its just another site then the Nexus... that would be very dumb of me, Nope. In fact i occasionally uses a few other sites. i just have such a big issue with modDrop Because it is a Cesspool, like qwormuli said. He said it well.
In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146, #56205391 are all replies on the same post. Thanks guys i havn't checked on this to make sure people understood what i ment. thanks for having my back there.qwormuli and EnaiSiaion. kudos to you both
In response to post #56190841. I think Dark0ne means nations embargoed by the United Nations/The United Kingdom. unless i just misunderstood your question. Is it a joke about Brexit? lol
In response to post #56181426. #56183116 is also a reply to the same post. I'm Not worried about his View anymore. I'm 1000% sure he's Trolling. So ill disregard anything else he post on this subject. I mean there is no way he doesn't realize that he doesn't run this site, nor it's users. He's not some kinda scary mind controlling god, well at least to the best of my knowledge. We now have something far more important to deal with, something that actually could and probably will hurt the community, ModDrop. This is something the 2,371,146,881 users of this site, Need to stand up against.
In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606 are all replies on the same post. i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love, For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
In response to post #56173071. In the post it says that you can split up the point on a per mod bases. it also does not have to be even, you can all do it even or split it up based on the how you all want to
In response to post #56169581. #56170296, #56171586, #56171796 are all replies on the same post. Tasheni, After reading the post, there is a part of it that says that on one will know how may points you have but you. So for that matter of this making Modding into a competition on this site, no I do not see that as the case. Every month you and other modders will just receive some points to do with as you please, if you want to. You and any other modder does not have to opt in. this whole system is completely free to you and anyone else on this site to use or completely disregard. About your second point, to do with Second class, I think you are bring this up from whats been popping up in the comments of this post about people releasing a lot of Quote on Quote "low effort Mods" to game the system. personally I think that line of thinking of people in the comments is pretty bad. Tasheni people do what the enjoy and what they can. and if they enjoy it enough to do it a lot they should not be shunned, penalize or otherwise treated as Bad Members of the Community, unless someone is breaking the rules of the nexus they are not Bad Members of the community, or Bad modders. They are just something in the community you are not particularly fond of, which as long as you don't attack or put down others is fine IMO, there are things i don't like personally But I just don't download those mods. There is no need to see them as lesser. Cause there is a lot of people on this site that do like those mods, be them whatever. There is a Mod for everyone, and if there is not now I'd Bet someone is making it,
In response to post #56122481. #56122606, #56157386, #56166926 are all replies on the same post. Xilando, now i know i just disagreed with you, BUT I want to say I think you do some great work and i really appreciate all that you do, Both with your really cool mods, and weighing in here on this super important topic, this is something that we all have to get right, It really matters.
In response to post #56122481. #56122606, #56157386 are all replies on the same post. i feel you cant talk for everyone either, in fact everything your saying could just not happen, or just get ironed out as it always has. people have the ability to make up their own mind, Money does not have to be the root of all evil. That comes down to people and if in the end someone is being a detriment to the community. as the community it is our job to vote with our downloads. For that matter if you feel someone is doing wrong without breaking the rules then i guess that just where the community is.we can talk and we can persuade each other on what is proper etiquette, but it is our downloads that say the most. Not to say I'm Down playing endorsements or kudos, those are like screaming from the roof your love of someone.
In response to post #56160276. I think you have the right idea.
I think this a great idea, and personally i feel all the comment i have seen saying otherwise are just Fear Mongering, that's not to say i don't want you to post your feelings, I believe in Freedom of speech, just not propaganda of the dangers of giving people money. So here is the real reason i decide to post, would it be possible to select the game or games you want the donations to go to when we make a donation to the nexus for this, The way it seems now this will be great for a few modding scenes and kinda pointless for a lot of others. To be blunt, The Bethesda modding Scenes on Nexus will really gain from this, and maybe even Witcher Modders, But Like Most of the others will never really see this work for them. I just saying maybe it would be cool to let the donator decide the scene they want to support. This could defeat the purpose some how, but this could also really be a Boon to this system as well.
I saw your Post on reddit while looking up just this thing, did you figure out a solution if so i could use one myself.