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  1. realizing that adras just wants to boogy eviljim turns up the stereo and starts dancing in the snow :D
  2. *slaps sogenda with a frozen fish* :lol: :lol: :lol: ... :huh: ... ^_^ *thinks he sees peregrine coming over the hill and dives into a snowpile to hide*
  3. *whips out destructive energy powered snow creator and sets it in front of the barrel/exhaust/output fraglemanacker/etc. of the UNIVERSE DESTROYER 5000* *aims the 5gajillion SPM (Snowmen Per Minute) snow output at adrian laguna*
  4. oh yeah! well my guy stole peoples stuff then stole their house to put the stuff in then he went and kidnapped them and put them in their house and then he kidnapped a guard and then he killed the person in front of the guard and ran naked through vivec city except for an ordinator helmet and cuirass... needless to say my character is glad to not be walking around in that padded room anymore :lol:
  5. after a long snow induced nap eviljim wakes up in a somewhat groggy state of mind... brainfreeze blows ass! eviljim picks up sogenda, rolls him into a ball, covers him with snow, and chunks him at adras. adras, thinking it's nothing but a large snowball, doesn't bother dodging and gets a sogenda upside the head. sogenda and adras both pass out. eviljim gets them a blanket :lol:
  6. *casts telekinesis 5light years for 2 seconds, open menu as to make it last indefinitely, and proceeds to disperse snowballs of life (frozen restore health 200pts potions ^_^ ) at high speeds in the general direction of all wounded survivors of the spaceship wars*
  7. *wanders aimlessly off the freeway onto a snowy asteroid in space* ^_^ cool, an asteroid... where'd the freeway go? *sees a flaming something swinging around in the distance* I wonder what that is :!: *hops back in his 82 corolla and drives toward the flaming things*
  8. my character was caught at pee wee herman's birthday party in the back room with george michael. i told him not to d@mmit. my last character was attempting to take over the world but couldn't figure out how to open the pickle jar he kept his almighty ring of conquering in. the cops just kinda busted in and threw down ya know... shizzle....
  9. *Waives Magic Necro Wand* How praytell do we download now that mwsource.com is no more? is there an alternate link? it keeps asking me to login then dumps me back at the main mwsource.NET page :huh: EDIT: nevermind... found it in the mod database... (that's what i get for not trying a search first ^_^ ) here's the link for anyone else that may so desire this work though http://mwsource.net/center/pafiledb.php?ac...ion=file&id=601 ================= EDIT: to avoid spamming i'll reply to the below in an edit... ================= I know i kinda necro'd this but that color config is great. I installed it and absolutely love it. I just thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to post a working link in it's forum so others could get to Daerk's work easily. ps - please spare me oh mighty bird of smiting ^_^
  10. yeah it's only five but that means you'd better have a good reason to use it when you do. i've used 2; one to kill that gaenor guy after he came back in his ebony armor (he was a tough little SOB!), and one to kill the crazy lady with the poison grip arrows (that was worth it because i got 49,000 poisongrip arrows out of it :D :lol: :D ) look at them as a panic button... if you have nowhere else to turn, ebony-arrow-of-slay-the-hell-out-of-them !
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