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About kitcat81

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  1. That is defined by packages. You'd need to edit all the packages that the NPC you want to affect uses and check "weapon drawn" flag.
  2. I have a nif file in my mod that is a movable prop item that you can carry in your inventory. The nif consists of 2 meshes, It works fine for me, did not have any bugs. But a user who installed my mod got a strange looking bug where you try to grab (z-key) the item and it only grabs one of the meshes, while another one stays on the ground. I'm trying to figure out why it happens and if I can somehow prevent this from happening. I had a thought that maybe it's some game setting or mods that change the way meshes work in game. Also I remember some wiki article where it stated that some certain number of BSX flags can result in such glitches...But it does not happen in my game, so not sure in changing the flags can help and how I can even test this without re-creating the glitch in my game. So my first goal is to find a way to get this bug show in my game lol After checking some vanilla nif files I decided to try and set flags to 194...Had it set to 130 before. The vanilla 'blood paint' can and scissors both consist of multiple meshes and have 194 flags. Hopefully it will fix the problem.
  3. Thank you guys for the suggestions. There is no restrictions in suggesting your own way...I can make one object with a button to attach cloth or can mix these 2 ways together in any way. The only main thing I want to have is the frame being placed before the tent..It allows to get a realistic angle and see how it will stay. The frame is a movable prop object so it does not stuck in the air in an unreastic position. I have the same problem with a camp fire..I can make it portable ...just like any item you throw out of your inventory...but it's not very immersive to have a hot camp fire in your pockets...so maybe I can make a button to set on fire any wood scap. Or a craftable object - camp fire wood that can be set on fire with an activation button.
  4. Hello guys. I got a little stuck making a decision about how to go about my mod. I made a small and simple tent mod and now I'm trying to make it portable. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38582 I need some opinions. I have 2 versions I'm choosing from...One more simple and another maybe a little more immersive. I'm not sure what is better...and how to keep the balance between simplicity and immersion. More simple way: You have a misc tent frame item in your inventory, you drop it wherever you want. If you like how it stays, you hit it ( i.e. with bash attack) and it turns into a tent. Then you can hit it again, it will turn back into the frame and you can take it back to your inventory. More immersive way: You have 2 items in your inventory. Tent frame and tent bag. You drop the frame wherever you want, see if you like how it stays...and you have a button/option to attach cloth to it...Once you use it, the tent bag will be removed from your inventory and placed in the tent ...To disasssemble the tent you activate the bag. What do you like more or think is better to use in game or maybe you have other suggestions.
  5. Hey Chuck , nice to see you, thank you! Things are all right, had a long break in modding and now trying to remember things. Thank you very much for the detailed answer, will try this tonight. Hope you and Yakalard are both doing well too. Edit: everything worked and now I know how to make the .esl version! Thank you again :)
  6. 'The active file currently contains at least 1 ID above the maximum value.Compact ID and try again....' I'm not sure what it wants from me..I got the idea the ID is above some allowed value...But I don;t know how to 'compact' the ID. I did not find any button to manually assign another ID. Can anybody help me please and give some hints?
  7. You can make an ability that is conditioned to be active only in combat mode. Use Event OnKill and script integer to count kills.
  8. If the main purpose is just to hide NPC, you can try move them all to an empty interior cell wiithout disabling.
  9. Hey , thank you Werr92. I created some xml document following the tutorial in the CK , that was supposed to highlight Papyrus in notepad. But as I never managed to make the compiler work , I gave up on the idea with the tutorial. I think I understand now, will try to use the mod the next time I have a long script to compile.
  10. Thank you for the idea Werr. I will try this too, just wonder do I need to edit .xml settings for this mod ? Skyrim and FO4 papyrus functions are not exactly the same. Some are different or use different synthax.
  11. Thank you for the advice. It's not so bad with the CK :) But I will check the Sublime Text.
  12. What is the script that cases the errors? Is it a quest script or something else? Just hard to say based on the info. "No native object bound " usually happens when the script is no longer attached to an object. The script exists but is unbound(unattached), It can happen with magic effect scripts, they become temporary unbound while the actor is unloaded. It can also happen if an object had had a script attached, but then the mod was disabled. So the object have dissapeared , but the script is still there , recieves some events and tries to run functions. You can find more details if you type "Papyrus Runtime Errors" in google.
  13. I was just trying to follow the example in the FO4 CK wiki ("Notepapad ++ setup" article). Copypasted the code and changed paths. And still getting the error even though the path to the flag file is correct. I'm better with Papyrus than batch files. The problem was that the CK compiler did not let me to add any text after 1200+ lines of code. It seems to have some character limit. But I have found another way around: editted the .PSC in Notepad and them compiled in the CK. Stillwould like to know how to set the Notepad for compiling.
  14. Guys, help me please. I can't make it work. Spent 2 hours trying to do this ,no idea what it wants from me. Getting the error : D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler>echo off "====> DEBUG BUILD" Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4 Copyright (C) ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved. Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "-f=Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg"... <unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script -f=Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg No output generated for -f=Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on -f=Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg This is the .bat file I run : echo off :: --------------------------------------------- :: NotePad++ Run: :: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler\NppScriptCompile_debug.bat" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" :: --------------------------------------------- set "F4HOME=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4" set "F4Compile=%F4HOME%\Papyrus Compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe" set "F4SRC=%F4HOME%\Data\Scripts\Source" :: --------------------------------------------- :: INCLUDES :: --------------------------------------------- set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\Base" if exist "%F4SRC%\DLC01" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\DLC01;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\DLC02" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\DLC02;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\DLC03" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\DLC03;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\DLC04" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\DLC04;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\DLC05" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\DLC05;%F4INCLUDE%" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\User;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\User\Fragments" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\User\Fragments;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\User\Fragments\Quests" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\User\Fragments\Quests;%F4INCLUDE%" if exist "%F4SRC%\User\Fragments\Terminals" set "F4INCLUDE=%F4SRC%\User\Fragments\Terminals;%F4INCLUDE%" :: --------------------------------------------- :: DEBUG :: --------------------------------------------- echo "====> DEBUG BUILD" "%F4Compile%" %1 -f="Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg" -i="%F4INCLUDE%" -o="%F4HOME%\Data\Scripts\Source\Base" pauseI set it all as it was described in the CK wiki. Just changed paths to real file paths on my PC. The Institute_Papyrus_Flags.flg is located in Base folder, so had to add "\Source\Base" to the path. But it gives me the same error without this addition too.
  15. From my understanding using 'and' would mean that a subject must be 'a and b and c' all at once in order to be excluded. At least, that's how it works with being INcluded (== 1) in an effect. I'll give it a try though. Also, I'll dig through the ActorType Keywords. If they cover everything I want it to that will make both this mod and Electrolasers much more efficient. Yes, it works like this with "==1", but with "!= 1" or " ==0" it 's not the same. Set it to "and", it will actually mean exactly what you need. Akiras404 is right . The Actor is HandyRace and RobobrainRace and EyebotRace - this is impossible and will not work properly. The actor is not HandyRace and not RobobrainRace and not EyebotRace - this is exactly what you want. If you do it with "or" it thinks like this : The actor is not HandyRace or - here it checks and the actor is not HandyRace. So the conditions are met even if the actor is RobobrainRace and the effect is applied.That 's because for a group of "or" conditions it's enough if only one of them matches.
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