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About Damerian

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    United States

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  1. How about adding a key word to his minions and then with the cloak spell make sure that you add them to the condition so it doesn't effect them as long as they have that keyword.
  2. So here's an Idea I had today while watching someone's playthrough on youtube. The idea is that when your given a quest that doesn't involve any kind of followup or way for the NPC to know for sure that the task was done and if your speech skill is high enough then you have the option to lie about doing it or come up with some other lie like I couldn't find it. Which would then net you some if not all of the rewards for the initial quest. This would probably require someone that is good at making quests or altering current quests. Well that's my idea so feel free to take it and run with it and if anyone does do it then feel free to mention me as the muse for the mod. :wink:
  3. I'm in the same boat with you on this one. Especially since I made this custom look for my own character that I would like to have for a follower. The only problem is that I have no clue what I need to do to make this happen. I have seen videos on youtube, but they use Skyrim and not Skyrim SE which isn't helpful. I have saved the preset for the face I made. Now I just need to be able to import it into CK and make it into a standalone follower. If any one has any suggestions or resources then please let me know. I don't care to much about the body it's the face that I really want to know how to make. It uses a Breton as the base since I like the roundness of the face and it adds some Elven features to it. I took screenshots of her that i can upload if anyone wants to see.
  4. I've had to learn to live without the sounds from my shouts. Also when I receive a word from a dragon wall or discover a new map marker it's all silent as well. Today I looked at the files when I was on my creation kit and it references a file in the sounds folder that is empty. Perhaps that might be why I don't know. It would be nice to once a gain have sounds when I shout. I guess I could make my own sounds if I really wanted to...lmao
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