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Everything posted by Mezinov

  1. So I am looking to build a personal mod to let me scrap my Sanctuary (most developed settlement) without losing the resources invested; I just don't get how I can build a conduit and not be able to get the copper back. Stealing copper wire from dilapidated buildings is redneck 101. I understand I could just "give" myself the resources through console - but that is more "cheaty" to me than getting back what I already collected and put in. I can find and edit the Global Variables that control how much of each resource type you get. That works great. I can make a Concrete Wall give back 8 Concrete (its build cost) instead of 2 and get a Heavy Turret to give back its Steel, Oil, Gears, and Circuitry at the right levels. No problem. What I can't seem to figure out is how to find the scrapping recipes for the actual buildables in the Settlement; like the conduits, and switches, and what not. Adjusting global variables up and down all day will do nothing when a Switch takes Steel, Copper, and Rubber and will only give back Steel. A 900x multiplier on 0 is still 0. I can find them for non-buildables, weapons, and armors but I can't find anything in the Object Menu or Form List menu for regular old settlement objects like Conduits. Since some objects do give problem scrap like Copper back I even tried working backwards from that logic to find the Form List for Copper - but with no luck. I would really appreciate some insight in to where they might be hiding or if they even exist. Are Settlement objects handled on a different system than weapons and such?
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