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Everything posted by conterk

  1. ohhh whaat.. D: i wanted to marry Vex.. Q_Q
  2. Lol.. a game like this isnt made to be "finish" fast.. i'v been playing for over 100 hrs.. and my main storyline quest i think is not even at half.. xDD!! i looooove running around.. finding new places.. new quests.. talk to npcs and get new stuff.. and also.. if the quest send me to a place too far from my current location.. i just leave it for later.. hahaha i havent even found all the main citys in skyrim.. lol this is the reason why i like TES so much.. *.* the more main story quest i finish.. the closer i feel to the end.. and i dont want to finish it.. not yet.. Q_Q
  3. rofl.. im an imperial that supports Ulfric.. :X and kill thalmors all the time.. they hate me already.. Q_Q!! i found a thalmor with a note saying i should be aimed to kill.. D: but.. i like the cats too.. D: next time when i re start.. ill support the forsworm.. hahahahaha!!
  4. weird, when they attacked me when I didn't want to say my opinion about talos I had to kill them in self-defence, and i still got a bounty... What hold were you in? If it was occupied by Empire territory, that could be why. Stormcloaks likely wouldn't give a damn. True, I was right outside the walls of solitude. Also.. if they started the fight u can kill them and still dont get any bounty, like.. self defense assasination xDD and as far as i know them.. they always do that... <___< i feel like re-starting with a high elf and see if they threat me better.. :[
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