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Nexus Mods Profile

About Xphen

  1. Hey dude, sorry about calling you ignorant and all, I wasn't thinking much at the time and I just saw it how I read it, didn't look beyond it very well.

    Excuse me for my rude behaviour, you indeed do have the right to free-speech as all human beings do.

    Furthermore I wish you to have a very nice day, sorry for the misunderstandings, damn all of our logic xD

  2. Get an extinguisher and deal with it. Keeping quiet about these things will eat this world whole. That's why the Illuminati (there was auto-correct for this wtf) are spreading like a disease.
  3. I know, I've asked an admin to close it already. But still, I'm going to enforce my views as long as I can, I know its kind of contradictory.
  4. Ok I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. Homosexuality is a gene, and it was an evolutionary mechanism where you could have men back at the tribe protecting the women and helping feed the children with no worries about them having sex with their spouses. For the female variant, you could have women fulfilling their sexual pleasures when men were gone for long periods of time and also acting as nannies to help children but not have them. It is, in fact, normal, and this IS biology, this IS fact, there is such thing as the gay gene. Maybe you're right, about the gay gene. But none of anything you said before that makes sense. I believe some men may in fact have a female hormone which gives them the desires of a woman (ironic, mentioning a "woman's desires" in a topic about gays). But admit it, gays. Most of you do it because you're perverted, sick freaks, and you use "female-hormones" and "born with it" as an excuse to cover up your sad truth. And now you've crossed the line from being argumentative to being insluting, and that gets you tossed from here. -TNL
  5. If I was kicked out of a restaurant for kissing my girlfriend, I would absolutely raise a stink, and yes, I would want empathy. If I wasn't removing articles of her clothing or otherwise being inappropriate, I would not let it rest. If a straight couple were kicked out of a restaurant for kissing, it would be in the media. People would boycott the restaurant. That couple would have all the empathy in the world. That's where your wrong! No one would give a damn if a straight couple, but if a gay couple was kicked out of a restaurant the whole world would know it! Gays are way over-endorsed.
  6. why ? why should this mod not even get a chance to exist because they bombard it with flaming ?. Let it exist, but silently, not with commotion. Leave it at that, this thread's caused its development enough problems already. Trust me, this won't be the end though, if noone makes the mod I will.
  7. I've had enough of these arguments, I ask that an admin close this thread ASAP.
  8. No one is preventing you from expressing your beliefs. I think they're disgusting and completely illogical, but I would never keep you from expressing them - nor will I refrain from expressing mine. ...I don't really think "ignorant" is as much an insult as it is a statement of fact, given that you're so wrapped up in your little straight bubble that you didn't know what "homophobe" ment. It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.
  9. Maybe you need to step outside and watch tv. I have NEVER heard or seen a straight-pride parade. And I've lived in Brazil, which is one of the most heterosexual countries I've ever seen, that's saying something (don't believe me? Look at carnaval).
  10. What? You're trying to get rid of the same sex marriage option thus the title "Remove same sex marriage?", you're not trying to get rid of the things related to homophobic stuff, you're trying to get rid of things related to homosexuality. And you're trying to defend yourself with saying that? :facepalm: This "can someone make a mod where it deactivates any kind of -homosexual- dialogue/affection" or this "Tired of walking up to a -same-sex- npc" The fact that you're bothered by(only) the same-sex NPC hitting on you while wearing the amulet is kind of homophobic, if you had a topic mentioning "Remove all the flirty stuff -amulet of mara-" I would immediately think "Oh god, yeah he's got a point, I hate it when an NPC(either male or female) gets all flirty n' s*** when I just want to hear a rumor or buy something :confused: " I'm not bothered by the homosexual community, I was born into the 21st century ya know?; Where black and white people can be friends, where women can have the same jobs as men and homosexuals aren't strange :armscrossed: "And damn, never knew so many gay-rights supporters played skyrim" - What does that have to do with anything anyway? Damn, never knew so many ignorant people played Skyrim. I've rambled on long enough I guess, I'm not going to make it and I doubt that anyone else would.. you could always just ehhh.. throw away the damn amulet :pinch: No no, you got it all wrong, it was my mere misunderstanding of the word homophobe (which I now know actually means: "fear of homosexuals"). And no, I'm not trying to defend myself with that, just thought I'd point out my own observations. And I realize this is the 21st century, and it's f***ed... Maybe you think homosexual marriage is perfectly normal, I for one, do not, and since I'm an American I have all the right to express my own beliefs (It's called free-speech). And about my comment on "gay-rights supporters", disregard it, again, I thought that the word "homophobe" was another way to call me gay, which really didn't make sense (god damn my terrible logic); to make mistakes is only human, no? Oh and calling me ignorant really just makes you seem ignorant for insulting me dude. And for the love of God people, I get it, I'll just take off the damn amulet, I don't need 30 people to tell me that over and over. But still, if a mod came out to remove homosexual elements in Skyrim, I'd still endorse it. Oh and paradoxicalreaction made a real good point about gays rubbing their views in people's faces, I mean if they can, we can, but we don't, we don't have straight-pride parades, but we should still have the right to express our beliefs anywhere, mods included.
  11. haha totally knew I'd get flamed. How am I getting called a homophobe if I'm trying to get rid of things related to them? And damn, never knew so many gay-rights supporters played skyrim
  12. Tired of walking up to a same-sex npc while wearing an amulet of mara and seeing that option: "interested in me, are you?" and listening to their "is that an amulet of mara, bla bla bla?". So like, can someone make a mod where it deactivates any kind of homosexual dialogue/affection npcs' may show you? -I had a picture but then i took an arrow in the knee and lost it
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