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  1. Design a custom Package that tell's them to only sandbox in a given area? I haven't done this myself so I don't know really. But from what I can tell about creating sandboxing packages that would be my first approach.
  2. I believe (last time I looked) the CK doesn't actually update correctly but it should work in game if you save and check it. That's all I remember about it, sorry I can't be more help.
  3. -Select the thing your editing in the 'Face Tinting Layers' list. -Move the slider in 'Face Tinting Color' to 1 (it should be marked 'Face Tinting OPACITY' in my opinion) -If it's something that can be colored you can use the Red Green Blue boxes to change the color (or Select Color for the palette).
  4. Yes it's possible. Copy the path of an existing one you want to use. Paste the path into the file browse box (making sure you're in the correct place in the folder structure). Although it's not on your hard drive to select you can just paste the path and it should show you the model if you got it right when you click ok.
  5. Found documentation on CF() CallFunction() http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=CallFunction **EDIT** Here's CGF() CallGlobalFunction() http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=CallGlobalFunction Oh wow found this also. This may be super handy. CQF() CallQuestFunction() http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=CallQuestFunction
  6. Your image shows a line OnDeathSpell.Cast(Self,Self). Do you have a property for OnDeathSpell() set up correctly on the script? Is the OnDeathSpell() record set up correctly and you've verified the spell works? Does the OnDeathSpell() only work on a living actor? Even though you're capturing OnDying(), might they have died before the execution of the spell completed? What does OnDeathSpell() do? Perhaps that is code better moved right into the OnDying() event? I'm not 100% on how spawning from a leveled list works, but I think using the LeveledListTemplate is fine. You have the script attached to the base record, every Actor that spawns from that record should have that script.
  7. Just thought of a possible helpful change: SetRace() will reset the actor to their base race. Scriptname FixScale extends ObjectReference Const {Repair scaled actor} Event OnInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Self,"OnExitFurniture") EndEvent Event OnExitFurniture(ObjectReference akActionRef) akActionRef.WaitFor3DLoad() (akActionRef as Actor).SetRace() akActionRef.SetScale(1) EndEvent
  8. Oh and to the point. Unlimited Companion Framework (which is a fantastic mod from what I hear), is almost certainly the source of your problems. I would try to 'dismiss' them or get them to not follow through the mods functions if at all possible. There is one other thing you can try. It is quite drastic and I'd consider it a last resort. PRID or Click the Actor to select cf "Actor.Reset" OR to teleport the actor to you the player cf "Actor.Reset" Player I haven't tested those through the console, it may throw an error about "multiple scripts with the same function" or "No script found with that function" etc. You can also try cf "Reset" in that case. There is a way to do it, but you have to have the syntax just right. Chime back in here if that doesn't work and we can probably get a reset figured out. Some notes from the CK about Reset():
  9. Shouldn't need any properties with the code I posted. I personally never use Debug statements. Debug code does not run on console at all, and has to have a special build. Or so I understand, as I say, never used Debug once. I like to craft my own message box if I need a feedback mechanism while testing. The more I think about this the more I'm starting to realize something that may be an issue. Furniture uses the 'Scale Actor to 1' keyword to force characters into 1.0 adult scale so that their animations line up with the furniture. Basically I'm starting to think Scale 1 to a Furniture item is different to an Actor's Base Record Scale 1. Furniture considers scale 1 to be Adult Human Standard Height (1). The Actor's record considers scale "The percent of my Race's full height". So your child runs around with 1 scale in relation to a child (all is well). Gets into furniture and gets set to 1 scale Adult height. The furniture's 'automatic reset of scale' puts them at 1 Adult Height when they exit (oops now the game's data for that actor thinks they are a 1 scale Adult). All just guess work, but back to the problem. Perhaps the SetScale(1) works just fine, but because the actor is 'in' the furniture 1 in this context is 1 Adult Scale. So how about you move the code execution to when they exit the furniture? Like so: Scriptname FixScale extends ObjectReference Const {Repair scaled actor} Event OnInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Self,"OnExitFurniture") EndEvent Event OnExitFurniture(ObjectReference akActionRef) akActionRef.WaitFor3DLoad() akActionRef.SetScale(1) EndEvent
  10. cf is CallFunction cgf is CallGlobalFunction They allow you to run functions defined in scripts from the console. I have no idea where or if they are documented and I can't remember where I got the info. You can use them to call functions from the CK documentation too, if you address it all correctly and have the correct objects selected.
  11. Scriptname FixScale extends ObjectReference Const {Repair scaled actor} Event OnInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Self,"OnActivate") EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) akActionRef.SetScale(1) EndEvent Something like this placed on your furniture item?
  12. You need to register the script to receive the event. Add this code to your script. Event OnInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Self,"OnDying")EndEvent This belongs on an Actor record, where in that context 'Self' will count as the Actor. *EDIT* oops changed that to OnDying()
  13. Interesting, thanks for the research insights there. My current guess would be, they use the keyword to restrict synths from sandboxing on furniture that a synth would 'have no interest in' like sitting at a table and drinking or eating. As you note, they CAN animate that way, but perhaps devs didn't want them eating or working a scrap bench etc.
  14. My guess would be, they use that keyword to mark only furniture that the synth race has animations for. You may assign the keyword to something, but if the synth doesn't have animations for that item it can't do anything (but fall back to sandboxing behavior). There are likely things hard coded about synths, and/or particular to synths. You should make your 'synth' a Human race, and give it a skin to look like a synth. Use a copied settler and keep everything the way it is. This way you have all the animations that humans can do, and normal 'settler' behavior, it just looks like a synth (you can assign a synth voice type too).
  15. If you're just using it for yourself, I'd go with copying those items to your .esp. No scripting required. You might be able to make it as simple as copying the Armor Add-On and Armor records. They will likely still point to loose files in the other mod's folder, but should still work. Since you aren't redistributing this mod you don't have to worry about loose files in odd places. To be sure you're thorough, right click on a record (in the original .esp) and choose 'Use Info' to help you make sure you've copied everything you need. *EDIT* you may see NPC_ records in 'Use Info', for characters that are 'wearing' an armor, which you don't want to copy. I mentioned this really as a way to help you learn to 'reverse engineer' whats going on with the records, just an interesting thing to poke around in. Does that make sense enough to get you started? To answer your question, yes you would write and place that script on the NPC_ record. So that the script would only apply to actors that use the given form as their base.
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