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About Ragetist

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  1. I wonder if UE4 is a step into a better direction? I would like to learn it but if it's bad for my mental well-being I think I'll steer clear xD
  2. Nice! I bet you could get away with that static tail in most animations, atleast with the idle animations etc. Or atleast leave them for later so you don't burn your enthusiasm making same thing 100+ times :D OH! You mean you'd remove the tail and add it as a separate piece? That could actually work really well. I'm just thinking that the ranger needs a new speciality now, I sure as hell wouldn't try to shank a killing machine/sack of acid :D
  3. Awww yeah! Even with the sticking tail it looks great :D
  4. Gloss effects can be made by making a black and white texture, white is glossy and black is matte. Then you add a gloss shader for the model and use that pic as a map for it. How this is done in Unreal I don't know, or if it is possible to import that effect straight from a 3d model. I think most engines just accept the basic texture / bumpmap and add the rest in engine.
  5. The model itself looks beautiful, the size is close to perfect. Only problem is that it's kinda pale, you might want to leave it in a solarium for a while. Or maybe this guy is the offspring of a facehugger impregnating Conan O'Brien?
  6. Lol, make him look like a happy spaniel :D My opinion on the tail is that it's should look like it's an entity of it's own, like a snake glued to the xeno's butt. If you think of the tentacles of Doctor Octopus in Spiderman, like an evil "snake brother" behind the xeno's back just waiting to strike. Sadly this is not the case in most places, if you look at alien: isolation the tail is often like a cross between a rhythmic gymnast's ribbon and soggy spaghetti. But if there was a real-life xeno I know it would use the tail for balance when moving.
  7. Looking good! In game lighting that's gonna look really sweet.
  8. I guess it's basic in animating atleast, but there's alot of tricks and stuff that you can't possibly know about before you have to deal with that so it's no wonder you didn't know about that. I'm just happy it helped. The xeno looks f-ing AWESOME animated, you really did a good job! There's probably a chance to swap animations later on to switch "call reinforcements" with some simple scream and such, so it's more like a beast-like yell instead of a xeno talking to an invisible radio but that's a matter for a later time :D
  9. Yeah! It's not even that hard, just time consuming if you have a really detailed model with alot of things moving around. The xeno hasn't got ammobelts, backpacks and gazillion different types of clothing and hair so it shouldn't be that hard.
  10. The influence is the weight painted areas, it tells which parts of the model follow which bone and how strongly. Basically it would be possible for you to import a rigged sectoid model into blender, delete everything but the skeleton, import xeno and weight paint it to use the sectoid skeleton. That's one possibility if the skelly-swap doesn't work.
  11. Those boxes in his feet are the bones for foot and toes. It shows the name of the selected bone on the right. I have no experience with UE but my guess is it creates a collision etc. effects for eachbone. DON'T trust me on this one xD
  12. The toes seem to be glued probably because from what I see the feet look like they don't have bones for the toes :smile: The sectoid didn't have animated toes it seems? The xeno doesn't usually walk like a human, it walks like a dog so that it steps on the ball of the foot and the part that is the heel is lifted from the ground. If the sectoid hasn't got it's toes animated he steps on the heel and the bone from the ankle just moves the whole foot. You need a bone for the toes or you're stuck with a very scary ballerina :laugh: Edit: You need an extra bone for toes or an extra knee, but if you want to use sectoid anims you could try just moving the bone from knee -> heel to be from knee -> ball of the foot. Then set the bone, that for a sectoid would be the foot, to be from ball of the foot to the tip of the toes. If the animations seem good that would be a quick and dirty fix for the problem. Edit2: A pic to explain what I'm blabbering about https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gk85iulmmy4wwp/xeno_foot_fix.png?dl=0
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