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Posts posted by Deliphin11

  1. ADS.esp..comes from >> smooth blade draw and sheath think its from the optional..


    Download TES5Edit....install and run, click OK, keeping what was pre-selected.


    it finishes without Error,,,you are not missing a master.


    It stops and says.."Editing Disabled" the ERROR will be listed in the right pane. This is a missing Master.


    EDIT:..The "Meshes" folder and all the .tri files are normal, can be deleted..it comes from "Race Menu" . And no matter how many times you delete...they reappear, every time you run the game...Lol.

    Dont recognize the other files...

    Thanks :D it actually was because i removed that mod. That's annoying. I'll have to make a new reproccer patch, cause I've got a superior sound mod for sheathing and stuff now.

  2. I just tested removing all the new mods. still crash.

    I feel I should add I use HiAlgoBoost, since my GPU is kinda s#*! for skyrim. That's had issues with me before, and I'll be testing without it soon, but for some reason it doesn't feel like thats it.

  3. My game is crashing on loadup. Black screen, then desktop.

    I use Mod Organizer for mod management.


    Mod manager has one plugin with an issue, the ReProccer.esp for skyre, it's missing an ADS.esp, I dunno what mod that is from. I don't remember uninstalling any recently.


    I did recently install the following: BorderSense*, Death Souls (not activated, for use on a different profile), Alternate Actors (also not activated), Apocalypse, Bigger Trees*, Dead Body Collision Fix*, No Spinning Death Animation, Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem*, Armored Sprint*, Better MessageBox Controls**, Dragon Soul Relinquishment, Brighter Torches with Bigger Radius (i forgot to enable this one in the first place, so it can't be it), Auto UnEquip Ammo*.


    Colour variances made to make it easier to read and skim over.

    *I attempted to run with this disabled. It changed nothing.

    **I had this mod on an old install of skyrim and just got it again on my new install. Previous install had it working as far as I remember.

    I know its a lot of new mods, but I've had the game less than like a month or two, and my mod could still is below 200. MO says my lowest priority item is 176, so my mod count is that plus my dlc's. I did not install the high res pack since I doubt my current GPU can handle it.


    I also have some files in my Overwrite for some reason.







    --cache (these have been here for ages.)










    --previously contained Catagorized Favorites Menu stuff, which I removed a while ago.



    plugin list, in order of mod index:





    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp (how an esp is before an esm I don't know)

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp


    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp




    Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm

    SPIKE.esm (dunno what mod this is from)


    Climates of Tamriel.esm


    3DNPC.esp (Interesting NPCs.)


    Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp

    Agent of Hermaeus Mora.esp


    AK- Clothe Dead NPCS.esp

    Axe and Pickaxe weight.esp



    Better Followers - BP.esp

    Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp




    Clanking Armor.esp

    Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp


    ColorfulLightsNoShadows - Merged DLCs.esp



    Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp

    dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp



    Dr_Bandolier-non optional.esp







    Extended UI.esp

    Falskaar Undeath Deadly Dragons SkyRe Patch.esp

    FOL Anduniel.esp

    FSS-No pause between lines.esp




    Higher Bounties Hold Specific.esp


    iActivate - USKP.esp


    IceBreaker's Improved Reverb v0.025.esp


    Immersive Detect Life Spell.esp

    Immersive Patrols II.esp

    Inconsequential NPCs.esp






    No More Glowing Edges.esp



    NorthGirl_SkyRe Patch.esp


    Oblivious Horses (DG Ready).esp

    Point The Way.esp

    Post Reproccer Fixes IA7 Patch.esp (note, due to me having wet and cold, for compatibility I use Immersive Armors v6. Though I've had this esp enabled for like, forever.)

    Pre ReProccer WAFR IA7 Patch.esp


    Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp




    Rebalanced Potion Weight.esp

    Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version.esp

    Reproccer.esp (complaining about missing ADS.esp master)






    SkyRe esps, in order:











    SoS - The Dungeons.esp

    SoS - The Wilds.esp (I don't like the civilization module.)

    The Void Walker.esp (been meaning to remove for a while, imo its kinda cheaty and boring.)



    UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp

    UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp

    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp



    vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp (sounds familiar, cannot remember what it does or what its from.)

    Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp

    Weapons & Armor_DragonPriestMasks.esp

    Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp

    Weightless Soulgems gand Fragments.esp

    WetandCold - Ashes.esp



    [disabled] YOT - Frostfall Module.esp

    YOT - Your Own Thoughts.esp


    Windstad Mine.esp



    Stronger Daedric Artifacts.esp


    Skyrim Bridges.esp





    Helgen Reborn.esp




    Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp

    Supreme Fog - CoT.esp


    Footprints - Ash.esp



    Book Covers Skyrim.esp

    Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp

    Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp (man f*** this makes dragon fights hard.)

    dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp


    Rebirth MOnster.esp

    Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp

    ISCompendium SkyRe Patch.esp




  4. You guys need to clean up your rules, its a mess and takes forever to find if a specific thing is against (in my instance, bumping). Another thing is there should be an exclusion to that bumping rule in support, how are people supposed to get help if their topic is thrown to page 5 and they can't get anyone to see it because they can't bump or make a new topic, or even add info because they gave it all?


    Anyway, some more info to help so I don't get banned:


    Installation of Skyrim is about 2 days old, i did just buy the game. (though had a lot of research in mods, thats why i have over 80 mods already. I play bethesda games for the mods. Skyrim is the first I'm actually enjoying the vanilla storyline.)

    more mods that could be related but I doubt it:

    XP32 maximum skeleton.



    SkyRe Reproccer has been used multiple times.

    Mod Organizer (I have used the built in version of LOOT)

  5. I made a new save and went into third person while encumbered, then tried to go back to first, and it wouldnt let me return, either by zooming or the F key.


    I had just cleared bleak falls barrow, and was heading to white run.


    All DLCs installed. None started.


    I have no mods that should affect camera, though ill list the most major mods:

    Frostfall, (I'm almost completely drenched, but a little warm.)

    Realistic Needs and Diseases (I'm on 3rd or 4th stage of ataxia also.)

    SkyRE (All Modules)


    Dual Sheath Redux (Which isnt working, probably unrelated, I'll fix it later. I think im just missing a requirement.)

    Skyrim Project Optimization

    Skyrim Performance Plus

    Bethesda Performance Textures - Animals and Creatures (yeah my comp isnt the best.)




    Radeon HD5450, if that matters.

  6. I saw this mod a long time ago and cant find it.


    it was an armor mod.


    The armor was primarily steel, and on the body was like half cicle plate that covered half the face.

    Despite being steel, i think it was for mages, i could be wrong on that though, i saw it almost a year ago.


    I have already tried a bunch of different searches and couldn't find it.


    Sorry if this is the wrong section, i'm hardly a regular here and this seemed the most fitting spot.

  7. I can save all I want, I can go anywhere, but if I load a save, the game just closes itself. I don't even get a not responding, it just shuts down. This is a moderately new problem.

    Using NMM.


    Mod List: (I know, some are outdated, kinda lazy to update. Plus, I don't want to screw more up with updates.)



    Elysium Estate 2.2

    Puppeteer Master 1.6

    Armor of Intrigue 1.0

    Daedric Reaver Armor 1.1

    Hunting Grounds Outfit 2.0

    Nightmare Armor 1.0

    Bard Flute Music - Touhou 1.0

    Sounds of Skyrim:

    Civilization 1.02

    Dungeons 1.23

    Wilds 1.13

    Double Cursor Fix 1.2

    Cloaks of Skyrim (+Dawnguard) 1.2

    Winter is Coming (+Med Textures) 2.3

    Locational Damage 2.2

    Atari Husky 1.31

    Aranya 1.1 (NOTE: I have used NPCEditor to modify the face, name and actions of this companion, though, my modifcations took place ages before this issue began.)

    Followers can Relax (+Serana patch) 6.35

    Spouses live Everywhere 0.9.1 (Don't even know why I got this mod.)

    Ultimate Follower Overhaul 1.2i

    Lost Wonders of Mzark (+Patch) 1.01

    High Quality 3D Map 2.0

    Achieve That! 1.1.4

    Alternate Start 2.3a

    AutoSave Manager 1.21 (This mod's been on a while, before issue began, though when my game was fine, I had the special autosaves (which I can't remember the correct name of) off, where now it's on. Albeit unlikely the cause, after posting, I'll try a save with it off again.)

    Essential Horses 3

    Skyrim -Community- Uncapper

    Apachii Sky Hair 1.5.Full

    Beards (Normal Res.) 2.0

    Eyes of Beauty:

    PLAYER Unleashed 8.2

    Dawnguard Update 7.1

    NPC Eyes texture replacer 6.1

    Dangerous Wolves 1.2

    Frostfall 2.4a

    No More Glowing Edges 2

    Player Headtracking 3.3

    Point the Way 1.0.1a

    Survive the Night 1.01

    Wet and Cold 1.20

    Grass on Steroids 2.0a

    Enchanting Feredom 1.3 (Doesn't seem to be working.)

    NPC Bartering 0.4

    Gold Coin Smithing and Smelting 2.0

    Unique Region Names (Dawnguard Ver.) 5

    Better Sorting 2.06

    Brawl Bugs Patch 1.0

    STATUS 1.95

    aMidianborn Fur Armor 1

    Better Females:

    Less Make-up Ver. 1.1

    New Normalmaps 1.0

    Dimon's UNP 1.2

    Osare Diorama 1.2

    Consistent Older People 1.5

    Skill Book Overhaul 1.1

    Sharlikran's Compat. Patch (JaySuS Swords) 0.02.2

    Unofficial Patches:

    Dawnguard 1.2.2

    Dragonborn 1.0.3b

    Hearthfire 1.1.0

    Skyrim 1.3.2c

    Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix 2.0

    Obscuuri Race 0.98

    Binocular Vision for NPCs 1dot3

    Quality World Map 8.0

    Catagorized Favorites Menu 0.1.18

    Less Intrusive HUD II 1.1

    Simple Lockpicking - Normal 1.20

    SkyUI 3.4

    Skyrim NPC Editor 0.75.1

    Roadsigns Redone 1.1

    Diamond Weapon Smithing 3.2

    Dwarven Sniper:

    Black 1.3.c

    Golden 1.3.a

    Silver 1.3.b

    Jaysus Swords 13C

    Jaysus Swords 13C to 13D Update 13D

    Nordic Sight-Bow 1.0

    SAO - Elucidator 1.5

    Realistic Transparent Glass Armors and Weapons:

    Optional Hair Black 1.2

    No water invis patch 2.0

    UNP Nude 2.0




    Load Order:



    Skyrim.esm 00 1

    Update.esm 01 2

    Dawnguard.esm 02 3

    HearthFires.esm 03 4

    Dragonborn.esm 04 5

    RaceCompatibility.esm 05 6

    JSwords.esm 06 7

    ApachiiHair.esm 07 8

    Brawl Bugs CE.esp 08 9

    SkyUI.esp 09 10

    Chesko_Frostfall.esp 0A 11

    Locational Damage.esp 0B 12

    Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 0C 13

    MzarkWonders.esp 0D 14

    Headtracking.esp 0E 15

    Beards.esp 0F 16

    TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 10 17

    SoS - The Dungeons.esp 11 18

    SoS - The Wilds.esp 12 19

    SoS - Civilization.esp 13 20

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp 14 21

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp 15 22

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Food (Light Weight).esp 16 23

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp 17 24

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp 18 25

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Light Weight).esp 19 26

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp 1A 27

    HeadBomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp 1B 28

    NPC Bartering.esp 1C 29

    No More Glowing Edges.esp 1D 30

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 1E 31

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp 1F 32

    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp 20 33

    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp 21 34

    FollowerWander2.esp 22 35

    FollowerWander2Serana.esp 23 36

    ElysiumEstate.esp 24 37

    Pupetteer Master.esp 25 38

    Spousetocustomhome.esp 26 39

    AchieveThat.esp 27 40

    Essential Shadowmere.esp 28 41

    Essential Riften horses 29 42

    Essential Solitude horses 2A 43

    Essential Windhelm horses.esp 2B 44

    Essential Whiterun hroses.esp 2C 45

    Essential Frost.esp 2D 46

    Essential horses - all horses.esp 2E 47

    Essential Markarth horses.esp 2F 48

    Essential Karinda.esp 30 49

    Point The Way.esp 31 50

    Unique Region Names.esp 32 51

    SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp 33 52

    Skippy's Book Overhaul.esp 34 53

    Dangerous Wolves.esp 35 54

    vAutosaveManager.esp 36 55

    LessIntrusiveHUD.esp 37 56

    JSwords_Load_Screens.esp 37 56

    JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp 39 58

    Binocular Vision Game Setting 150.esp 3A 59

    XRCO.esp 3B 60

    Osare Diorama.esp 3C 61

    Atari.esp 3D 62

    Enchanting Freedom.esp 3E 63

    1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp 3F 64

    1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-NoGuards.esp 40 65

    WetAndCold.esp 41 66

    Babette.esp 42 67 (From the info NMM gave me, this is part of SkyrimNPCEditor. Can anyone tell me why it's here so I know if I can leave it or not?)

    GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEdition_Vanilla.esp 43 68

    DwSniBLACK.esp 44 69

    DwSniGold 45 70

    DwSniSilver 46 71

    DiamondWeaponsN.esp 47 72

    SniSiNordic.esp 48 73

    Aranya.esp 49 74 (As stated above, this file is modified with the SkyrimNPCEditor by me.)

    ArmorOfIntrigue.esp 4A 75

    Hentai NightmareArmor.esp 4B 76

    Cloaks.esp 4C 77

    Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 4D 78

    NS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.esp 4E 79

    Elucidator.esp 4F 80

    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 50 81

    manny_Status.esp 51 82

    Survive the Night.esp 52 83

    manny_Status.esp 51 82

    Survive the Night.esp 52 83

    Gold Coin Crafting.esp 53 84



  8. Before I say anything, I tried the skyrim nexus for around 15 minutes trying to find this, cause basic logic told me this kind of thing had to exist.


    Basically, I want a mod that just starts you outside the end of the tutorial section, outside that cave after helgen. Then the game gives you two choices, stormcloak or imperial, basically they emulate you taking the path of one or the other, then you get the racemenu. When done, you do whatever you want, the game thinks you just completed helgen.


    The reason I want this above savegames, is because I want to actually make my character, and savegames are more annoying to manage, essentially.

  9. For the past week or so, I've been annoyed by having to search through my long list of mods, just to find that one mod that I uninstalled just five minutes ago, so I can uninstall it, because A: I turned out to actually hate it B: it's causing an incompatibility or C: it's glitching. I would like some better way of organizing our mods. I wanted to put my house mods at the top, weapon mods next, then companion, etc. All clumped together, not one house mod, then an armor mod, then another house mod, then a companion, you get it. I tried clicking and dragging, that didn't work, I cant move the mods, if we at least had that, I wouldn't have to complain about this. I realized we could rename them, but I don't want to have "A" or "X" at the start of all my mods. I'll have to do this if we never get a true organization, but we really do need more tools for organization.

    Extra Note: If this actually is possible in NMM and I haven't done that one specific thing you know that I don't, tell me.


    Game: Fallout: New Vegas (I know, you're all going to complain I should be using FOMM, but I installed NMM a long time ago to try it out, never thought about the organization til I reached my 20th mod, and by then most of the mods I got were so huge that it could take practically all day to uninstall and reinstall all those mods, and now I have even more!)


    NMM Version: 0.19.0 (I know, there's an update, but so far I haven't seen any difference between versions, I've updated it about 2-3 times before.)

  10. A mod that lets you surpass the basic max 10 special points. I need this because I have all max (cheat terminal mod) and I just did a DLC that gives me a free special point at the end (I don't like anyone nuked), I thought it'd be fine when it told me about this, (I have a mod that lets me go over 100 max skill points, thought it did SPECIAL too.) then I saw the Done button wasn't clickable. I tried hacking my save to remove 1 point, didn't work. If a mod that does this isn't made yet, someone make it please.
  11. I have the same problem. I had Jericho follow me to the spot, then while inside, I ask to buy her, he says no, then I remember I can only have one at a time, so I tell Jericho he's fired, but I still can't buy her. I have the Barter skill, I have a mod (Followers Hired Continued No checks, or something like that) and it worked for Jericho, but not Clover. D:
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