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Posts posted by conner1030

  1. Hair 7, the high ponytail with no bangs, has weird shadows going on. I look at other people's hair in their game and see that they do not have it. I have my game settings on Ultra so I do not get what they have that I do not. I have tried hair re textures but it is a till there. The hair just looks choppy. Any ideas? Please someone tell me what to do.

  2. I want a decent dress mod for halamshiral also when npcs walk in dresses they look fab bout i downloaded sk mesh edit and my inquisitor looks odd running. And morrigan is over here looking good and my character looks good while not running . someone please make this mod.

  3. This page is for anyone who has a good armor request.Maybe a person who makes armor will look on here.*< My Request : Alextrasza Armor There has been a follower mod out that is off World of Warcraft and the person needs to release an armor he made it on a follower so he could make it for us except retexture it and add horns.Thanks comment down below a armor you wanna see in skyrim.


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