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Posts posted by Xtcent

  1. Frank, I'm not personally attacking you. I'm rebuffing your hostile and unsavory attitude, which you're demonstrating even now. And it's not my fault that you're doing a far better job of proving the OP's point than he ever could.


    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go test some mods and prepare some feedback for authors who won't fly off the handle and bite my head off when I make suggestions or point out bugs.


    Provided that's ok with you, of course.


    Again, I feel like you're doing more to reinforce the OP's point than you realize.


    There is no valid defense for being rude to mod users. None. Yet here you are, trying to defend it, presumably because you know it applies to you. Consider that, if only for a moment.


    That said, there is no valid defense for being rude to mod authors, either. And before I forget that (and I am very much about to), I withdraw.

    Nexus isn't your safe space. So please f*#@ off. I think you should get out of your parents basement and try getting a job in IT costumer service. You will realize just how much of an entitled little twat the average user really is. Also i've never seen any mod author actually being rude. Do mod authors,when asked about a problem, reply with lines like "lol good luck fixing that f@&#!t"? How are they being rude?

  2. Gotta love how op is butthurt, because the mod authors didn't kiss his ass.

    Also there is nothing "unethical" about this, nobody has to help you with anything, go figure it out on your own.

    I bet OP is one of those people who cried when Hillary lost. LOL

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