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About JungleJesus

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  1. Just out of curiosity, when are the so called "professional" developers at Bethesda planning to fix these awful patches?
  2. I only had one of the three crafting mods - Valdosa's smelting mod - and I disabled it and was able to play once. Then the hangup occurred again. It's like the game is evolving...Yes, that's it. We stood in line at the midnight release for a game that gets progressively more evil as time goes by.
  3. PS. I'm also running Windows 7 64-bit, if that helps any. I also have the Val Crafting Meltdown mod, but it's so small and specific that I doubt it would affect anything.
  4. Yeah, I have the same problem. I don't exactly know how to fix it/whats wrong. It seems that no one else is talking about it... I've had this issue, too. I backed up my saves and deleted the .ini's mentioned above, but I still can't get that menu. The worst part is that I wasn't able to authorize the update. "Big Brother" Steam decided I needed it without my permission, and now I can't play my damn game!
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