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About AgentClaymore

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  1. I have been thinking about a mod that shares a lot of the same concepts you listed above. I would be interested in talking with you further about this, now do you have any modding background or is this just a concept you are throwing out to the world?
  2. was afraid of that, i found a decent set of eyes i can deal with for now under goblin eyes begone. but thanks for the response
  3. Hey Guys and Girls, Ive been pokin around for awhile now and i havnt seem to come across a mod that will remove the racial eye lock. Ive found one for oblivion but none for skyrim yet, has anyone run across it yet or know any helpful info at all? sorry if this has been talked about other places, like i said i didnt find much in the big ol' interwebz. ~AgentClaymore
  4. Alright so this is really weird, basically i started a new game and the first time i went into dragonreach to talk to the big boss man they all started attacking me......wtf? i havnt caused any trouble (yet ^.^) no bounty, no murder or theft. any suggestions or ideas?
  5. hey man id love to be apart of the team, send me a message if you need some help :whistling:
  6. Alright guys so im hoping there is someone on this late that might have some suggestions for me. I am trying to create a new staff and import it into skyrim. i have the model and texture and they look great in nifskope. I have followed these two guides to the letter trying to import my staff. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/469935-modding-skyrim-with-tessnip-and-nifskope http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1744 The best i have been able to get so far is the name and enchantment of the staff in game, i am able to equip the "staff" and it looks like im using a spell and there is no staff to be found. also the description of the enchantment is just a few random ass symbols. I also tried duplicating "STAT" entry and changing the "MODL" to the weapon model path. Then, change the "WNAM" field in the actual weapon to point to the formID of the STAT Im running out of ideas. help a brother out? :facepalm:
  7. @fatalillusion hmmm interesting ideas. guess i never thought of it as a guide, more a helpful observation i figured out but i guess ill do that. Wouldnt hurt ^.^
  8. @Davinajo yup i have updated my op to my current setup. re-read ^.^
  9. Alright so im trying to create a completely new weapon and put it into the game. i have the mesh and added the texture in nifskope. ive taken my model into skyedit and created the esp. put the esp in my data folder, the mesh in the mesh folder and texture in texture folder. When i launch the game it shows in data files and i tell it to load loose files but i cant seem to get it in my hands, ive tried finding it in the console. nothing. in skyedit i cant seem to give it a custom ref id so i cant add item it. so i think im doing something wrong but there is almost no information/guides about adding new weapons to the game. any ideas? Also ive found a lot of good guides for retexturing items but i have not found anything really in-depth about adding new items into the game, any good places i could check out? ~Agent Claymore~
  10. givin this thread its only bump then letting it die assuming every1 has no interest. that is all. may the nyan be with you
  11. Before i begin id like to start off saying that i do not guarantee this will work for everyone and i am not responsible for any damage that may happen because of this (probably none though) I have had nothing to do with any of the following mods, i am just a fellow nexus member that found something pretty awesome. As with any editing or the game BACK UP YOUR SAVES. Now one last thing to mention, BEFORE you do any of what i have stated below make sure you make a real save of you game (not a quick save). Alright guys so before i start these are the mods and their links that i am talking about (for the few people that have no idea what they are) ENB9 (AMAZING!) http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2531 (this is the link to just the enb9 mod, a few injector and various mods have integrated this mod.) SBW http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4 (download the main file and the bat optional file) SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/ SD http://alexander.sannybuilder.com/?category=other&altname=skyrim_script_dragon TESVSGM http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15 So If this is a redundant post i do apologize but i don’t believe i saw this posted anywhere else so i figured id post it here in-case it could help anyone else. So long story short i was wanting to be able to get the ability to swap different characters/saved games, use script dragon as well as SKSE, SBW and be able to get the performance boost that ENB9 so amazingly gives. The issue is that TESVSGM, and SBW all have their own separate .exe's to launch skyrim. So first make sure you have all these mods/programs downloaded correctly and make sure they are ALL in your skyrim common file (the one with TESV.exe). Now that all that boring downloading is done we can get into the good stuff: 1) Move and over right the SBW_Custom.bat into your skyrim common file. 2) Right click->edit and add "Launcher=SkyrimLauncher.exe" (without the quotations of course) right after your height value. the second line should look like this "start SBW.exe x=0 y=0 width=1920 height=1080 Launcher=SkyrimLauncher.exe" (your w/h values will be different depending on your screen resolution. Now go ahead and close this file, we are done with it for now. 3) Open up your "enbpatch" file and change it to best suit your system, i have attach a .txt doc with my enbpatch details to this thread because it is a bit long. Feel free to just use my file(copy paste it to your enbpatch) but keep two things in mind. First, under the [multihead] i am forcing mine to my primary monitor (multiple monitors ftw) if you have only one monitor then set the "forcevideoadapterindex" to false. Second, At the very bottom make sure you enter your own GPU (graphics card). Go ahead and close this, we are done with it. the way mine is currently setup i am getting very good fps and no CTD/Lag/Freezing ^.^ 4) Open up your TESVSGM client go to advanced->Change play-button link. Direct this to SkyrimLauncher.exe (which should be in you skyrim common file.) 5) While you are in TESVSM go ahead and go to Savegames-> Scan for new profiles. (this will find and import your save games into the client for easy of use later) 6) Copy paste TESVSGM to your desktop (or wherever would be the most convenient for you) 7) Enjoy! From now on just launch the new shortcut you made to play skyrim. If all worked correctly for you then it will launch the game manager, just select your character(if not already selected) hit play and it will launch skyrim. What it is doing though is launching Skyrim, SBW, SKSE and SD all at the same time. ~AgentClaymore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are having problems first make sure all your files are up-to-date and working properly. If after that you still have problems then post a comment and either i or the nice people of nexus can try to help you out. ( I am by no means an expert, i just thought id share something cool) If script dragon/SKSE does not launch (i had no issues with it) i did find a link that may help you out http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/500828-4gb-and-skse (scroll down a bit to airtaz's comment)
  12. destruction is not under powered at higher lvls r u kiddin me? even playin on master its a HUUUUUGE i win button. my 1st char was 100 in all the magic schools. idk id like to keep this char as pure as i can (not even doin enchanted armor or wep, usin only fur and medium lvl bows.) but idk i guess my ultimate question is do you guys think usin some illusion would be on a border line "i win" situation? o.0
  13. yup im famlier with it, but last time i felt like magic was very over powered. mainly destruction, but i never did a non combat magic alone, think it is op by itself?
  14. Alright so im working on my 2nd character (pure ranger thief) my first was mostly a mage but i cant decide if i wanna start usin illusion magic, inviz, muffle etc etc. any thoughts? and please vote up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^.^
  15. yup i realized that and attempted to do that but keep gettin CTD unless i use a 4gb launcher. /wrists alright so i figured out the only real mod i need script dragon with is thummic so i guess i cant shout at my computer for awhile. but o well at least im not completely down
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