TL,DR: I think a Vertibird mod screwed up my save file, and now my signal grenades don't work. Can I look for a flag that's set incorrectly? Hi all, I'm having an issue where my Vertibird signal grenades no longer call in a 'bird. They pop, fizzle, and release their pleasing red smoke plume, but no status message saying that a Vertibird is on the way, nor any sign of an aircraft! I originally installed a mod called Durable Vertibirds, then later installed Personal Craftable Vertibirds. I then removed both of these in favour of Vertibird Overhaul, however this was around the time that I embarked on the Far Harbor DLC. As we know, Vertibird signal grenades have no effect on Mount Desert Island, and so I thought nothing of it when the grenades did nothing, but upon returning to the Commonwealth have now realised something's gone very wrong, and it's now way too late to revert to an old save. Speaking of saves, I loaded up an old save file from back before I installed Personal Craftable Vertibirds, and the grandes work fine, without any change in my current mod setup. This leads me to think that either there's some remnant of PCV in my save file, or that mod has set or unset a flag somewhere that is stopping the Vertibirds from being hailed. My load order for completeness: (Vertibird Altitude Fix and Vertibird Beacon were installed after the error presented itself) I had thought to reinstall PCV and see if the problem fixes itself, but unfortunately I deleted my local copies of that mod, and it's now hidden on the Nexus. If anybody has any tips, or can tell me how to see if something's screwed up in my save file, it'd be much appreciated! Thanks!