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  1. Thanks for the reply Kitcat81, I was messing around with the Resurrect function, and was wondering why a character that gets killed for a second time after being resurrected clips through the floor at an awkward angle when in ragdoll, but thanks to your suggestion of using Reset instead, this seems to be fixed. Shame about cycling different appearances and sexes, but there may be a way around that. Sadly I'm not really any closer to having the actor get up from the ragdoll state. I did try setting them to be unconscious after reset, but quickly realised that the SetUnconscious function has nothing to do with ragdolling the actor as I had imagined. Have now tried using PushActorAway to trigger a ragdoll state and a subsequent "get up" routine, but still need to work out how to position the ragdoll in the same position that the dead body was in previously. Simply passing position data to the Actor after ragdolling freezes it in a sort of "flying" position, hovering about a metre above ground! Oh, and thanks for the tip about the reference IDs - managed to transfer control over to the new instance of the Actor using GetFormID and GetForm :smile:
  2. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone can help - I'm trying to put together my first mod, and making some slow but pleasing progress so far :) Have hit a bit of a challenge though: I want to know if it's possible to resurrect a dead actor that's in a ragdoll state, but for them to actually stand up from that ragdoll once revived as though they were simply recovering from a knocked down state (kinda like the "Reanimate" spell from Syrim's CK.) Is this possible, or is *actor*.Resurrect() only able to totally replace the original dead actor with a brand new reference, thus "popping" it into existence in a standing pose? Thanks!
  3. That's what I'm thinking. VO is is quite usable (despite sometimes holding my companions captive, and one time taking off and peppering me with machine gun fire!), I just worry that it might interfere with any future missions that may rely on Vertibirds.
  4. Wondering if anybody has any ideas? I've had it suggested that it may actually be Vertibird Overhaul that's causing the issue, and have tried disabling VO and force stopping the VFT (Vertibird Fast Travel) silent quest, but signal grenades still don't work afterwards.
  5. TL,DR: I think a Vertibird mod screwed up my save file, and now my signal grenades don't work. Can I look for a flag that's set incorrectly? Hi all, I'm having an issue where my Vertibird signal grenades no longer call in a 'bird. They pop, fizzle, and release their pleasing red smoke plume, but no status message saying that a Vertibird is on the way, nor any sign of an aircraft! I originally installed a mod called Durable Vertibirds, then later installed Personal Craftable Vertibirds. I then removed both of these in favour of Vertibird Overhaul, however this was around the time that I embarked on the Far Harbor DLC. As we know, Vertibird signal grenades have no effect on Mount Desert Island, and so I thought nothing of it when the grenades did nothing, but upon returning to the Commonwealth have now realised something's gone very wrong, and it's now way too late to revert to an old save. Speaking of saves, I loaded up an old save file from back before I installed Personal Craftable Vertibirds, and the grandes work fine, without any change in my current mod setup. This leads me to think that either there's some remnant of PCV in my save file, or that mod has set or unset a flag somewhere that is stopping the Vertibirds from being hailed. My load order for completeness: http://pastebin.com/GQe4aFMs (Vertibird Altitude Fix and Vertibird Beacon were installed after the error presented itself) I had thought to reinstall PCV and see if the problem fixes itself, but unfortunately I deleted my local copies of that mod, and it's now hidden on the Nexus. If anybody has any tips, or can tell me how to see if something's screwed up in my save file, it'd be much appreciated! Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the tip - tried loading up an earlier save but I can see the instability creeping back in. Decided to go back to a fresh install of Fallout 4 and reinstall everything. Thought it'd be a good opportunity to migrate back to Mod Organizer as well, seeing as the latest beta is apparently quite stable, plus both MO and NMM are frozen whilst the new mod loader is being worked on. Fingers crossed I get my stable build back!
  7. Hi all, I've been experiencing random CTDs for a couple of weeks now, which generally seemed to be confined to when loading into a new area and taking the first step or two forwards. These were pretty few and far between, maybe once every 2 or 3 play sessions, but the last couple of days they've been happening repeatedly in one particular area, meaning I now can't advance in the game. My load order: Not sure if it helps, but my character's situation is currently (minor Far Harbor spoilers ahead!) I've tried uninstalling a number of mods, including all of those that were installed at the time that the crashes started right up to the most recent, with no joy. For a while now I've had a warning message pop up on loading a save, saying that there is a conflict between Unlimited Companion Framework and another mod, but this used to appear even when the game was stable. I've narrowed this down to a Vertibird overhaul mod which I've now uninstalled. This solves the warning message, but the CTDs persist. Let me know if you need any more information, and thanks in advance for any help you can give!
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