yeah, basicaly that is it. I have adited one body mesh and one armor mesh with an open body part, besicaly the same thing as if I would edit the complite body mesh itself. And after I export it to *.nif the body loses SF_FaseGen shader flag and does not change the color of the body ingame. So I have like very tanned head and hands and a pale torso. How can I add this shader flag? I have read some time ago something about that, that the old blender doesn't accept BSShaderPPLightingProperty properly and there were some explanations, but back than I skiped that topic and now I can't find it. I have tried to partialy import pieces of meshes from one to another with nifskope, but it crashes the game. The funny thing is that the only difference between two meshes before and after blender is the order of nodes, their names (before NitriStrips, after NiTriShapes), and that in the body mesh there are only 4 shader flags instead of 5, with a missing SF_Facegen. And if I am trying to edit it in nifskope, it replaces 4 flags with only 1 and I can't seem to add multiple flags. I use the old blender 2.49 with all the instructions, and usually the game accepts the edited mesh, although not always and I can't figure it out why and why sometimes blender not importing the edited meshes at all, for example if I iported another mesh and then deleted it before exporting. So, can please some one tell, how to add that FS_FaceGen flag propperly, so that the ingame body would change it's color too?