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  1. Thanks, but it's not exactly the thing I need. With P a new object is created with all selected faces, but what I want is to split the bounded edges and vertexes and stay in the same object, you know, like when you unzip a zipper you are not tearing a piece of cloth from your jacket, but simply split the zipper line) that's what I ment. I havent used 2.49 in years but you could try the rip tool maybe. Use it with V see if that's what you want Well, when I select the vertex and press V the error pops up "no proper selection or face included"
  2. Can please tell me how to make that with fo3edit or is it possible at all? is it some how can be edited at biped data? or any other row? I want to make underwear not to conflict with armors, so that I could wear both at the same time. For example like jewelry or backpacks. Those are not native to fo3, yet can be worn with everything else at the same time. And how to add a new biped data class?
  3. Thanks, but it's not exactly the thing I need. With P a new object is created with all selected faces, but what I want is to split the bounded edges and vertexes and stay in the same object, you know, like when you unzip a zipper you are not tearing a piece of cloth from your jacket, but simply split the zipper line) that's what I ment.
  4. can some one plese tell how to cut the mesh of a cloth? I am trying to split/rip the armor down the zipper, however when I select a vertex or edge and use the V button for spliting the blender gives me a n error "no proper selection or face included". When I repit the steps on a new added plane or a qube the ripping works just fine and I am able to make a hole, however doing the same on the armoralong the zipper line gives me an error. How to do it correctly? I have asked that question in the "read first" topic, but no one have responded there, so may be some one can notice it here?
  5. can some one plese tell how to cut the mesh of a cloth? I am trying to split/rip the armor down the zipper, however when I select a vertex or edge and use the V button for spliting the blender gives me a n error "no proper selection or face included". When I repit the steps on a new added plane or a qube the ripping works just fine and I am able to make a hole, however doing the same on the armoralong the zipper line gives me an error. How to do it correctly?
  6. I have this mod, with armored vault suit with no sleeves, but I can't seem to find it in any of my folders, neather in the download history. Also I have not find it on the nexus right now, when I need it, although it was poping up many time, when I did not need it. Can some one tell me please what mod was it??
  7. yeah, basicaly that is it. I have adited one body mesh and one armor mesh with an open body parts, besicaly the same thing as if I would edit the complite body mesh itself. And after I export it to *.nif the body loses SF_FaseGen shader flag and does not change the color of the body ingame. So I have like very tanned head and hands and a pale torso. How can I add this shader flag? I have tried to partialy import pieces of meshes from one to another with nifskope, but it crashes the game. The funny thing is that the only difference between two meshes before and after blender is the order of nodes, their names (before NitriStrips, after NiTriShapes), and that in the body mesh there are only 4 shader flags instead of 5, with a missing SF_Facegen. And if I am trying to edit it in nifskope, it replaces 4 flags with only 1 and I can't seem to add multiple flags. I use the old blender 2.49 with all the instructions, and usually the game accepts the edited mesh, although not always and I can't figure it out why and why sometimes blender not importing the edited meshes at all, for example if I iported another mesh and then deleted it before exporting. So, can please some one tell, how to add that FS_FaceGen flag propperly, so that the ingame body would change it's color too?
  8. yeah, basicaly that is it. I have adited one body mesh and one armor mesh with an open body part, besicaly the same thing as if I would edit the complite body mesh itself. And after I export it to *.nif the body loses SF_FaseGen shader flag and does not change the color of the body ingame. So I have like very tanned head and hands and a pale torso. How can I add this shader flag? I have read some time ago something about that, that the old blender doesn't accept BSShaderPPLightingProperty properly and there were some explanations, but back than I skiped that topic and now I can't find it. I have tried to partialy import pieces of meshes from one to another with nifskope, but it crashes the game. The funny thing is that the only difference between two meshes before and after blender is the order of nodes, their names (before NitriStrips, after NiTriShapes), and that in the body mesh there are only 4 shader flags instead of 5, with a missing SF_Facegen. And if I am trying to edit it in nifskope, it replaces 4 flags with only 1 and I can't seem to add multiple flags. I use the old blender 2.49 with all the instructions, and usually the game accepts the edited mesh, although not always and I can't figure it out why and why sometimes blender not importing the edited meshes at all, for example if I iported another mesh and then deleted it before exporting. So, can please some one tell, how to add that FS_FaceGen flag propperly, so that the ingame body would change it's color too?
  9. Ok, I have finaly fixed the problem. I have reasigned the textures throught the FO3edit and now everything is on it's places.
  10. Yeah, I have edited the nifskope so that all pathes would start with "textures\" and not the full path. Actually now only the radiation suit's glass and stocking with belts on the radiation suit(advanced, environment) are textures are missplaced. all other textures are fine.
  11. yes, I have done it multiple times. still seems no efect.
  12. So I have downloaded the mod T6M Equipment Replacer and wanted to take the radiation suit from it to work in my game. And it is warking almost fine, how ever I have so problems with some of the not native parts of the mesh. In the mesh there is a hat peace, bra, panty and stocking with some misc that don't want to upload the correct textures. I have tried to force-edit the path for those pieces with Nifscope, and they are aplying just fine in it, however in game they act wierd. The hat changes some random textures, the stocking and misc load one strange texture that I can't figure out, and underwear is just white. How can I change it? There is no esp on the mod's page for this. May be I should create an esp just for that? how can I properly do that? Also the common version of radiation suit uses the texture of the suit for the glass instead of a texture of a gless, like other variants of that suit. belt problems http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b436/velariba/antirad_suit_belt_zpsxni6x1kk.jpg stockings http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b436/velariba/antirad_suit_stocking_zpskfo0zd6g.jpg Helmet glass only on the rad_suit, not the advanced or environment suits http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b436/velariba/antirad_suit_gless_zpst8ij5ca4.jpg the enclave scientists have fixed itself somehow http://i1043.photobucket.com/albums/b436/velariba/enclave_sc_suit_fine_zpsfrbuvzjc.jpg
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