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  1. Two final notes:) : First: If it is impossible to make the game clock advance how will passing out function. If it can be done by forcing the character to sleep then in theory clock advancing can be done by simply forcing sleep. Secondly and maybe a future implementation in TRO Basic Needs: There is a correlation between drinking alcohol and becoming dehydrated because of the inhibition of anti-diuretic hormone in the brain. Is there going to be an in game correlation? So if you drink more alcohol your thirst level would actually lower.
  2. Well in the Blackout quest with Sam Guevenne The player is moved from one indoor location to another indoor location so I felt like it seemed feasible. *shrug* **Edited out spoilers. Apologies to anyone this may have affected.
  3. For the pass out stage is it possible to script the character waking up in a completely randomized location? :thumbsup: I think it'd be funny if the pass out stage was equivalent to a blackout stage where the player has no idea where or how they got there... :P Maybe not for the initial release because it might be too difficult to script but maybe one of the following releases?
  4. I completely agree with combat overhaul. I think blows like that should be fatal. But I think the reason why Bethsoft decided to make it so you can get hit so many times is not just to lower the difficulty, but increase the various different playing styles. The way you make it sound sometimes is that the player will almost always need a shield or magic to protect them. People who are quick on their feat could easily dodge some of those blows. Unless you find a way to add a button for dodging I don't think you'll achieve very much realism in your combat overhaul. :confused:
  5. Not quite sure, but there is a mod out with puking already. It's a shout. Take a look. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8915
  6. Definitely a fan of the hunger map that you drew up. I think its a pretty fair draw up. However, I do believe that stage 0 and stage 2 could be merged into stage 1 and just last a little longer (6 hours instead of 4.) I also believe that sleep should not be exclusive to magicka, but to stamina as well. Not sleeping will definitely affect focus, but it will also affect endurance as well. Anyway, here is my two cents on the map you drew up for hunger with some revisions of my own as well as a few suggestions for additions. Hunger: Effects health and stamina. Stage 1: You're not hungry. No adverse effects on stamina, or health. Lasts 0 hour - 6 hour. Stage 2: You are hungry. Minor to Moderate stamina regeneration rate penalty (Perhaps make it an increasing multiplier .9 to .5 * stamina regen as a function of time?) Lasts 6 hour - 24 hour Stage 3: You are starving. Moderate stamina regeneration penalty. Moderate reduction in overall stamina. Minor overall health penalty. (You can't tell me someone who is starving is as healthy as someone who is not.) Lasts 24 hour - 54 hour Stage 4: You are dying! Massive Stamina regeneration penalty. Moderate reduction in overall stamina. Moderate overall health penalty. (Maybe even Moderate to Complete health penalty. Making it multiply by .7 to .0 at the 72nd hour.) Lasts 54 hour - 72 hour I hope you find my criticism worthwhile. I feel like 4 instead of 6 stages would save some time scripting such tiny bonuses / penalties such as stage0 and stage2. I hope you find it worthwhile to include overall health penalties to some of the more dangerous of stages. I'm not sure how scripting works or if linear equations can be incorporated into these states but using multipliers to make regen rates decrease as the person is exposed to a given condition for a longer period of time would be very worthwhile. I think its a good idea to use sleep to affect magicka but I also believe that its important to make use of its role in stamina as well. If someone is without food and sleep for 48 hours you can bet that they will have very little stamina as a result. The two effects from the conditions should be cumulative.
  7. There will be more detailed info later on. Right now I can tell you for sure that Immersive Lighting (darker ambient interiors, dungeons and nights) will be in, as well as Basic Needs. I will probably also include some quick realism fixes, like no health regen, removal of fast travel, compass icons, etc. With the removal of health regen, is it going to be easier to find potions lying around or craft them? I know I always end up running out of health potions even with the health regeneration crutch.
  8. AHHHH TUMMY RUMBLES AND YAWNS! XD I can't wait lololol I'll help you record a stomach sound if you need someone who can make the low guttural sound with their throat : :wink: not sure what sound dry mouth makes though... o_O
  9. I'm really excited for this. I favorited the thread so i can keep up to date with it. I wish you the best of luck manshooter. I really liked the post on pg 51 by aspenshadow and the "energy system" I think that this could be a really good way to incorporate all the core ideas about eating, sleeping, drinking into a single variable, although all of this must be extremely difficult.
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