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Everything posted by richroots

  1. As Ive stated before that seperation of powers is irrelevant when you weigh human psychology against collectives ability to run a society, government or private enterprise. The cupidity of the individual or individuals even seeking to do good will always cease power. You can't legislate away the fundamental issues with collectivism. There's no argument that anyone can provide to counter the mountains of historical evidence against the fundamental failures of collectivism. You can't have a seperation of powers without tyranny present. There's no argument that can prove this historical truth invalid. Communism,Marxism,fascism, and socialism always become corrupted. Pretending otherwise is absurd.
  2. Do Do you think that it can be applied to the western world as a whole safely? I have my doubts. Maybe with education, but a lot of people recoil at the very mention of weapons. One journalist mentions that he got PTSD from just trying a fire arm.
  3. S I posted to refute that misinformation and say the whole process (and thus, the video) was a pointless waste of time and money. So what you're telling me is that you didn't watch the video and debate about the audit okay thank you for your statements. I still don't see any misinformation that you're talking about after actually watching the audit. I disagree entirely and I reject your hypothesis about the OP being misinformation and watched the audit in it's entirety, respectfully. I'd also like to add that misinformation really does not seem to be appropriate when we're talking about evidence provided during the audit.
  4. No one is talking about who won? The debate is about audit and election security. There is no misinformation listed in the post the video is the audit? Did you watch it? Also your posting after reading simply is an opinion piece, and does not include any investigative journalism. Seems suspect. I much rather go with the doctorates in the audit itself. And I still need to fact check the experts in the actual audit, but given the docorates have in the audit have shown EMS logins and data, it brings into question serious security questions about the legitimacy of using machines. Which is what the debate is about. Do you care to watch the video then rephrase it's over 2 hours long?
  5. West Virginia’s Crime Rates Decline After State Adopts Constitutional Carry Law FBI data indicates a steady decline in violent crime since 2016 when the policy was approved by the state’s legislature I am generally uncomfortable around weapons and firearms. I am mostly on the fence about this issue. Perhaps if I took or could afford gun lessons or lived in US I live in Canada. Here in Canada weapons bans seemingly have to lead to an increase in crime. I don't like the idea of carrying a gun or ending someones life to protect mine. But I can see the logic in the self defense for women and other vulnerable people. I again am firmly on the fence on this issue. Should constitutional carry be implemented in the US as a whole? Is it really safter? In the microcosm of West Virginia according to the FBI the data indicates a steady decline of violent crime. That means less violence not more, less bad people hurting innocent people. Which is good news.. There are some takeaways however West Virginia already has a gun culture. Other places that don't misuse of firearms could be well dangerous in other places besides west virgin where untrained people have access to weapons. Data indicates that less gun crime has happened.. Is this simply an anomaly? Could this be applied to the rest of the western world safely? If so why? or Why not? I can clearly see the pros and cons of this argument and I'm on the fence. Please try to be civil in the debate and objective. Thank you. Discuss. Sources https://timcast.com/news/west-virginias-crime-rates-decline-after-state-adopts-constitutional-carry-law/
  6. https://rumble.com/vmxdt2--maricopa-county-election-audit-results-hearing-the-charlie-kirk-show-live-.html The above video could not be posted for some reason so I provided an alternate link to the full audit to provide context to this debate. Both parties have claimed security issues in the last two elections and danger due to potential security issues. Should we replace hand counted votes with machines given the evidence provided in the audit. This debate isn't about who won or didn't win so please try to stay on topic.
  7. The Audit in Maricopa county revealed over 50,000 illegal ballots including duplications that were proven to be counted in the audit. Should we continue to trust machines to count votes of machines without outdated security software that hasn't been updated since 2019 and have proven to shown ESM login attempts on multiple servers. Experts in pattern recognition with multiple doctorates lay out how they discovered the discrepancies in the audit. The full Audit review can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukitwzb_p44 Should humans count the votes or machines? Are machines vulnerable? Discuss.
  8. And that isn't relevant to the stated topic at all. And is a narrow-minded view of 3D modelling skill set to limit the use to one specific program. I don't understand what your issue is you're talking to an industry professional and I have given solid useful advice. Some of the modders in this particular community don't use blender or Zbrush and solely use outfit studio exclusively. I fail to see why you hung up on niff being the defining factor here. As I've stated MOST 3D modellers use multiple programs. STL files the main 3D file that the majority of none CAD based software use is transferable between multiple programs. It is simply a matter of using a superior program to export a 3D file from Zbrush to Blender or outfit studio and then export it as a Niff. Something you don't need a mastery of Blender to learn how to do and can be learned in less then 10 minutes. There is no reason to start with blender except to waste your time. The topic is specifically which 3D programs are good for beginners. I have answered the topic and provided context. What makes you think that I'm suggesting NOT to use only one program? Your statement is moot and irrelevant sorry to say but it isn't relevant to the topic of whether or not a program can use NIFFs or not is not a factor in people learning 3D modelling. I go on to actually state that people should LEARN multiple programs and recommend learning both Zbrush and Blender. So I don't understand what point you're trying to make here other than showing you lack practical experience in the field, and don't have a grasp of 3D modelling beyond a laymen understanding of the software. No offense meant. But you're stuck on the idea that somehow being able to export a niff is something that's important when it's not. Simply Import and STL file from a superior easier to learn software in either outfit studio or blender then export it as a niff. I don't see a problem with my analysis of which 3D software is friendly for beginners.
  9. richroots


    And remember, all the Republican Senators from those self same Southern States who believe the Big Lie (the election was stolen from Lying Little Donnie) voted against a federal level voting rights law. Why do you suppose that is? Oh, yeah! I remember! They gotta keep all those folks who just ain't quite white enough from voting. Why do I believe this. In 1977, I was home in my native village and a black man walked into the tavern. He wasn't the first black man I had ever seen, but he was the biggest. We got to talking and I learned he worked at one of the local logging camps. Every week thereafter, we met and talked. I told him about my youth in a Regional Residential Indian School and he told me about his youth in the Jim Crow South. At the age of seven, his uncle was castrated and hung from a tree for participating in a parade honoring WWII Veterans, which he was. At age nine his cousin was beaten to death and then hung and castrated for "looking at a white woman". At age fourteen, his younger sister was raped and her eviscerated body left in a "blacks only" park. At sixteen, his father was hung from his own front porch with a burning cross on his front lawn for the crime of attempting to register to vote. That same year, 37 black people were killed in Mississippi for attempting to register to vote. The school and church he attended were firebombed, as were four of his neighbors homes. Three women were dragged into the local community square and beaten and burned to death for teaching people how to fill out a ballot. So the next time someone spouts "it's all about voter fraud prevention", you know the truth. It is part of the centuries old racist attempt to disenfranchise black voters. Black voters commit voting fraud. Remember, voter fraud is defined as "voting for a democrat". “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain All five movies from the series of Planet of the Apes, for sale at "Google Play" for only $49.99. See if you spot President Biden's and ex-President Trump's "speeches likeness" in any of the Planet of the Apes movies sequels. Even in these time we are being dragged down to the beast's level of threats and lies, and experience is showing us again, beating each of us down with experience. That is just what Samuel Longhorne Clemens's words tell us. So, remember, "Never argue with STUPID PEOPLE!" That's what the left does constantly spread dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. It's like you've never heard of CNN. Also interesting word usage. Why do you think words are dangerous? What does that imply that you should remove people's ability to speak freely? Don't bother responding with canned responses. There is no use arguing with an ideologically driven person that does not look at both left and right and centrist ideologies and conclude that any of them are free of misinformation. But it's laughable that you think the left do anything but lie. The entirety of movement is based on liars, that others think they know better than anyone else and is willing to LIE obfuscate because they don't think people are capable of self-governance and need an "enlightened leftist" to ensure that they don't hear any naughty words. It's like the government saying you can't eat stakes because an infant can't chew it. If your claim is misinformation on the right, which rarely happens. It's about 1000X as prevalent on the left. Not to mention the amount of racism, bigotry, violence, hate on the left it puts the entirety of the extreme far-right to shame. Hell even Richard Spencer self-proclaimed neo nazi was happy that Biden was elected. The perfect example is to look at the Comedian Ryan Long's skit When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything. LMAO okay bud you can continue to obfuscate and claim that all right-wing personalities share views and cherry pick specific points by crazed lunatics. But there are fact-based intellectual discourse that is backed up by degrees, doctorates and reasoned and fact-based personalities on center-right and center that continue to expose the left's bigotry and racism. Dr Steven Pinker for one and Dr. Jordan Peterson. Dr Gad Saad as other examples if you're not sure who Dr Steven Pinker, Dr Jordan Pertson and Dr Gad Saad then you're woefully lacking the ability to argue any of your points besides a zealous emotional response. You can lie all you want to and try to claim that I'm only listening to false information but you would be factually mistaken. Here is Jordan Peterson Crushing it at the Munk Debates. I highly recommend watching the the entire Munk Debates it features Stephan Fry and Jordan Peterson both intellectuals one is a liberal one is conservative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4dBiL8gTvM Here is a link to the full munk debates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcSS91IsDk4 rather then just the quick highlights again proving you wrong. Over two hours of proving you wrong actually available for anyone to look at. Since you're doing nothing but insulting people here and provide nothing but a joke of a response you're not prepared to debate. And as for your false claim that the left is anything but an extreme minority of liars. Simply look online. The most popular podcast in the world Joe Rogan Centrist was extensively lied about taking horse dewormer. The majority of leftist media lied so much so that Joe is considering suing them for defamation. That is the kind of liars the left are. Ivermectin is approved for human use and cures/treats rive blindness. And one a Nobel prize for being human-based use as an antiviral agent. But it's so suppressed that the left is willing to prevent treatment and KILL people all because of ideological motives. Canada being such a country not willing to support the use of this safe and nobel prize wining anti viral because of idealogy. Willfully ensuring people die to support a false narrative by not providing safe treatment. I can pull up the stats on Ivermerctin if you want. Here is the video below. Despite Ivermectin being safe for human use and can be prescribed as an anti-viral. There is more than enough evidence to support this factual claim. But the left continues to intentionally disallow this safe and effective treatment to people because of that misinformation. Here is a leftist publication out right lying about ivermectin and Joe Rogan Furthermore DR fauci the main leftist doctor in charge of the US covid propaganda was proven to have lied unequivocally to congress about the gain of function research. Again factual information. I can post any links you need to both leftist and right sources. But again if you want to keep pretending what you're claiming has merit it's unlikely you will seek to be anything but in an echo chamber. Here is an example of proof that leftists lied about gain of function research. Here is another video about leftist that lie. We have gone through multiple lies ont he left from "No masking, to masking, to no we're not going to mandate, to mandates, to no there won't be boosters to, no there are boosters. From My body my choice to "you have no choice of medical agency" It is unlikely you will be willing to have an intellectual debate because you appear to be ideologically possessed. If you want the facts yourself look it up. But by all means, continue to believe in fairy tales. I'm more than prepared for your canned responses and have heard all of the left-wing sociopathic racist responses and denounce the excessive racist bigotry of the left. If you want facts I have them. I myself am not anti-vax and your dog whistle isn't welcome, not intellectual and not factual. There are far more extremist leftists than there are on right. Your issue is that you're in an echo chamber and are cherry-picking. You can continue to lie and try to put words in people's mouths. But If I was you I would take a long long look in the mirror and really deeply consider why you're supporting a movement that is so anti compassionate and so inhuman that mirrors many of the evil policies that fascists during ww2 practiced regularlly. Such as critical race theory. I for one would never want to live in the sad sad extremist world of the majority of leftists seem to live in. The racism alone of the left is enough to dissuade most sensible people from being lefty. It's like you didn't even watch the video by Ryan Long. I don't expect a reasoned and intellectual response or the ability for you to respond with anything but lies so good luck.
  10. I'll write something. But you would need to concisely explain what you need the writer to do.
  11. I ported a mod today from Oldrim to SE and it worked use. CAO little complicated but once you know how it works it's nifity
  12. I wasn't happy with the Belt on the original image so I cracked open gimp and did a proof of concept. Originally uploaded by LOrdOfWar and imported from witcher. So clearly not my work. The Shield is under the Legendary Alpha Shields. Axe honestly not sure about Viking weapons or something I'll find out later and give them credit. Anyways not to shabby for a proof of concept. I will refine it later on. It needs belt loops. Here's the original Sky-rim mod Letho's Pants at Skyrim Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) The Special Edition mod was just recently moved to Hidden as far as I can tell. I'm going to try to reach out to LOrdOfWar to see if I can post this version once I do a better job texturing it. So everyone can have pants.. Seriously why does skyrim hate pants so much? Keep in mind I only just modified the belt nothing else. I'm just playing around with assets right now. If I can figure this out easily brand new assets are not far off.
  13. You misunderstood. Blender does not have any tutorials that are officially released by blender that you don't have to google search yourself and are scattered about youtube by third parties which may or may not be effective tools to learn with. They also may have conflicting information or be inneffective instructors or waste your development time. Zbrush on the other hand comes with access to the ZBrush classroom which includes videos from industry giants like Micheal Pavolich hundreds of specific videos that are designed to teach people how to learn Zbrush in effective easy to learn stages without youtube searching. As in it's MUCH quicker to learn zbrush as a whole then it is blender. As for the Nif format that's not even remotely important as you can export most STL and 3D files into the blender then learn to export them in less than a minute. Whether or not ZBrush natively supports NIFF is entirely irrelevant. Most 3D modellers worth their salt use multiple programs. And a five-minute video on exporting a mesh into a nif format is easy. Blender is a program that will hinder your development as a professional if used exclusively. Zbrush will not. Niff or not the topic was what's the easiest software to learn. Zbrush takes the cake as the easiest software to learn. It also has hotkeys but they are not required to use it. Therefore you don't require extensively learning hotkeys. Ease of accessibility as well for Zbrush. As far as features, as for 3D modelling, Zbrush crushes blender in every possible way. Lastly Blender is foremost an animation software with 3D modelling software tacked on. Zbrush is a professional grade 3D modelling software that is industry standard. It is necessary to land you a job if you're lucky get the opportunity. Learning exclusively blender will close doors for your career. It should be noted that most professionals use multiple programs for different reasons. I use four programs including zbrush and blender. I'm not saying Blender is bad I am saying that it's not a place that people starting out as 3D modellers should use. In addition, 3D modelling is not recommended without an extensive understanding of art fundamentals, anatomy, and creativity start there first. I mean that do not skip on anatomy or your fundamentals. You need a strong foundation to be successful. 3D sculpting software is unique compared to CAD based engineering software. I would not recommend blender in place of Solid Works or other CAD based programs. Nor would I recommend z brush in place of Solid works for engineering To conclude Start with art fundementals or go home. After about a year of study get Zbrush or learn in parallel , pick up blender once you've studied Zbrush for a year, however you will be better of with Maya then blender. As for your last comment again actually no you can beat free. Learning blender can and will hold your career back if used exclusively. Just because it is free does not mean it is good if you want a job you should learn Maya and Zbrush and photoshop. Blender will hinder your development as a 3D modeller take you longer to master and isn't industry standard. If time = money and it does. Blender will in fact cost you more money then Zbrush. Skills learnt in Zbrush are transferable, the skills learnt in blender are transferable to a lesser degree. Just because something is free does not mean it will be useful.
  14. Now you got me curious. What exactly is happening in Germany, might I ask? Sorry, I quoted the wrong post. Canada, US, Germany, France leaders all ideological hard left aka extremist left all use the phrase "Build Back Better" -Germany Germany's Angela Merkel calls for tougher coronavirus restrictions. ... "We have to build back better," she said, taking a line from US President-elect Joe Biden I think Joe was more referring to our sadly neglected infrastructure.... Which really is a good idea. Trouble is, they are including so much SJW crap in the bill, that no republican in his right mind, would even consider voting for it. It's reasonably hard to figure out what Joe is saying on anything. 'trunalimunumaprzure'. "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true ninternuvidu presher," or maybe it was "trunalimunumaprzure." It could have been "true inder nah ma preh zer." But whatever it was, it was unclear. "Build Back Better" was coined by a man named Klaus Schwab. Schwab, now in his eighties is a German who actually founded the World Economic Forum. Delingpole says that it has been said that Davos is "where billionaires go to lecture millionaires how ordinary people live.". "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy," said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. As Anthony P. Mueller, a professor of economics, warns, "The main thrust of the forum is global control. Free markets and individual choice do not stand as the top values, but state interventionism and collectivism. wiki -"Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum's 2010 "Global Redesign" report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system) and select civil society organizations (CSOs).[29] It argues that governments no longer are "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage" and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF's vision includes a "public-private" UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint State and non-State governance systems.[30] According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of "stakeholders" make decisions on behalf of the people.[31] The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are "a silent global coup d'etat" to capture governance." So when four or more world leaders all part of the same ideological collectivist groups say "Build Back Better" It's not a coincidence. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now openly referred to his federal government’s post-COVID-19 economic policies as complying with “The Great Reset,” the title of a document first published in 2016 by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The Canadian PM is focused on using the uncertain times created by the pandemic to “Build Back Better” and reshape our country’s economic and social make-up. I personally don't agree with all of Russle brands point but it further explains what's going on.
  15. Now you got me curious. What exactly is happening in Germany, might I ask? Sorry, I quoted the wrong post. Canada, US, Germany, France leaders all ideological hard left aka extremist left all use the phrase "Build Back Better" -Germany Germany's Angela Merkel calls for tougher coronavirus restrictions. ... "We have to build back better," she said, taking a line from US President-elect Joe Biden
  16. Depends on who ya ask. :D As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail. But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work. And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder. Exactly it will never work. Collectivism in every single iteration throughout history has in every single case lead to the mass murder and persecution of innocent people by the hands of that collectivist idealogy, without fail in every single point in history it's been tried. Collectivist ideologies have always failed because they bring death, take away the freedom of choice, and require enslavement to function. As in you require people to do the jobs you don't want to do. Ask any house mover if they would want to be paid the same wage as a bugger flipper, or everyone else or rationed food. Given it's a specific job that only a small percentage of the population can do well. The average pay is over 20$ an hour. You would have to compel people to work this job. Automation can't handle it, and there are many more like it. Furthermore, if you were to give everyone one or two pairs of shoes. What happens when the shoe does not fit or gets stolen? Do they go without? Do they get replacement shoes? Pen theft and office supply theft? How will that work on small items? Who makes the pens? which company? Will you be forced to make pens? This is how you get a society to collapse communism/marxism/socialism. It only works if you force people to work. That always leads to the death of innocent people. And concerning the concentration of powers which is a common point between point between marxism-leninism and right-win/fascism do you have any comment?^^ That's very vague. It's universally known that certain archetypes of people seek power. Narcissists and sociopaths, psychopaths if given the opportunity will abuse that power. The issue is that with capitalism we have equal oppertunity of outcome to succeed or fail (capitalism, not crony capitalism), with the above idealogy given they are basically the same with a few differences here and there. They are all collectivist ideologies, every single one requires the enslavement of others to function. In the collectivist ideologies, people don't have equal opportunities of the outcome, they are assigned labour. There is little difference between collectivist ideologies regardless if they're fascism or marxism. They all require us vs them mentality. The majority are based on the founding principles of one or the other. The sad truth is that none of the above you mentioned hold a candle to how dangerous current or modern version collectivism is. It's like a hybrid of the worst parts of each. Many experts speculate we're in the early to middle stages of the same kind of revolution that happened in moaist china, given the modern versions of collectivism are worse. Look at what's happening all over the world Australia, Germany, the USA, Canada. China etc. rights are being eroded all across the board. You only need to learn the phrase "you will own nothing and be happy" from the Davos group and the "Build Back Better" Slogan echoed by Trudeu, Marcon, Biden. To know were headed to some kind of dystopian collectivist hell that's far worse then anything we've seen before. So concerning power is irrelevant when they are unstable collectivist movements to start with. They lead to deep and require people who don't care about humanity to function. The sole reason they don't work is that you can't force people to do something without fair compensation. "Build Back Better"
  17. richroots


    And remember, all the Republican Senators from those self same Southern States who believe the Big Lie (the election was stolen from Lying Little Donnie) voted against a federal level voting rights law. Why do you suppose that is? Oh, yeah! I remember! They gotta keep all those folks who just ain't quite white enough from voting. Why do I believe this. In 1977, I was home in my native village and a black man walked into the tavern. He wasn't the first black man I had ever seen, but he was the biggest. We got to talking and I learned he worked at one of the local logging camps. Every week thereafter, we met and talked. I told him about my youth in a Regional Residential Indian School and he told me about his youth in the Jim Crow South. At the age of seven, his uncle was castrated and hung from a tree for participating in a parade honoring WWII Veterans, which he was. At age nine his cousin was beaten to death and then hung and castrated for "looking at a white woman". At age fourteen, his younger sister was raped and her eviscerated body left in a "blacks only" park. At sixteen, his father was hung from his own front porch with a burning cross on his front lawn for the crime of attempting to register to vote. That same year, 37 black people were killed in Mississippi for attempting to register to vote. The school and church he attended were firebombed, as were four of his neighbors homes. Three women were dragged into the local community square and beaten and burned to death for teaching people how to fill out a ballot. So the next time someone spouts "it's all about voter fraud prevention", you know the truth. It is part of the centuries old racist attempt to disenfranchise black voters. Black voters commit voting fraud. Remember, voter fraud is defined as "voting for a democrat". “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” - Mark Twain All five movies from the series of Planet of the Apes, for sale at "Google Play" for only $49.99. See if you spot President Biden's and ex-President Trump's "speeches likeness" in any of the Planet of the Apes movies sequels. Even in these time we are being dragged down to the beast's level of threats and lies, and experience is showing us again, beating each of us down with experience. That is just what Samuel Longhorne Clemens's words tell us. So, remember, "Never argue with STUPID PEOPLE!" That's what the left does constantly spread dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. It's like you've never heard of CNN. Also interesting word usage. Why do you think words are dangerous? What does that imply that you should remove people's ability to speak freely? Don't bother responding with canned responses. There is no use arguing with an ideologically driven person that does not look at both left and right and centrist ideologies and conclude that any of them are free of misinformation. But it's laughable that you think the left do anything but lie. The entirety of movement is based on liars, that others think they know better than anyone else and is willing to LIE obfuscate because they don't think people are capable of self-governance and need an "enlightened leftist" to ensure that they don't hear any naughty words. It's like the government saying you can't eat stakes because an infant can't chew it. If your claim is misinformation on the right, which rarely happens. It's about 1000X as prevalent on the left. Not to mention the amount of racism, bigotry, violence, hate on the left it puts the entirety of the extreme far-right to shame. Hell even Richard Spencer self-proclaimed neo nazi was happy that Biden was elected. The perfect example is to look at the Comedian Ryan Long's skit When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything.
  18. richroots


    " Everyone says that "institutional racism" in America is a lie. But if anyone bothers to look closely, America's FHA, as a prerequisite to making Federally guaranteed loans, once required neighborhoods to have bylaws which precluded people from buying houses unless they were members of the Caucasian race. These blatantly racist covenants still exist in every American State, but are particularly prevalent in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri, Virginia, West Virginia, and North and South Carolina. And house ownership is just ONE example. Entire communities were labeled "red zones" if there was a single resident who wasn't "of the Caucasian race". Red zones got fewer federal monies for schools, roads, electricity, water, sewage and waste disposal, as the money was all relegated to communities which had enforced covenants. And people like Mitch McConnell have the audacity to say there is no systemic racism in America. Hell, red zones still exist. Only now, they are call "distressed neighborhoods" or "ghettos" or "slums" or "poor neighborhoods", as if the inhabitants created the problem because the FHA wouldn't loan them or their parents the money to finance a decent home in Levettown. This is exactly why we need to educate the youth to how legal policies have shaped our country today due to racism. If the country doesn't start with teaching exactly how things in the past have effected the way people live today then nothing will ever change and systematic racism will continue on even when we are all gone and dead. Policies aside, most racism is inherited from parents to children whether you realize it or not. The only way to break this cycle is through education and this is the main focus of "Critical race theory". But the problem is some speculate that forcing schools to teach this will inherently perpetuate racism. Mostly those who feel that all "Critical race theory" teaches is how HeyYou probably feels about it... "Every ill that has befallen minorities in this country is white folks fault". But if unless people don't want systematic racism to stop or don't even want to try to do anything about it, what is really the alternative? Are we just to pretend it doesn't exist and pretend everything is ok because you don't think it personally effect you or me? Back during world world II over 60,000 Japanese American citizens were forced into internment camps. Integrated in these internment camps were a total of over 150,000 who were imprisoned simply because they were just Asian. America has a long history of racism that isn't always directed towards African Americans. American policies have effected many Races over time. You can currently look at recent policies that target different ethnics groups from the middle east to the southern border. You have to face the facts that over the history of our Republic a majority of legal framework has been crafted specifically by White Americans. If you believe this would be teaching kids that white people are to blame for a lot of this, I wouldn't say you would be wrong but certainly the purpose of "Critical race theory" isn't to teach that only white people can be racist. In fact a lot of policies over the many decades have turned minorities to be just as racists towards other racial groups. Yes, teaching "Critical race theory" to our youth will dramatically effect generations after and probably completely change the nation we know today. But that is basically the point. That is if we really want to do anything about systematic racism in our country to begin with. "Critical Race Theory" Is racism all on its own. It's predicated on pre-judging others based solely on the skin colour they possess. You can't lie to people and convince students about the myth of "white privilege" without prejudging people based on their skin colour. AKA racism. Racism " A derogatory race-based statement " There is no systemic racism there is simply no laws in the western world that favor white people over others. There is still racism of course on a case-by-case individual basis. But there are no laws in the west that prejudge people based on race. Furthermore, critical race theory is one of the most racist things ever to rear its ugly head. It was wrong when the Germans did it in WW2 and it's still wrong today. You can not pre-judge people based on their skin color and pretend it's not racist. That's what critical race theory does it teaches others a difference based on skin color alone. I don't understand why anyone would support the bigoted and hateful idea of "critical race theory" without understanding how divisive and racist it is.
  19. War axe as in one-handed one that used to be on the right hip. Now it firmly resides on the right cheek. Whoever thought this was a better idea is insane. No I did not check the MCM settings to see if there was an option for OG Skyrim weapon placement. Is there? I installed saw the clipping and uninstalled. I barely know anything about FINIS
  20. Tr Try a save game cleaner it might help. I'm sorry about your situation that sucks. Anways the sad reality is that some mods can't be enabled and disabled Throwdown a list of mods you're currently using, after reading your description of each mod and only list the ones that have issues installing and uninstalling. An example would be Serna Dialogue Add on. For the save cleaner mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34601. I'm not sure if it will work or not for you. Anyways good luck feel free to reply if you get stuck again and maybe we can figure something out or someone else in the community can help. It could also be mod load order. Try LOOT. And what does your save file say corrupted or crash to desktop? You might also want to go through each mod individually with a notepad and write down the ones that work and don't . Add a mod or two and then keep track of your list of mods you added until you crash.
  21. Regardl If you were under the impression it was a paying job, maybe you should have asked that FIRST then. I don't know of ANYONE that collects wages from working on any particular project. Maybe some of the larger projects, (such as the one mentioned below) have some sort of 'profit sharing' agreement, but, this is a HOBBY site. If you are expecting compensation for your time/effort, that should be one of the FIRST topics covered. I have had many 'jobs', that I did not get paid for. Of course, I didn't expect to get paid for them either. It was still a 'job'. Skyrim Together team was at one point making $35k per month via Patreon, IIRC. Yeah, and there was another guy working on a 'mod pack' that was getting nearly 10K per month. Still and all, I am flat out stunned that Beth never made a move against them, they were, after all, in DIRECT violation of the EULA, and various other agreements. Apparently, beth simply stopped caring about such things. Try and sell a mod though, and I bet the lawyers fall like rain in a hurricane. that does not excuse your behavior bud. And just because outliers of people getting "jobs for free" exist does not mean you get to be rude or should treat me like crap. In addition to that the post I'm referring too and application was not here on this site. In my post I specifically stated I need employment and money. The person replying indicated employment. That further does not excuse their behavior of expecting hundreds of hours of work for free. We're not talking about using finished assets as hobbyist and moving them around in the creation kit. We're talking about brand new assets that I would have to create from scratch in zbrush and blender and then export to several other programs, uv maps texturing etc. I never got to the point of being able to ASK about profit sharing, and had assumed based on the lengthy application which was more lengthy then some interviews, and they asked for a portfolio and resume, and indicated that employment was available in the original posting in reply. It was upsetting when a lot of my time was wasted. The fact that you are so hostile to others being upset their time was wasted and effectively tricked is why you are being rude. It's not your job to tell others how they should react, you are not the Internet's ombudsman. You don't get to dictate to others how they should feel, if it's there fault or others. You get to nod and say I disagree or not and move on preferably without being rude. Other humans exist, try being respectful and civil. I am not intentionally being rude, hostile, or any other negative emotion you care to assign to me, I am simply pointing out that expecting to get paid for a 'job' from a hobby site, is just a bit unrealistic. Much as I would LOVE to be able to make money from my gaming hobby, I am well aware that it is highly unlikely to happen. Regardless of your statement, you are being rude. And it's not being assigned to you bud your behavior was off putting and rude. Self reflect. And lastly considering you missed it a few times. It was not posted here on this site. It was not a hobby site. I was replied to by a person who read my post looking for employment in a 3D modelling community on discord. Despite all of that you are not taking responsibility for your rude and condescending behavior. The posting I made that was replied to indicating employment. Was not on a hobby site, and not on nexus mods. So sorry to say you're premise is incorrect.
  22. Tha If you were under the impression it was a paying job, maybe you should have asked that FIRST then. I don't know of ANYONE that collects wages from working on any particular project. Maybe some of the larger projects, (such as the one mentioned below) have some sort of 'profit sharing' agreement, but, this is a HOBBY site. If you are expecting compensation for your time/effort, that should be one of the FIRST topics covered. I have had many 'jobs', that I did not get paid for. Of course, I didn't expect to get paid for them either. It was still a 'job'. Skyrim Together team was at one point making $35k per month via Patreon, IIRC. Yeah, and there was another guy working on a 'mod pack' that was getting nearly 10K per month. Still and all, I am flat out stunned that Beth never made a move against them, they were, after all, in DIRECT violation of the EULA, and various other agreements. Apparently, beth simply stopped caring about such things. Try and sell a mod though, and I bet the lawyers fall like rain in a hurricane. that does not excuse your behavior bud. And just because outliers of people getting "jobs for free" exist does not mean you get to be rude or should treat me like crap. In addition to that the post I'm referring too and application was not here on this site. In my post I specifically stated I need employment and money. The person replying indicated employment. That further does not excuse their behavior of expecting hundreds of hours of work for free. We're not talking about using finished assets as hobbyist and moving them around in the creation kit. We're talking about brand new assets that I would have to create from scratch in zbrush and blender and then export to several other programs, uv maps texturing etc. I never got to the point of being able to ASK about profit sharing, and had assumed based on the lengthy application which was more lengthy then some interviews, and they asked for a portfolio and resume, and indicated that employment was available in the original posting in reply. It was upsetting when a lot of my time was wasted. The fact that you are so hostile to others being upset their time was wasted and effectively tricked is why you are being rude. It's not your job to tell others how they should react, you are not the Internet's ombudsman. You don't get to dictate to others how they should feel, if it's there fault or others. You get to nod and say I disagree or not and move on preferably without being rude. Other humans exist, try being respectful and civil.
  23. Depends on who ya ask. :D As long as the politicians have nothing to win and everything to lose trampling people's rights the economic development always comes. In this situation whether the companies are mostly private or nationalised is a petty detail. But it never works that way. People in power are only concerned with one thing, staying in power. (and accumulating more....) Human nature dictates the communism simply cannot work. And given my druthers, I'druther live in a capitalist society, where I actually have some motivation to better myself, and my living condition. Simply not possible under communism. The State decides who moves up the ladder. Exactly it will never work. Collectivism in every single iteration throughout history has in every single case lead to the mass murder and persecution of innocent people by the hands of that collectivist idealogy, without fail in every single point in history it's been tried. Collectivist ideologies have always failed because they bring death, take away the freedom of choice, and require enslavement to function. As in you require people to do the jobs you don't want to do. Ask any house mover if they would want to be paid the same wage as a bugger flipper, or everyone else or rationed food. Given it's a specific job that only a small percentage of the population can do well. The average pay is over 20$ an hour. You would have to compel people to work this job. Automation can't handle it, and there are many more like it. Furthermore, if you were to give everyone one or two pairs of shoes. What happens when the shoe does not fit or gets stolen? Do they go without? Do they get replacement shoes? Pen theft and office supply theft? How will that work on small items? Who makes the pens? which company? Will you be forced to make pens? This is how you get a society to collapse communism/marxism/socialism. It only works if you force people to work. That always leads to the death of innocent people. And concerning the concentration of powers which is a common point between point between marxism-leninism and right-win/fascism do you have any comment?^^ That's very vague. It's universally known that certain archetypes of people seek power. Narcissists and sociopaths, psychopaths if given the opportunity will abuse that power. The issue is that with capitalism we have equal oppertunity of outcome to succeed or fail (capitalism, not crony capitalism), with the above idealogy given they are basically the same with a few differences here and there. They are all collectivist ideologies, every single one requires the enslavement of others to function. In the collectivist ideologies, people don't have equal opportunities of the outcome, they are assigned labour. There is little difference between collectivist ideologies regardless if they're fascism or marxism. They all require us vs them mentality. The majority are based on the founding principles of one or the other. The sad truth is that none of the above you mentioned hold a candle to how dangerous current or modern version collectivism is. It's like a hybrid of the worst parts of each. Many experts speculate we're in the early to middle stages of the same kind of revolution that happened in moaist china, given the modern versions of collectivism are worse. Look at what's happening all over the world Australia, Germany, the USA, Canada. China etc. rights are being eroded all across the board. You only need to learn the phrase "you will own nothing and be happy" from the Davos group and the "Build Back Better" Slogan echoed by Trudeu, Marcon, Biden. To know were headed to some kind of dystopian collectivist hell that's far worse then anything we've seen before. So concerning power is irrelevant when they are unstable collectivist movements to start with. They lead to deep and require people who don't care about humanity to function. The sole reason they don't work is that you can't force people to do something without fair compensation.
  24. richroots


    This is entirely propaganda that the hospitals are over run. It's not only a matter of time before the death rate starts to spike is propaganda and clearly exaggeration. People are outside and being active in Alabama. It's unlikely they will have the same rates as cities. And just because someone is vaccinated or not does not mean they don't take steps to protect themselves and others like hand washing, wearing masks, or using sanitizers. You're intentionally or willfully obfuscating facts to get a narrative that you agree with. And don't claim I'm anti vax. I'm trying to get my hands on a vector based vax here in Canada but they're not ready yet. The hospitals in the state were not already well over the limits for care. Again propaganda. And people have a right to say no to being vaccinated or not. It's their choice it's there body. It's the same argument of medical agency of choice for women who says "it's my body it's my choice" Given the fact that particular ideology requires you to agree or be removed from society. It's clear that it's not about CHOICE it's about virtue. They have a right to continue to choose. You should stop spreading false propaganda and read vetted news sources that fact check. I strongly suggest Tim Pool's Timcast he Vets his news stories, is a classical centrist and is unbiased or states his bias on stories, because whatever propaganda you're filing your head with is not real.
  25. richroots


    Trump is fine he's a blow hard but he's a thousand times better then the lies out of any current sociopath administration. The majority of what you hear about trump from the media is outright a lie by them.
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