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Everything posted by CAPA14

  1. This is the best I could do to not clip while moving. http://i.imgur.com/tAjIcZs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X6m9EdZ.jpg
  2. Look > http://i.imgur.com/A3JsFXM.jpg Does not fit quite right yet, will try to resize and reposition a little bit so it looks good and then I can add to AMM :)
  3. Maybe removing the redfur component from the hairs entities it will load just the non-hairworked hair even though hairworks is enabled. Getting a "Hairworks on everything but Geralt" Would have to change the beards too if don't want a hairworked beard. The problem is that you would have to mess with ALL head entities :tongue: Each beard is a head head_0 to 7 but then you have the variations, with Mark and Tattoo. head_1 head_1_tattoo head_1_mark head_1_mark_tattoo
  4. With AMM http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/780? you can. You would have to open the code of AMM.ws and swap the commented lines though. In the ArrayInit functions there are all the entities paths, you would need to find the path of your glove comment the normal glove and uncomment the alternative glove. Example: http://prntscr.com/969hro the 'a' gloves are the ones you want
  5. AMM - http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/780? Change to whatever armor you want without changing stats and MUCH more
  6. AMM - http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/780? Change to whatever armor you want and MUCH more without changing any stats :)
  7. Yo! And here I find Fera and Tris again lol :D If you girls have some other ideas let me know ^^ For the others that may see this I started a thread in CDPR Mods Forum regarding the tail. http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/62183-Challenge-Mod-a-Horse-Tail?p=1968617#post1968617 Because recoloring normal and hairworked Mane hair was already solved but the Tail still the pain. :smile: A background on what I discovered so far: Hairworked Mane hair (redfur) easy to change. Non-HW Mane color changes nicely just by altering the Variance and Specular colors, like you already stated on this thread. But the lighter color I could get was Yellow... and not a light one. About the Tail: We don't have a hairworked one. The default one is Cloth! redcloth file that we cannot even see what's inside it, let alone change. About the other tails these uses CMesh, like you already discovered too Setting these vars to invalid paths we get a Half Tail that can be colored to whatever we like just changing the Variance and Specular Colors. You that are more familiar with the files, might have some ideas knowing this? Got another question: Does "root_color_brown" changes anything on Skellige Wild Horse hair(Mane and or Tail) or just affects HW hairs? __________________________________ Why I got interested on this? Well I can change horses bodies, tails, manes, saddles, reins, harness, trophies On the Fly with AMM, and I can create unique entities so I load them without changing the vanilla horses.
  8. In response to post #27832110. Man, if you pull this of will be something to behold
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