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I think it really just depends on how you view what they are doing and their reasons for it. Basically you and I are just weighing things out differently. Where as I see not being able to delete mods as just a minor inconvenience for the greater good, you and some others see it as a massive problem. Okay, I'll put it simply >Be 2017 >ModDorp does a collections system >Skyrim Modders become upset with this >ModDorp Decided to stop collections, at least for Skyrim >ModDorp Apologizes >Nexus Staff explains that they thought about doing the same thing, decided to drop it because of "version control and the rights we grant..." >be 2021 >Nexus does ModDorp Collections. >Nexus lessens our rights. Does that help you understand at all?
It's people who want to assert their dominance like a t-pose character when someone doesn't agree with them. <--- just a joke not actually serious. In reality it's just a hot topic, something that is going to create a lot of back and forth with differing opinions, especially in this community specifically where it has gone through a lot of issues in the past with resposting of mods without permission, or mods being included in packs without permission. It's really create a lot of animosity when it comes to things like this and not being able to delete their mods ... will likely feel like they have just been backstabbed by Nexus. Oh no, its not a "feels like" thing but more of an out right "we have been backstabbed".
Or you could, y'now, just leave the thread and stop reading it. That's always an option, you don't HAVE to post in every single thread, or have the last word you know. Says the 19k posts guy. Don't understand why a certain sub set of people are being so aggressive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Eh, I'll give this one a C- for effort. I can see that you're trying, but you gotta study more.
I don't know. Usually respectable forums typically have rules against things like that. Which btw "Spam is... 1) Posting one liners. Replying to a thread and just saying something like "hey!" "yeah!" "lol" "I agree" "no" etc.." And ya, I have added to a lot of these pages, and so have other people. My point is we don't need to add more to it with what is pretty much spam. Again, I don't agree that what you're complaining about counts as spam. Some people just don't need a paragraph to say something.
I don't care if you think it's a bad take. Doing stuff like that is pointless. It's usually done just to troll people, and try and irritate them. It's a tactic to rile people up. Do you think I should start posting one line posts anytime I agree with Showler? Or post gifs anytime I think someone makes a good point? What is this 4chan? Edit: Is 112 pages not long enough for you? You also want it filled with gifs and senseless one word posts? Dude, it's just standard internet social interaction. Your overthinking it. Also, funny that you bring up page count since you've added more pages to this thread than most.
You don't need to announce literally anytime you block a person. >.> or anytime you agree with post like ^^ THIS. You literally provide nothing to this conversation accept for one word lines of agreement or gif memes. And the sad thing is it doesn't even matter when you do the whole blocked thing because you still respond to people you block. Way too often I might add. I really disagree with this take. Bad take imho.
Do you have a problem with gifs?
Pretty certain this is the first time I spoke about past events and what lead to many users having the view they do about mod authors. And that was only brought up by someone else, not even me. But ok. How are you so good at missing the point of what someone is saying to you? Did someone train you in this art? Were you home schooled? I'll point it out in plain text. This has gone on for a month, with no end in sight. Nothing new of worth has been said. Let it go dude. This is just the same old back and forth. Have we forgotten what a flame war is in 2021? I mean ...you are still here too .. are you not? I will say though. I do agree. Not much has progressed here at all. Not from any side really. BTW as a side note, not sure I understand the home schooled joke/insult. I wasn't home schooled, but don't really get how that would apply to this if someone was. Is it like, the idea that someone may have been starved for social interaction and so they never learned to interact with people all that well? If so, bullying pretty much does that too, as well as being grounded for 5 years straight. So I guess ... maybe you are right. It was genuine question. I know people who were homeschooled, k to 12, and it messed them up bad.
Pretty certain this is the first time I spoke about past events and what lead to many users having the view they do about mod authors. And that was only brought up by someone else, not even me. But ok. How are you so good at missing the point of what someone is saying to you? Did someone train you in this art? Were you home schooled? I'll point it out in plain text. This has gone on for a month, with no end in sight. Nothing new of worth has been said. Let it go dude. This is just the same old back and forth. Have we forgotten what a flame war is in 2021?
I don't understand how you keep getting confused on what we are talking about. At no point have any of us (but you for some unknown reason) talked about past events and how some users may feel because of those events. :laugh: This is fun, do you ever get tired of this? I mean, really, there once was some guy who used mods and then he didn't anymore. But then, wouldn't you know, other people used mods. And to make it more interesting, some folks even made mods. Isn't that cool? :wink: Because LeelooMinai talked about it ... Did you not read their post? I even quoted exactly what I was responding to. See .. now I am confused ... because it's like you didn't even bother looking at who I was responding to or why the subject was even brought up. But whatever. But you keep going over and over the same points, going in circles, and circles, and circles, and circles. There's no progress being made here. This thread has been going for a month now, and nothing new has truly been said here. At this point I just gotta ask why dude? Also, some friendly advice, when something like this goes on for so long long then:
I think it's become quite obvious Brabbit believes Nexus to be the only modding site on the entire internet, because it's clear they think if it's not here, it's been taken away from the world. This is the kind of dangerous monopolistic thinking that's led us all here to this point. It's too bad Brabbit will never understand that letting one site gain such a monopolistic positions is BAD for the community in the end. It's not even a hard idea to grasp. Yet, here we are. 101 pages in, still trying to understand such a basic concept. Honestly, I'm a little impressed. I shouldn't be, but yet here we are 101 pages, 1000 replies, and a month later and still the concept isn't understood at all. It's rather... fascinating? Frustrating? Either way, it's gotta be an achievement.
I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed that this mess has made it to 100 pages, but here we are with no sign of slowing down. Here's to another 100 of this hell!
I didn't say you did. It's one of those things that don't need to be said, because Showler and I have only disagreed with some views, but now there are claims of us lacking empathy? Really? It's such a weird insult or claim to make in such a conversation. Are you a therapist? A psychologist? Or are you just trying to insult us? Which is it? I hate to break it to you, I have plenty of empathy, as I am sure Showler does as well. But that empathy isn't going to change my views on this discussion. Nor do I think it invalidates any points I have been making. If you disagree, that is fine. you are allowed to do that. But saying we lack empathy ... is fairly ridiculous. Not once did I say you lack empathy, read again pls.
I was pretty upset about the stunt nexus at first and for a good while, but at this point I don't care so much. Not because modding means nothing to me, just that modding doesn't need the Nexus. So they're not going to be on this site, probs a blessing. May the next place be managed way better, and actually care about us.
The very fact you think people lack empathy due to not agreeing with you is a problem. Is that really what I said tho?