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Lazergunz pew pew

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About Lazergunz pew pew

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hows it coming along? Im simply dying for a decent Hunger/Sleep/Water mod!! And a mod that makes money and surviving quite hard. HELP US SURVIVAL NERDS OUT MANSH00TER :P
  2. Can someone make decapitation not require a perk? Simple :) But im sure a fair few people would like it for when they make new characters and CBA spending a perk point on something purely aesthetic.
  3. I have most dragon shouts and the only ones i dont have is the elemental fury which i dont use :(. I know its lore supported the dragons but i dont think skyrim was similar to the airspace of heathrow , except with dragons not airplanes , i know there randomly generated but it seems for me every 2 minutes a dragon pops up!! I left markath , went to some mine and had a dragon fight , then i got on my horse and rode for 10 seconds then guess what , ANOTHER DRAGON SHOWED UP i mean commonnnn. Id much prefer seeing a dragon maybe every hour or two of playtime than every 5 minutes , really kills the experience for me and im sure it kills the experience for a fair few other players, dont want to sound like a dick with either of my comments :D.
  4. there also meant to be a unique experience, the pleasure of fighting a dragon gets pritty old after you have 9 unspent dragon souls in your backpack
  5. Seriously there are far too many dragons , dragon encounters are meant to be unique , there almost as common as meeting bandits , maybe its just me but whenever i venture out of a town 2 minutes later a dragon swoops down and it really does get boring , especially when they attack citys and they leave there bones , and the villagers look at the skeleton and say " IVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE" well i just killed one 8 minutes earlier and it eat your kids if you dont remember. Can some LEGEND AMONGST MEN please depopulate the dragon population , the axe clearly isnt working so we need some technical expertise on this one.
  6. Well when the CS kit comes out ill see what i can do , ill make pritty much everyone terrified of the dragon , may take me some time as i have a few other mod ideas :)
  7. Well , whenever a dragon attacks , EVERYBODY SEEMS TO WANT TO KILL IT DESPITE BEING WEAK AND FEEBLE. This results in well , everybody and there grandparents going in for a suicidal punch up and dying , id much prefer it if everybody but the guards ran off in fear. It would also make being dovakiihn that bit more satisfying as your the fearless hero going after the dragon. Would also be very cinematic , to see villagers fleeing in fear as a dragon flys overhead burning the city/village down.
  8. I will definetely be downloading this! Few suggestions Realistic Torches , cant just put them away , you have to either drop them or douse them in water. Not exactly realistic this one but could make the game more fun , Huge variation on poisons , the enrage one doesnt make them suddenly attack it just makes them hallucinate and there is a possible chance they attack , or do other strange things , like run away , or hide in fear. Another poison could perhaps blind them? Also perhaps adding the ability to poison food. Realistic Horses , need to maintain and keep your horse healthy , feeding , watering. Having saddlebags on them, and perhaps giving them armour or protection ( If bethesda dont allready do another horse armour dlc ;) GOD FORBID). The horse should be an essential part of any adventurers arsenal , also if you make them more important the player would probably see the horse as a companion of sorts. And maybe add change the reactions of npcs , bandits running in fear seeing someone equipped in full daedric. Caution if they see someone averagely equipped e.g Dwarven they should be saying they dont want to fight , this should also depend on the numbers of how many npcs there are. Also to make things more realistic aswell to have more recruitable npcs , one man cant take on a entire bandit camp! it should be a team effort! And dont forget the fun that could be had with raiding towns with bandits! The ammount of npcs recruited can be based on speech skill ( Which is pritty useless tbh so if you could recruit people with it also it would become much more desirable to spend points in that perk tree and level it up). The faction you can recruit should depend on how you play , e.g if your evil you can recruit bandits , or if your a vampire you can only recruit other vampires , or if your good/neutral you can recruit adventurers or bounty hunters. Also realistic Civil war! It doesnt really feel like a civil war tbh , maybe seeing a couple of skirmishes/battles between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. And reaistic wilderness please , skyrim seems so overfilled with wildlife its such a pain to be walking and every 20 seconds you get in a fight with a wolf , a bear , or a sabre cat. Will definetely get my FOTM and endorsement when it comes out im grateful someone is making this mod , i will love you when its released. :) Good luck with the mod!
  9. Well i made a duffle bag mod for a backpack , when it is equipped on the player its great etc.. Only problem is i cant place it out in the world . Take for e.g if i placed it on the floor with the GECK i would go over and i would see the backpack but there is no way to pick it up or interact with it there is no physics at all , so if i run into it a few times it doesnt move at all. I added it to a vendors sale list and bought it , but when i drop it from my inventory it just hovers :S. Helpp please.
  10. Adds a voice to the player so it can have a voice like raiders , so they make comments. '' Hiding , just like a little *****! '' '' Well atleast thats over with '' Its been done for Oblivion i think , so why not fallout : >? If there is a mod that actually does this please send me the link :)
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