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Posts posted by DjinnKiller

  1. Yeah, watched a video (JuiceHead I think) about the new update.

    Trust Beth to release some  Creation Club nonsense as a "next gen" enhancement.

    They also dropped this two days after the planned release date of Fallout London, one of the biggest mods ever, without even bother to inform them.

    No one now knows when FL is due because they have to wait for a new F4SE, and in general assess the impact of the update.

    Todd-16-times-the-detail can go suck a fish head.......

  2. What ENB + ReShade preset are you using?

    Do you have a Nexus-link?



    Both dxgi.dll files are the same, and they are both renamed versions of a REALLY old ReShade64.dll.


    You could try the following:


    1. Make sure that you have the latest version of F4se.

    ( https://f4se.silverlock.org )

    2. Make sure that you have the latest ENB.

    ( http://enbdev.com/download_mod_fallout4.htm )


    3. Download the latest ReShade setup file

    ( https://reshade.me )


    4. Do not run the setup file.

    Extract it with 7-zip to a temp work folder.


    5. Rename ReShade64.dll to dxgi.dll

    Replace the dxgi files in you FO4 and ENB folder with this.

    (Make a backup of the dxgi.dll before overwriting).


    This may work, I guess it depends on how old this ReShade preset is.




    it might be that your on WIN 11...last i heard Nexus and several other sites are not compatible with it yet---i would try going back to WIN 10 and see if that fixes it. im on the latest version of WIN 10 21H2 and have absolutely no problems with downloads for any game

    thats some next level bulls***, right there.


    Amen to that, and I totally agree!


    This is FUD at a black belt level.



  4. dxgi.dll is not part of the ENB "runtime".

    Those are d3dll.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll.


    If you have an older version of dxgi.dll floating around in an ENB-folder (because of the copying from Win10), I would check if there is a version crash on Win11.


    Windows has its own versions of dxgi.dll in C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

    The version in System32 is the 64-bit version and the version in SysWOW64 is the 32-bit version.

    (Yeah, I know, it is strange, but that is MS commitment to backwards compability, makes for confusing shite).


    Is the ENB screaming for a particular version (64/32) or just old?

    (I know nothing about details in an ENB preset).




  5. Also use traceroute.

    If you are unfamiliar with the command line tool in Windows (tracert), use a simple GUI tool like CountryTraceRoute by NirSoft (does not require installation or admin rights).


    Check if the service in general is up or down with a website like "Is it Down Right Now".




    Depending on the error, check that there isn't trouble in the DNS "pipeline".

    Can be checked from the command line (nslookup), or with a tool like DNSDataView by NirSoft (does not require installation or admin rights).

    The A-record should return an IP-address, the other records can be ignored.

  6. This is true!


    But, it is also (for some idiotic reason) connected to the frame rate. So, disabling the frame rate lock when a load screen starts can significantly reduce your load time.

    Combine that with a fast disk, CPU etc and your load times can be dropped down to tolerable.


    I rarely have load times above 30 sec (apart from starting the game), but I always manually disable the FR lock during load screens.



  7. I don't use Vortex, but in general:


    If the True Storm holotapes do not appear in your inventory, you can craft them for free at the Chem Station under UTILITY.


    Darker Nights don't have a "user" component, maybe Vortex disabled it if it's not working?


    Missing holotapes is a common problem (at least for me), making them at the Chem Station (for those mods that support it), or getting them through the console is my go-to solution.



  8. Telling someone to defrag a SSD is stupid advice.


    1. Defrag will dramatically shorten the lifespan of a SSD.


    2. Most likely/hopefully the operating system will prevent defrag from happening, thus for non-technical users just following the advice creating more confusion (as to why they can't defrag).


    What is rude, is to just throw out any advice to see what sticks to the wall, and then let others pick up the pieces.



  9. @XFloWo1.

    Do a test with f4se and ENB as I posted.


    I totally agree with HeyYou, those kind of stats makes no sense. I use the f4se/ENB method in FO4. It wearies, but when I go from indoor to outdoor, the load times are from 5 sec to 15 secs.

    Loading a save from scratch with an heavy ENB, or loading in to a new zone is in worst case around a minute.


    Your case makes no sense. BUT, disabling the FPS lock during load has a huge impact.

    Try it, and report back :smile:




    EDIT: I was talking out of my ass.... I'm never ever close to a minute in normal play. When I start FO4.. sometimes ENB goes in to a fit, and it takes a minute to load.

    In normal play, worst case 30 to 40 secs with a RTX 2080Ti

  10. @HeyYoui

    Agree, something is seriously wrong here.


    But, the size of the SSD has a very low impact (if any at all), the throughput makes a huge difference. I have my FO4 installs on a 3TB SSD (it is a stripeset, so kind of not "normal").

    A SSD SATA is way slower than a nvme drive but the OP does not specify.


    Btw, been away from FO4 for a very long time, but I remember you! :)

    (and I totally agree with your post about defrag on SSD, that is STUPID, Windows runs TRIM automatically unless the installation of the OS is screwed).


    Me thinks we'll crack this one, given that the OP can give us some info!



  11. For troubleshooting purposes you could try to manually disable/enable the FPS lock in-game during loading screens.

    This can be done by using f4se and an ENB.


    1. Disable Load Accelerator

    (To avoid interference during troubleshooting).


    2. Search Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini for the setting: iPresentInterval=1

    Change it to iPresentInterval=0 (removes the games FPS lock).


    3. Install an ENB (the default download from the ENB website is fine)

    Map keys to the KeyFPSLimit and KeyShowFPS in enblocal.ini, or use the defaults


    4. Launch the game with the f4se launcher

    Do not use the FO4 launcher, it resets the iPresentInterval setting.


    5. In-game

    Hit the key to show the FPS.

    When loading screens start, hit the ENB key to disable the FPS lock.

    When the loading is finished, hit the key again to enable FPS lock.

    See if it makes any difference.





    Bad save habits? (absolutely no sarcasm or snark here) Please enlighten me brother, so as to expand upon my knowledge.

    Are you referring to quick saves over fast saves?

    Using quicksaves/autosaves. (beth has been notorious for these getting easily corrupted since morrowind. One of the reasons they came up with the "rotating autosaves" system you find in FO4.) Overwriting existing saves is another no-no. Technically, it should work fine, in reality, it also leads to save corruption. I only make NEW saves. I don't use quicksaves at all, and I try and avoid having to use autosaves. (like, when I die and haven't made a hard save for a while.....) I will occasionally clean out my saves folder as well, and leave the last three or so saves, (and the fose companion files) as the game doesn't like large numbers of files there either......


    I can't remember the last time I had a problem with a save file getting corrupted.


    Agree (sorry for the spam, kind of playing catch-up here, or was it ketchup), I do the exact same thing.

    Haven't had a problem with saves like .....ever.

  13. Yeah, do NOT defrag your solid state drives. You will destroy them. (and it won't work anyway......)

    Amen (again) brother!


    Running defrag sw on SSDs is the epitome of stupidity, and a properly configured operating system will ignore the system calls from a defrag app.

    HDDs, electro mechanical based storage devices are vastly different from solid state electronics (we know it, but bring forth the word, advise others :) )

    Could not agree more.......




    Disabling anti-malware software will not increase your load times, but it will make your computer less secure.

    This is incorrect, it has a direct impact on numerous games. Although the game folders should be excluded from the security software rather than disabling the software altogether.


    Nowhere in my original post did I mention "numerous games".


    In the context of this discussion, and with the hardware and settings discussed here, Windows Defender has zero impact on load times of FO4.

  15. Off topic, but I actually remember putting my hands on a PONG deck, in a thrift store, when I was somewhere between 4 to 6 years old. Atari 2600, 5200, (damned controllers always breaking) I had the nintendo, my best friend had the sega. Ohhhh yeah, those were the days.

    I remember those..... fondly, and this thread is rapidly dissolving into a trip down memory lane! :)


    Thanks StormWolf01, and we are probably gonna get nuked by the hammer of the ban, this is going way off-topic.....fast.

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