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Everything posted by Odahviing

  1. Yeah it worked! And no clipping at all :) So thank you very much, you really helped me out there. :)
  2. Hello, i would like to wear the West Tek Tactical Optics under a Helmet + Hood from the Mercenary Pack But i can only have one thing at a time, either the chinese optics from west tek or the hood. My question is: Can i edit the inventory slot or something like this, so i can euip both of them at the same time? Would be really cool. :) Sorry for my bad english. Greetings
  3. Hello, so i finally installed SSE. And of course i downloaded a few mods :D. My problem is that all male faces have a red glow. Pictures: http://i.imgur.com/26DIQbP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/E1FbhNO.jpg Mods i'm using: http://i.imgur.com/70FcxzA.png ENB: www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1089/? I tried to change my load order a bit, but nothing worked so far. So i thought i ask here, maybe someone knows this problem. For the load order i use loot. Sorry for my bad english.
  4. Awesome! Just take a look at this masterpiece Reaping Armor
  5. Hello, I personally do not play overwatch but watched a few youtube videos, and i need to say, damn that Reaper armor looks really bada** :D. I thought it would be really cool to have such an armor in Fallout 4. Here a few pics: http://i.imgur.com/nge4hEe.png http://i.imgur.com/QqxtYqK.jpg Sorry for my bad english :wink:.
  6. Aye, tried all his steps but worked not for me :/ I've send this bug to bethesda with my savegame in it, maybe they can fix it. But thanks for the answer! :)
  7. Hello, sadly, i've got a serious problem and i really don't know how to fix it. When i move to near to the castle from the minutemen, than fallout 4 crashes to desktop. Without any error. When i fast travel to it, than it crashes too. What i've tried so far: -Disabled all mods (My mod list:: CBBE, CBBE Vanilla Outfits, Ponytail Variations and Proto Vault Suit) So nothing spectacular^^. -loaded a really old savefile (same issue) -waitet (sleep) one ingame week, so it realoads all cells. -deleted all ini files and verified game with steam -reinstalled the game I don't know what i can do next. :( Quest Status: I was at the castle and take it. That worked. Than later in the game you need to go back because some old women want's you to go to the castle and now when i get near to the castle the game crashes. As i said, fast travel causes the same problem. Sorry for my bad english, i'm german. Hope someone can help :/
  8. One question :smile: I do "coc qasmoke", than i'm in this Test Room. But how can i get back? :D coc Sanctuary works not, coc Commonwealth works not, tried a few others, can't get back :D.
  9. Hello, I reinstalled Skyrim because I have not played one year. So i installed a few mods, and everything works fine but the Ningheim Race works not properly :/ Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/QTK8RlB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oujLTb5.jpg I really hope it can be fixed... :sad: Edit: Haha, i'm so dumb :D I forget the brows addon -.-^^ Sorry guys! :(
  10. Hey, i love to play as a werewolf in skyrim and i use moonlight tales and the green glowing omega eyes for the werewolf. My question is: Is there a mod out where i can find also green eyes for human? It would be cool if the could glow, but not to much. :D I found a pic how i mean that: http://abload.de/thumb2/24073-1-1354905546nuu65.jpg Hope you understand me :) Sorry for bad english!
  11. Hey, meeeh, i can't fly the dragon :biggrin: I need to say i "cheated" the shout because i love dragons and i wanted to test it :biggrin: But everytime when i try to ride a dragon that happens: http://www.abload.de/thumb2/2013-02-17_00002wri8n.jpg http://www.abload.de/thumb2/2013-02-17_0000364ept.jpg The Dragon flies off, but i keep hanging around there -.- Why is that so? :( How can i fix that? Edit: I don't have any dragon mod installed ;) Only Bellyaches Dragons Species Pack. But it doesnt matter, when i try to ride a vanilla Dragon or one from his modpack, its always the same :(
  12. Hey Dovahkiin's :) One question, how can i make the dragon shouts stronger? Can't find any usefull stuff in "Word of Power" and in "Shout" in the Creation Kit...I can only edit the recovery time. How can i edit the damage? And sorry for my baad english :D I'm german ;)
  13. Hey Guys, One question: Why FavoredSouls Mods are all hidden? My HDD is broken and now i have a new one but the nice Mods (Evening Star and others) i can't find them anymore! :(
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