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About ShanaMetalGoddess1991

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  1. Hopefully the fire fighting efforts their are proving to be effective and efficient, I wouldn't expect the situation over their to be resolved in a day though of course, with the MAP of the fires you showed as well as some of the pictures I've seen myself it'll probably be awhile until they're under control, hopefully it's something that will be done with soon, and with as little loss of life as possible, you and your family have my best wishes Antistar, be safe and be careful.
  2. MTRs Smith & Wesson Model 500 features a snubnose option but that things damn near the size of a Single Action Army with a standard length barrel and no double action.
  3. That's fair enough on the M1911 thing Antistar, another thing I haven't seen much of for fallout 4 is snubnose revolvers, like the .32 in fallout 3, especially double action.
  4. Maybe it's just me...or the screenshots lol I'm sure everyone could agree some screenshots are deceiving, think I'll see how the SVD looks in game myself, after all you want to know how accurate a weapon mod is you look at it ingame right. I see your point there with trying to have all the sizes and attachments you intend to implement, though I'm wondering, for a standard stock M1911A1s how many different parts are you expecting to find, we are talking an old world pistol here, I'd imagine reality wise they're pretty limited. I thought that would be your response, most of the weapons featured in WARS is pretty standard along with the parts no, having high grade customs like those in WARS would stick out like a sore thumb compared to other weapons in WARS.
  5. Yeah I noticed the Russian Assault Pack indeed has an SVD-63 in it from further looking at the mod and it is pretty nice, but it kind of seems small to me, I mean I know the Dragunov SVD-63 is smaller than the Heckler & Koch PSG-1, I don't know what's your thoughts about it Antistar? For the M1911 it depends on whether you want classic standard or personalized custom, Modern Firearms now features en7evens badass custom 1911s and I know someone made your classic standard WWII M1911A1, so there's options...so long as you can get permission to use such assets of course.
  6. This question could take a bit to answer, many mod authors have covered so many firearms and sidearms I desire to have, en7even and slayer covered 1911s albeit custom ones, the modern firearms team covered the H&K MK 23 and USP, along with AK variants and the m16 (albeit antistars is better ;) ), MTR covered the S&W model 500, I'm really picky about submachine guns and so far antistars TSR is the only one to catch my eye, come to think of it I'm just as picky with shotguns, Olegmontana and Wardaddy covered that with the AA12 3.0, asxas covered the M1 Garand, I can't remember who did the Famas G1 and G2, I'd like to see a real H&K PSG-1, T41NT3Ds r91 and kuzi127s r91 expansion is what I so far use for that, nobodies covered the Dragunov SVD yet, unless that's in that new Russian weapon pack.
  7. NomadicReaperX not likely, the main reason Antistar did the standalone Thompson SMG Replacer was because it's the least of a hassle to do compared to other weapons in WARS.
  8. I think Modern Firearms features toggleable LAMs as part of their toggleable gadgets thing, but I don't know if that works for all instances of said weapons or just what's in your hands. Their method might not work for display.
  9. I think for other weaponry if not covered by you or the mod author that particularly made the weapon mod the most popular ones will likely see compatibility patches made by others, well it's usually what ends up happening. I doubt weapon compilations like Modern Firearms would see a patch, simply because that's a lot of weapons to cycle through.
  10. I agree with you that the 10mm falls into the same category as the assault rifle, maybe not to the same degree but still I liked the previous concept of the 10mm pistol, less oversized and bulky and a little more practical. I also agree with you on the power armor requiring heavy weapons, I mean if I recall correctly in Fallout 3 didn't brotherhood of steel members wearing power armor typically wield miniguns, gatling lasers, flamers and other heavy weapons, along with Gauss rifles.Yes because that's what the heavy weapons in Fallout were designed and intended for: power armor usage. Bethesda being Bethesda however, thought it'd be too "controversial" or "niche" to restrict power armor weapon usage to just heavy weaponry. That plus the fact that as I said before, the selection of heavy weapons would have to be increased. I'm sure that if they went that route, mods allowing you to use any and all weapons in power armor would be fairly popular considering many favor convenience over realistic or immersive features. Jim Sterling is one such person for example, who doesn't like things like weapon degradation or horses crashing into trees and falling in RDR2 instead of just dodging around them automatically or stopping like they do in most games.Ugh I think they did it more to cater to your general populace of average Joe schmucks instead of their actual fans, trying to expand their fan base essentially. They've made both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls go from being dedicated RPGs to just your average First Person Shooter. I miss the concept of having to maintain your equipment, immersion ftw.
  11. I agree with you that the 10mm falls into the same category as the assault rifle, maybe not to the same degree but still I liked the previous concept of the 10mm pistol, less oversized and bulky and a little more practical. I also agree with you on the power armor requiring heavy weapons, I mean if I recall correctly in Fallout 3 didn't brotherhood of steel members wearing power armor typically wield miniguns, gatling lasers, flamers and other heavy weapons, along with Gauss rifles.
  12. You raise a very good point Antistar, hell I want a Thompson replacer and well..that's what brought WARS to my attention initially lol.
  13. When I said my "speaking of Modern Firearms...lol" bit I was referring to how surprised I was that the team returned after a 2-3 year hiatus, with results on top of that, though for me it's not so much the weapon functionality scripts as it is the proper reload animations...finally, grabbing non existent charging handles in 2.5 1.4 I found to be a bad peeve for me lol.
  14. An intriguing thought that occurred to me since you mention the Thompson would be the least amount of work to setup in such a manner is that it doesn't even have to be a standalone with any kind of permanence to it, if you were so inclined to do so you could release the Thompson as a standalone to act as a teaser, an advertisement for WARS until WARS finally gets that initial release, in which case you take down the standalone version. While the replacer for the Thompson is certainly better than that pitiful excuse for a Thompson Bethesda came up with, it's not exactly the "creme de la crop" replacer WARS features (despite my differing personal opinion), the AR15 however is since it's going to replace that god awful "assault rifle" lol. It's something to think about ultimately and to be perfectly honest I'm really picky when it comes to submachine guns, so far the Thompson you've set up has been the only one to catch my eye lol.
  15. I can certainly attest to that with porting apparels from some of my own personal little projects, it's quite a pain to port. I'm kind of surprised you didn't include the G36 Complex, not one of my personal favorites, I find most of the sights to be quite obstructing of my field of view. I see what you mean there, most mods with such features rely on the unequip/reequip scripting style which leaves things kinda...chunky, limitations of making mods.
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