Hello Nexus, I've had zero problems or crashes since the release of Skyrim, but since a few weeks it started to spike and stutter so bad I can't even play normally. I play on a laptop. I've had overheating issues before (playing for 1 hour, starts to lag and stutter because GPU/CPU overheats), but I fixed that by blowing compressed air through the opening on the bottom of my laptop. I don't think it's overheating, because I can play Battlefield 3 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 for hours without lag spikes or stutters. I've already re-installed Skyrim. I've also tried playing without mods but the problems remain. I run the game on 1366 x 768, Textures on High, Radial Blur on Low, Shadows on Low, FXAA on, Everything in water reflection settings are checked/on, view distance on highest, detail distance on low. I play with 30+ mods. (no ENB) Any thoughts? Intel Core i5 M450 2,3GHZ with TurboBoost nVidia GeForce GT540M 1GB DDR3 CUDA 4GB DDR3 RAM