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About MugiSNK

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    Skyrim, Battlefield, Minecraft
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    Ganbarre Goemon!

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  1. In general, there are similar functions in the papyrus, but they do not work for the player , only on the actors (NPC). Thanks for checking. But there has to be a way to use the script extender or something to make this work on the player, right?
  2. I've wanted this forever. I mainly play Skyrim for aesthetics since I completed the game twice, so this will definitely help. @ OP You should try and get this thread more popular. I'll start sharing this thread on other Skyrim modding sites. I'm also willing to help with the mod, but I have zero scripting or modding experience. If there's someone with modding/scripting experience, please check out this mod for Oblivion and see what functions/calls can be converted to Skyrim's script/engine.
  3. Hey Nexus, I'm looking for a mod which adds either black bars or a vignette effect. It has to be non ENB or FXAA, since those won't work on my system. (I use a Nvidia Optimus powered laptop) I've tried Google, obviously. Do you know of any I could use? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Mugi
  4. this is weird.. i'm having the same problem.. every 60 seconds the game freezes for about 5 seconds... this is REALLY annoying and it started after i got patched up to 1.5 and installed dynavision and imaginator. dynavision was not working properly... everything was blurry and the autofocus effect never got innitiated so i experimented with a lot of mod combinations only to find out that i have to start a new game to make it work. i think i might have bloated my savegame =\. i'll check if starting a new game fixes the 60s freezes. EDIT: oh yea the gamepad thing didn't help EDIT2: yup that did the trick... started a new game and the problem was solved... luckily i still had a savegame without this bug that wasn't too old Looks like my savegame has bugs baked into it. Also started a new game and the problems was solved.
  5. Update: I've looked around the Internet for possible fixes, and found something on YouTube. Open SkyrimPrefs.ini, and search for the line bGamepadEnable=1. Set it to bGamepadEnable=0 If it is enabled, Skyrim will constantly check if there is a gamepad connected to the system. This 'checking' results in an endless loop, which drains a lot of from the CPU. I've disabled it, and I run everything without turning lag. However, I think my game will only lag when I'm in the forest between Helgen and Falkreath. Will update this post later
  6. The thread tweaking reduced stutters by a little, spikes last shorter than usual. Though, I've now noticed Skyrim only stutters and spikes when I turn. I am currently waiting for Alexander to release Skyboost for ScriptDragon, hopefully that will increase the playability. It's not the size of the saves for me. My main save is only 10MB
  7. Got it. Thanks again. Currently defragging my HDD, and will test Skyrim right after.
  8. Thanks, I'll look into it. I'll post results as soon as I got 'em.
  9. Hello Nexus, I've had zero problems or crashes since the release of Skyrim, but since a few weeks it started to spike and stutter so bad I can't even play normally. I play on a laptop. I've had overheating issues before (playing for 1 hour, starts to lag and stutter because GPU/CPU overheats), but I fixed that by blowing compressed air through the opening on the bottom of my laptop. I don't think it's overheating, because I can play Battlefield 3 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 for hours without lag spikes or stutters. I've already re-installed Skyrim. I've also tried playing without mods but the problems remain. I run the game on 1366 x 768, Textures on High, Radial Blur on Low, Shadows on Low, FXAA on, Everything in water reflection settings are checked/on, view distance on highest, detail distance on low. I play with 30+ mods. (no ENB) Any thoughts? Intel Core i5 M450 2,3GHZ with TurboBoost nVidia GeForce GT540M 1GB DDR3 CUDA 4GB DDR3 RAM
  10. Are you on a desktop PC or a laptop? Laptops have this problem quite fast. GPU/CPU temperatures cause this 'after-a-while' lag. I've had the same problem. Fixed it by blowing compressed air through my fan in my laptop. That was 2 months ago. However, I'm having the same problem again. Except, Skyrim is the only game that starts lagging after a while. I can easily play BF3 on low settings for 3 hours straight without my GPU overheating and crashing my laptop.
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