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Nexus Mods Profile

About Draconzis

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  1. If you look at the comments on the mod they claim it to be broken.
  2. I've been wanting a rather simple mod for Fallout 3 for a little while know, one that adds the cut pink power armor for the game. All that would need to be done is to make a copy of normal power armor, apply the textures that are already in the game, then rename. (At least that's how I believe it would go, I have never modded items before) But all that I find on the Fallout 3 Nexus is either broken or adds more than just the power armor. So, I decided to try to make my own mod. I am familiar with modding Skyrim, but never a Fallout game. So when I looked in the 'Tools' section of my Steam library, all I found was "GECK - New Vegas Edition" and I was wondering if this version will also work with Fallout 3. I would have posted this in the Fallout 3 Nexus forums, but those forums are dead as hell.
  3. I like displaying oversized and undersized items in my house, but when I dropped my undersized deathclaw hand, which I found in the Enclave mobile base (Broken Steel DLC), it turned into this. Anyone know how to make to not deformed w/o turning it into a regular sized deathclaw hand?
  4. I believe it doesn't make any difference if I put "1" instead of "01" as, correct me if I'm wrong, the game ignores all initial zeros and only starts 'reading' the id once it hits any other number/letter. If that were the case, you would never be able to spawn anything in the base game since it's load order number is "00". All Base Object ID or Quest ID numbers are eight digits. Anything less will not be accepted when attempting to spawn an item or reset a quest. I just hopped in game and spawned a Gauss Rifle using the code I listed here, without the zero in front of the one. I also spawned in a Fat Man, the base game version, without any zeros at all being used. So, unless I am majorly misunderstanding something here, the codes I listed here are valid.
  5. Alright, I just updated the list to include all possible items. At least, all of the IDs that I can find. Again, if I missed anything, please let me know.
  6. I believe it doesn't make any difference if I put "1" instead of "01" as, correct me if I'm wrong, the game ignores all initial zeros and only starts 'reading' the id once it hits any other number/letter.
  7. I apologize, but what exactly is the difference between the item ID number and the base object number? Also, I created the list assuming people have the GOTY edition or all the DLCs, which I believe automatically place it at the top of your load order as 01. If you would like, I could easily change the '1' that is in front of everything to an XX, like how they do it on the wiki.
  8. Alright, so shortly after posting this I realized how incredibly lazy I was for asking someone else to create a list instead of putting the time into it myself. So here we go. I put a tag in parenthesis after each listing. (Sim) means it is the simulation version of said item, which usually means that it has a metric crap ton of item durability. (Wastes) Means that it is (or was intended to be) found outside of the simulation and used by the player out in the wasteland. (Test) means the item was used for testing purposes and the specific item ID was never was even intended to be added to the game. Directly behind the tag is the item ID, meaning the string you punch into the console to get it. Weapons Frag Grenade (Sim) 1003f43Frag Mine (Sim) 1003f45Power Fist (Sim) 100c6f0Trench Knife (Wastes) 100c07bTrench Knife (Sim) 1003f4410mm Pistol (Sim) 1003f4910mm Alloy Steel Pistol (Wastes) 100c06cSilenced 10mm Pistol (Sim) 1003f4aSilenced 10mm Alloy Steel Pistol (Wastes) 100c06dNo Ammo Silenced 10mm Pistol (Test) 100297210mm Submachine Gun (Sim) 1003f7210mm Alloy Steel Submachine Gun (Wastes) 100c06fChinese Pistol (Sim) 1003f41Chinese Dragoon Pistol (Wastes) 100c071Combat Shotgun (Sim) 100c7c2Assault Rifle (Sim) 1003f3eAlloy Steel Assault Rifle (Wastes) 100c06eChinese Assault Rifle (Sim) 1003f3fChinese Dragoon Assault Rifle (Wastes) 100c070High Damage Chinese Assault Rifle (Test) 100af7dSniper Rifle (Sim) 1003f48Gauss Rifle (Wastes) 100c07dGauss Rifle (Sim) 1003a04Gauss Rifle (Test) 1003a04Flamer (Sim) 1003f42Minigun (Sim) 1003f47Missile Launcher (Sim) 1003f46Fatman (Sim) 100c169Smoke Grenade (Test) 1008236Signal Flare (Test) 100a4ddJingwei's Shocksword (Sim) 100b554Jingwei's Shocksword (Wastes) 100c07cJingwei's Shocksword DOT (Test) 100c38eJingwei's Shocksword Stack (Test) 100beb5Electric Sword (Test) 1004dadElectric Sword A Electrocute Crit Knockdown (Test) 100be37Electric Sword Damage Multiply (Test) 100be38Test Gun (Test) 100a4dfTest Tank Laser (Test) 1000cf2e, 1003e21, and 1003bfbApparel Outcast Scribe Robe 100742fNeural Interface Suit (Pre-Sim) 100a6c0Neural Interface Suit (Post-Sim) 100bb28Chinese Stealth Armor (Wastes) 100c18fChinese Stealth Armor (Sim) 1003a02Chinese Stealth Helmet (Wastes) 100c190Chinese Stealth Helmet (Sim) 1003a03General Chase's Overcoat (Sim) 100ad7bGeneral Jingwei's Uniform (Sim) 100c1caChinese General Hat (Sim) 100c1c8Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit (Wastes) 100c189Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit (Sim) 1003f3aWinterized Chinese Commando Hat (Wastes) 100c18aWinterized Chinese Commando Hat (Sim) 1003f39Army Mechanic Jumpsuit 100a0ecWinterized T-51b Power Armor (Wastes) 100c18dWinterized T-51b Power Armor (Sim) 1001f09Winterized T-51b Power Helmet (Wastes) 100c18eWinterized T-51b Power Helmet (Sim) 1001f08Winterized Combat Armor (Wastes) 100c18bWinterized Combat Armor (Sim) 1003af9Winterized Combat Helmet (Wastes) 100c18cWinterized Combat Helmet (Sim) 1003afcWinterized Combat Helmet, No Balaclava 100cddeSnowman Head 100bc37Sim Regen Armor 1002969The Peepers 1003473Misc Schematics - Trench Knife (Test) 10024ef NOTE: You are mistakenly given the Sim version of the Winterized T-51b power armor at the end of the DLC, thus the Wastes version is normally unobtainable in game. Also, I do not know whether the Winterized Combat, No Balaclava has Sim levels of item HP or not. So if anyone can inform me of which it is, that would be helpful. I cannot seem to find the IDs for the weapons the Chimera tanks actually use, only the test ones, so if you know what it is please tell me. Also, if I missed any items at all, please tell me so I may update the list. I learned a rather lot of things making this list. Did you know that there are 7 variations of Jingwei's Shocksword? I did not know that there are 7 variations of Jingwei's Shocksword. Sources: Cutting Room Floor Fallout Wiki
  9. For the life of me I can't seem to find a list of all weapons and apparel added by the OA DLC. The lists on Gamepedia and the Wiki only lists the obvious, but doesn't going into detail about similar but different items, such as the simulation versions of normal weapons. Pretty much I want a list that not only lists the names of the items normally attainable, but also items that only appear on simulation npcs, if they have a wasteland and/or simulation counter part, and cut items. From the looks of it, all the information is on the wiki and gamepedia, but not in any of the lists. I can probably doing like an hour of searching and scrap together all individual weapons and apparel, including all the different IDs, but it would be so much easier if there was a comprehensive list that I just haven't seen yet. Edit: See post below.
  10. I have looked well into Fallout 3's cut content and most of the cut content is there in the coded, ready to go and just be spawned in with console. But there was one exception that caught my eye, the pink power armor, where only the texture seems to be there. (Wiki Link) Naturally, as most other people who see the unused texture would, I wanted it in my game. I found a mod that claimed to do just that here, but looking to the comments section people are claiming the mod is broken and any other mod that adds it also adds other things as well. So, in short, I just want a small mod that adds new items that are exactly the same as normal power armor and helmet, stats mesh and all, but with the unused pink texture applied to it. Actually placing it somewhere in the game world optional. Also, if you could, I would like there to also be matching dropped world models as well so I can place the pink armor in my house.
  11. As a small update, turns out there are 5 'pool balls' in Mothership Zeta with four of them being in a pot in the hub area after a couple areas have been explored.
  12. I would recommend playing on High setting and trying the game. If it runs slow or you get lag/stutters, then try lowering settings. I would also recommend, for best performance, turn Antialiasing off (because it bogs down performance without doing a lot to improve the look of the game) as well as turning off water reflections to prevent lag near water.
  13. I was recently going through the wiki page that lists misc items and saw that there was not two but three versions of the Garden Gnome in Fallout 3: An intact version, a damaged version, and one that is just 'Garden Gnome.' I can see these are all different items because they each list a different ID, but going on "plain" garden gnome page doesn't bring up anything. Really, it seems as though all the editors of the page believed it to be, oddly enough, a page about both Intact and Damaged gnomes, even though they each have separate pages. Neither the wiki nor some quick google searches brings up anything that even acknowledges this 'plain' gnome. So, does anyone have any information on this item? Is is obtainable? Also, while I'm at it, there appears to be an item just labeled as "Pool Ball" that, besides listing in in the list of misc and giving an ID, doesn't seem to be acknowledged anywhere.
  14. I recently started playing Fallout 3 as I am taking a break from Skyrim and, although Fallout 3 modding is nowhere near as popular as Skyrim modding modding, I am wondering what mods are considered essential? Skyrim you had your SKSE, SkyUI, and Unofficial Patch that was widely considered essential, is there anything of the like for Fallout 3? I saw that there was an Unofficial Patch, but any other mods besides that? Also, any recommendations for mods? I am still getting used to the controls, but I find the Pip-Boy navigation with the mouse to be rather annoying, any mod for that? EDIT: Also, does the unofficial patch only fix bugs, or does it also make additional changes that isn't bug fixes?
  15. You were not being either of those things, I have no idea why dpgillam was throwing around baseless accusations. Seemed like he was in a bad mood and misinterpreted your post as hating female body mods, even though you clearly said otherwise in your post.
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