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  1. 1. I want Radiant Quests to stay, but i want them to be more dynamic and have the rewards scale to your level. Plus don't make them required to beat the main quest or faction quests. They are already grind fodder, but they need to be worth investing in. 2. Keep the combat system from fallout 4, but give us back the RPG mechanics we want too. Why focus on the combat only? 3. Give us the old dialogue system back, i dont like the 4 choices all the time thing... Even then, it doesnt give you the full details of what you are going to say. 4. Keep the power armor mechanics but make the frames harder to find (as well as more expensive from shops), and also make them level locked so you have to go to high level areas to get the best sets. Like you need to be level 15 to start finding T-45, 25 for T-51, Level 40 for T-60 and Level 50+ for X-01. (Also include X-02) 5. If they are going to permanently keep skills gone, then give us more perk charts to scroll through otherwise you restrict what perks we can have in the game itself... Otherwise bring back Skills.
  2. Some of my mods use alot of loose files and it's making me stutter, are there any tools i could use to shrink them down a bit?
  3. Your movement speed is bound to the animation speed when in 3rd person, so if you move at 200%, sprinting sets it to 100% which makes it a waste to invest in speed boosters. I hope this can get a fix someday
  4. There has to be a way to get rid of this issue, i don't think it's heat related, My CPU and GPU never hit 60C. I also tried turning shader cache off in my radeon settings and that didn't work either. :( I also tried verifying the cache too, still didn't work.
  5. Scrolls need more incentive for being used. Like maybe make them have more duration and magnitude in comparison to ones that require magicka. and dual casting will multiply those benefits
  6. Well i personally think we should get a new one built from the ground up? Because well, some of the rewards are locked behind the faction including the strange stones and the 3rd word for disarm. Plus i hate this faction so much, they are so evil and greedy... Esepecially Brynolf... :\
  7. Might have to if it will fix it. But at the cost of using up more HDD space and potentially making the game begin stuttering.
  8. Do i need to do loose files for vanilla too? :( It's going to bring back stuttering.
  9. If it has to do with Ba2 im worried Skyrim SE will have the same bug :sad: Also, i was told a whole bunch of reasons of what could be causing it. Godrays need to be set to low or off, tried that didn't fix it. Try vsync off, didn't work. Try ENB, didnt work. Maybe your graphics card is over heating, doesn't go past 60C not the cause. (speccy doesn't say it's overheating) Maybe it's a bad ini tweak. I reverted it to vanilla, didn't work :( I even tried increasing texture draw distance, it didnt work and it make the game have worse performance and longer load times...
  10. I think the brotherhood in fallout 4 already wear something like that? ^^; But i guess? I think the Fallout 4 version is a tad lighter. But i'd also like to see the return fo the white and blue color too :wink: Ad Victorium BOS Rebellion
  11. (contains spoilers who have not finished the blind betrayal quest) I hate how Maxson Treated Danse after knowing that he is a synth. The thing is though Danse put his life on the line for the brotherhood, and this is the thanks he gets? He deserves to die? That is pretty evil and xenophobic... I feel maxson is nothing more than a traitor to Lyon's ways... I wish to either overthrow maxson, or create a Rebellion against Maxson and recruit soldiers to defeat the corrupted Brotherhood. (i consider them corrupt), also no not all synths are evil... Look at Nick, look at Curie, look at Sturges, etc. Are they a threat? No... So why is Danse any different? Plus if the institute is gone, there is no way they could brainwash him. I don't care if danse isn't a real human. He was a good soldier and i refuse to kill someone who is honorable. Something Maxson seems to lack... Sorry about the rant, i just wish i could either overthrow maxson or build a rebellion to return to the way of Lyons.
  12. What about users on console? I heard they are getting the same thing too.
  13. This bug is part of the vanilla game... I don't know if UFO4P can fix it or not... I hope it can, otherwise we are going to have to wait years for a fix... and it might have to be F4SE related. Ps this isn't exclusive to settlements (for me at least) it happens everywhere in the exterior cell
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