1. I want Radiant Quests to stay, but i want them to be more dynamic and have the rewards scale to your level. Plus don't make them required to beat the main quest or faction quests. They are already grind fodder, but they need to be worth investing in. 2. Keep the combat system from fallout 4, but give us back the RPG mechanics we want too. Why focus on the combat only? 3. Give us the old dialogue system back, i dont like the 4 choices all the time thing... Even then, it doesnt give you the full details of what you are going to say. 4. Keep the power armor mechanics but make the frames harder to find (as well as more expensive from shops), and also make them level locked so you have to go to high level areas to get the best sets. Like you need to be level 15 to start finding T-45, 25 for T-51, Level 40 for T-60 and Level 50+ for X-01. (Also include X-02) 5. If they are going to permanently keep skills gone, then give us more perk charts to scroll through otherwise you restrict what perks we can have in the game itself... Otherwise bring back Skills.