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  1. could someone re-explain how to rename the nitrishapes and ninode things with screenshots plz because when i click the txt thing here: http://s4.noelshack.com/old/up/sans_titre-3fa0ec4613.jpg nothing happens if i doubble click a value appears i can modifie like a 0 or 1 etc then i try another way i rename it here http://s4.noelshack.com/old/up/hf-145dc64878.png but even if the 2 armors got same name there i can't paste the nitrishape branch coz of some missing stuff like head pauldrons etc if someone can helps that would be much appreciated ^^(sorry i'm beginner with nifscope and modding)
  2. oki thanks for the info i did work only with the ***_0 versions i will give it a try with the _1 versions also^^
  3. thanks mate for your help but i already checked it i made some researches before posting the request^^ the only one i found that was about mixing an armor with a body mesh was this one: but that just didn't work in game for example i tried to mix the upper part of nightingale armor with the lower part of greybeard robes retextured added alpha property etc but in game the nightingale mesh was just messed up =s
  4. hello i posted same request some times ago but no one replied so i repost this request: could the skyrim modders take some of their free time if possible to make some tutorials for beginners about how to mix armors with body or with some other armors/cloths atm there's 1 tutorial about how to add transparency and i found some interessting replies on the other modders problems topics but nothing for beginners =/ thanks for reading hope someone could do that =)
  5. hello i'm asking the skyrimnexus community for a detailed guide/tutorial about how to add an alpha layer etc(how to make something transparent on a dds file)to make it match this tutorial http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5600 which is well explained but about the meshes only =/ thanks in advance and i don't care about if it is on photoshop or gimp
  6. hiya all modders i wanted to request the spartan ouftit if someone could make it that would be awesome^^ here's a pic of how it looks like http://onewallpaper.net/wallpaper-pics/300-wallpaper-18.jpg thanks for reading and thanks in advance if someone willing to help^^
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