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About sirchet

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  1. Yeah, the only way I can get the mods to work are to enable them in the in-game menu every time I start the game. It's a pain in the butt and I hope it changes with the next update.
  2. If you can't even get to the main menu then you still have a mod enabled. When it crashes at start up 99.99% of the time it is because a mod is dependent on another mod that either isn't there are is set to load after. Open the NMM and look at the plugins, is one of them red? If one is red click on it and read the text in the box on the right to see what mod it needs to run.
  3. I've noticed now that my stealth is up pretty high that they deffinately see my noisey companion and attack her, but they ignore me until I join in the fun.
  4. You can also click on a settler and the first time you talk to them they will ask if they can "help out", say yes and click on what you want them to do. When you press the "v" button and enter the workshop window you can see, (along the top) what exactly you are missing or what needs to be built to make everyone happy. If it's in red you need to provide more of it.
  5. In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199, #28097734, #28100784, #28101514, #28150074 are all replies on the same post. Thank you Maigrets , you have successfully turned this thread from a discussion on the exciting new features we hope to see here on the Nexus into just another "Boo Hoo woman aren't treated right or fairly but shut up and hold that door and pay the check" thread. Maybe you could take your self important arrogant opinions over to a more appropriate discussion and let this thread go back to what it started out as.
  6. In response to post #23595219. #23595369, #23595554 are all replies on the same post. "Live to be Happy". Beautiful. :)
  7. In response to post #23607584. #23645249, #23647084, #23650264, #23653244, #23663254, #23664754, #23703214, #23721714, #23723294 are all replies on the same post. I believe DrakeTheDragon has said the most intelligent thing I've ever heard when talking about EULA. Thank you for that.
  8. I'm really happy to hear there will be more to this story. I've grown accustomed to giving someone the finger and getting paid for it!
  9. This is good news. So, you're going to be kind of like Moddb except with more traffic, right?
  10. “I don’t care, just make it work” Heh heh just kidding. Thanks for sharing this news with us and helping us to understand your concept of The Nexus.
  11. So, what was the answer here? I waited a few hours and yes I downloaded the entire adventure. Do you think this was a glitch maybe? I do appreciate the insight as to how some folks apparently go to great lengths in order to raise or lower a mods popularity, but I really have nothing to do with that except maybe my one vote of confidence to a mod I enjoyed and a thank you post to the author. I'm going to try and endorse the file again and see what happens. EDIT: OK, I still can't endorse the adventure. Is there a way I can check to see if the download was counted? Here's a link to the adventure http://neverwinter.n...s.com/mods/245/ I wonder if canceling the download from a premium server due to very slow download rate and restarting the download from a regular server will mess things up? I tend to do this when the Premium servers are downloading at dial-up speed. Just to play it safe I have re-downloaded the file and we'll see what happens in a few hours.
  12. I only endorse mods that I've played and to play them I must download them. I usually try to remember to come back and endorse the same day, or I tend to forget. The trick you mentioned sounds kind of silly, why would someone endorse a file they haven't played?
  13. Like the topic says. On the Neverwinter Nexus it fails to see that I have downloaded the file and have waited a few hours to endorse.
  14. I think I may be addicted to Kickstarter, I've made a small contribution to more upcoming games than I really should admit. ;) On the lawyer thing; I'm pretty sure Kickstarter got a little legal advice before starting it's business. It is merely a platform for others to use in order to fund their projects. I'm sure there is a clause somewhere in there that protects them from illegal activity by a user.
  15. One thing I don't like is that NMM automatically checks the version of the mods I have and does not allow me to tell it not to. Many of the mod versions showing as latest are actually just a different version with different options and the version I have installed is the one I want and the options I want. Also, did you notice that it will say a mod is not up to date because the mod version is different, not newer, just different. I have version 5.1 installed of a mod but NMM thinks 4.0 is the latest. New features are nice, but I would like to be able to turn off the features I don't want please.
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