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  1. Hi :) I'm starting a new playthrough, Requiem and Legacy of the Dragonborn based and I'm trying to make it as much compatible as possible. If you guys could spare a minute and take a look at my mod list I would be grateful, thanks in advance Modlist: https://modwat.ch/u/Fred/plugins
  2. I put in the recommended value by Boris.
  3. Well to begin with, I had 2 skyrim and skyrimprefs ini's. Plus I chose a manual setting of 4064 for the vram to use but I had the auto detect video memory size to true. Don't know if these things did anything or maybe I was forgetting some major part that I did now.
  4. It is now over ! I could finally play with a steady 60+ fps. I'm so glad. Thank you guys for everything !
  5. I'm just gonna try it out to see what fps I get since I already installed the most important textures.
  6. Can I run it now, then install some more textures and run it again? Edit: typo.
  7. I'm feeling so happy right now. You can't even imagine :)All that is left from a graphical standpoint is the DynDoLod. Thinking of using the 256 preset.
  8. I ran a test with some 2k textures and Enb plus all settings on ultra. Got 90+ fps while outside. Edit: Mind you, the gpu on 100% load is because of the player.setav speedmult 1500 plus tcl
  9. Using Vividian. Already tried a few and to me it's the closer to how I want it to look.
  10. Well I decided to install everytime from scratch, and did a backup of all my Skyrim folder, with only the ini's changed to accommodate the Enb and the Enb itself. What next step do you guys think I should take? Edit: Whoops, forgot to clean the masters.
  11. Thanks for the tip, I tweaked it on MSI Afterburner.
  12. I don't know why that appeared as that, since the HighRes Textures are always under the Dlc's. I'll try that.
  13. I was already using MO. I know my way around it too, been modding Skyrim for 3 years. And that is what makes me mad, I usually find some solution to my problems but can't find one for this.
  14. This can answer all your questions, right? Edit: I didn't change anything in the ini's except for the recommended settings for the enb.
  15. You are even that far from my specs and I still can't get this to work smooth.
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