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About MaularukoTheBarbarian

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    United States
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  1. i could also see Riften becoming Mos Eisley. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. :)
  2. with all the star wars mods out there i'm actually surprised no one has remade the animals of skyrim to fit with a star wars theme. for example: mammoths would become banthas etc. this would be an awesome undertaking for one who knows how and is willing. :)
  3. so basically i want to know do the mods for other versions of Skyrim work for the special edition or do they have to be special themselves? do mods have to be labeled special edition in order to work for Skyrim Special Edition? this is need to know before i install Skyrim Special Edition on my pc. :)
  4. ugh! this mod interferes with Bijin warmaidens which changes the look of certain npcs. if Bijin is above this mod in load order it doesn't work and vice versa. :(
  5. is there a mod that makes said items appear on freshly slain corpses?
  6. so i found this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20460/? that replaces Babette and puts her in the shrouded armor of the dark brotherhood which i think is awesome so i'm now using it. that only leaves Nazir. he is now the only member of my dark brotherhood that is not in dark brotherhood armor of some kind. i'd really like to see this happen. i mean after all, Farkas being a companion is for some reason not in companion armor in the vanilla game but there's a mod that fixes that. there needs to be one that puts Nazir in Dark Brotherhood armor. someone please make this happen.
  7. this was part of a mod called the ruffled feather which is now only available on the STEP mod page and no longer contains the riften argonian access. if anyone has that particular version and could send me a copy or if someone could make a new version or something that would be awesome.
  8. let's say i want an imperial to have the histskin ability. how would i go about making a change like that...or does it already exist?
  9. title says it all. i want a stand alone modern sledgehammer that can be found near the start like outside of the cave after Helgen. preferrably temperable or even bettecraftable AND temperable. wood and iron or steel for the modern feel. i found a baseball bat mod and that's cool but i want a sledgehammer. if there is a mod that has one can you provide a link because i can't find it.
  10. title says it all. who is the best companion/follower that you can give a bow to so you can get in close for melee?
  11. for some reason the werewolf aftermath re equipper that comes with Moonlight tales has stopped working. i've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Moonlight tales to no avail. as well as installing the re equipper mod on top of moonlight tales and still nothing. was wondering if there might be something in the load order that's causing it?
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