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  1. A counterpart to the Mod Detectives thread would be useful. An entire subforum, not so much. That's already implicit in posting in File Requests/Suggestions.
  2. If it's the bot-spawned comment thread, probably not.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_controversy#Germany Contra (Probotector) and Half-Life are mentioned. Presumably, there are others, but I don't feel like checking other sources.
  4. Water breathing's pretty much it for alteration, but you do get elemental and physical resisting spells. Morrowind had Element Shields damage attackers, which I first noticed when I failed a quest.
  5. Wait a second. A school that allows you to turn enemies (or townspeople) against their friends, prevent enemies from attacking you or send them fleeing, prevent them from casting spells, order them to fight for you, drop them to the floor while you beat them about the head, or let you stay unseen while this mayhem is going on is useless in combat?
  6. Of course, it could be argued that werewolves would be 'weak' to steaks.
  7. When I get up there and attack someone, a guard just teleports up to arrest me. Granted, I just shove him down again, but still...
  8. Indeed. "of Doom" would be so much...doomier. Still, better than "of Cheezburgers". Seem to remember mentioning to someone (on dial-up) that resumable downloads might be something to ask for. No idea if they did so, but either way now slow-connectioneers will have something worth getting premium for. What would "multi-threading" be, for downloads?
  9. 603b: There's Apocrypha, although its organization would drive Melvil Dewey insane. And I'm sure that Sanguine's ten times ten thousand realms include at least a few hundred which have booze, and possibly mudcrabs, available. 603c: There is, or was, the Ritual of the Innocent Quarry. Not all involved consider it entertaining, though. 603d: Ask Anhaedra about that one.
  10. I've said it before, but it bears repeating:
  11. Depends what you mean by debatable. For instance, a debate on evolution might not be against the rules, but the odds are good that some people will start arguing it from a religious standpoint, which is likely to result in a lock.
  12. Reading pinned threads is often a good place to start.
  13. Were you thinking of having this as new topics created for the articles page, or topics that have gotten off the ground being featured on the acticles page? I'm inclined to favour an option to allow anyone, or maybe established forumers only, to nominate a thread for Article status. Nominations could then be confirmed, denied, or 'wait-and-see'd by a moderator, or perhaps by a member of a somewhat broader group.
  14. Last time I downloaded something from Fileplanet, it was free. They do seem to have the page set up so the free servers aren't at the top, though.
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