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Everything posted by Abramul

  1. Hide somewhere safe while doing stuff that makes you vulnerable? (Mark-Intervention-Recall sequence) This also would mean that some mechanics exploits (I have a spell that fortifies Barter 100 points for 3 seconds) would no longer work, and therefore, the game would be more logical.
  2. Abramul


    Bought it at Walmart for USD 10 a while back. Excellent atmosphere, good learning curve. The mission setup is a pain, you can't keep weapons at all. But it does have a freeplay mode, sooo...One time, I pulled a farmboy out of his truck, only to get whacked with a baseball bat. Fun, cheap, amusing. Mafia---GOOD.
  3. That's odd, my idea of a British accent was derived originally from Jeeves and Wooster (and I can't believe that some people don't know that's where the Ask.com butler is from!), and more recently from BBC broadcasters (We DO get that on this side of the pond, you know!) Rebuttal on the way! EDIT: REBUTTAL INBOUND! 2.4E32 J, which is the absolute minimum requirement for destroying an Earth-like planet based on its gravitational binding energy. Base Delta Zero analysis 1 MTon (TNT) = 4.2*10^15 Joules, Nuclear arsenal = 10^4 MTon Astronomy 210, homework set 6(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champlaign Therefore, the nuclear arsenal contains ~ 4.2*10^19 Joules, and it would take 2.4*10^32 Joules to "blow up" Earth.
  4. Yes, but only because the British Army can charm the pants off everyone even while shooting at them! NOTE: By 'everyone' I only mean the ones who they're fighting!
  5. http://www.powerpointart.com/imagefolio/gallery/Maps/Map_Background_24.jpg AMERICA http://www.powerpointart.com/imagefolio/gallery/Maps/Map_Background_10.jpg United States of America (.) Rhode Island (between parentheses)
  6. 1/2. Finally, but they need to get people to use grammar online, too. 3. Can't be tougher than Jamaican! 4. YAAAAYYY!!! (What about Obi-Wan {NOT in 1-3!!}) 5. No Comment. 6. Good idea, but draw the starting Rugby lineup from hockey teams. Go a lot faster that way. 7. Umm, should we start on the NW coast of france? Also, "Vegetable Peelers Don't Kill People, People Kill People"---National Vegetable Peelers Association 8. We need a new excuse to blow things up, then. 9. Give the industry a chance to get it right first. Also, ban Japanese cars too. 10. Excuse me? http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/DigitalMedia/Ath64_chip_wfr_E.jpg 11. Not a problem. boston drinks beer, not tea. (OK, maybe lager or gnat's piss, but I'm only 20, so...) 12. Fine by me. 13. Good. People will have a reason to quit buying boxes for cars. (Any SUV except Subaru Forester) 14. "First, we kill the lawyers" -- William Shakespeare (anyone know what play? I don't!) 15. The Masons, perhaps? FINAL LINE: You want back taxes? Ok, but you get our debt, too! :halloween:
  7. Valshea's Armor (name may be different) - Another mod by Jeremy, a ''tank top' cuirass (actually uses a mesh spliced with race torsos, amusing to run around as an argonian with an Altmer chest), loincloth, boots, bracers, and pauldrons, but there's no helm. It's balanced (Light armor, less effective than glass), with the loincloth down around Chitin, but it doesn't work with Better Bodies, since the mesh includes original bodyparts (there's a gap at the tank-top's exposed waist , and the hanging part in the back of the loincloth takes up the same space as your butt. Also, there seems to be a problem where one pauldron and both bracers are always Redguard. Quite a nice job, though. Names are also inconsistent.
  8. Scuttle, Resin, Bloat, and I've never been able to find Ash Yams except in the Telvanni Canton enchanter's office.
  9. I believe the Sload is some sort of sentient, found in Thrass. Sload soap is produced from the non-sentient young. One thing that Sloads are known for is necromancy---for some reason, they import slaves and corpses. (It is said you can buy anything in Senchal) It is possible that the repercussions of the Thrassian Plague affected them, since I think I remember something about a punitive expedition being launched.
  10. Try using Divine or Almsivi Intervention. I don't think he attacks until after you go around the altar...or kill him, run away, get the Strider to Ald Ruhn, and talk to Tounge-Toad.
  11. Something similar...My computer has an MSI motherboard, and for some reason Winblows kept dumping the sound driver for the onboard card. For whatever reason, this prevented the game from running the startup MP3s, which is bad :angry2: . I think I might have disabled the device...haven't seen that in a while. Anyway, I recently got Ares, and have been running it in the background. Also, I am running Folding@Home. Does anyone know if either of these majorly increase crash rate? Also, if I leave the game running (paused) for a long time, it freezes, and killing it with Task Manager STILL has the computer running slow. If it's running even longer (12 hours, probably) I get a video card error...anyone seen that?
  12. If you don't know what you've stolen... ~ (Console) TFH toggle full help, shows owners and scripts. If you have an X-Box, you're screwed. Sorry. One other thing...I couldn't find D. Ur's crank, so I looked in the CS. Found it easy after that.
  13. You can get a bull netch to poison Fargoth, but it's still a crime!
  14. Post-patch Bliss? I have a bound longbow that I can't get rid of...think I got it by using up my previously equipped probe or pick. I'm not sure if I like this, or not, though. Seems kinda cheap to me
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