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Everything posted by Abramul
Here's the map.
...a white hole opened up, spewing random planet-bits out, some of which were still alive. The bits included:
Oblivion can't handle ranged weapons other than bows and staffs. Period.
A hybrid combat style. Swings could miss, but the target takes damage to fatigue (and you get experience), reflecting their successfully taking evasive action. Actions with a chance of failure. you could compromise magnitude for chance of success, for instance making lower quality potions, or using more magicka to cast a spell, or attempting smaller repairs. Items with a specific number of uses. This might be flexible, so a skilled smith might get more out of a repair kit than a novice would, and similar. Possibly implement though perks. Enchanted items recharge over time. The more incompletely charged items you have, the slower any particular item charges. Wielded weapons might also recharge (a point or so) when you hit something with them. A "Recharge Enchantments" spell might be good, too. Cast when Used enchantments. Restrict Touch and Target to gloves, gauntlets, rings, and maybe helms and amulets. This should take as much timeas casting a normal spell. Gauntlets and gloves treated as weapons when unarmed, with the option of Cast when Strikes enchantments. Enchantability based on item capacity, not soul strength. Makes no sense for a beggar's shirt to be as good as a Daedric Cuirass for enchanting. Number of different effects might depend on soul size. Different souls should be better for different things. A Fire Atronach soul should be better than a generic soul for fire-based (damage and shield, mainly) effect, and might be worse for frost-based ones. Maybe have a 'bonus' effect that gets added to enchantments that use a given critter's soul. Fast-travel from cities (and certain locations such as inns, settlements, and, perhaps, 'bus stops' on main roads) only. Possibly allow drop-offs anywhere along major roads, or maybe just at crossroads and points of interest. Bring back Mark, Recall, and Intervention. Experience based on effectiveness. Flare shouldn't give the same XP as Flame Tempest. Real AI, not just clockwork automata. HOWEVER, NPCs shouldn't get themselves randomly killed. Ability to create/add new skills, weapon types, animations, etc. in the CS Only important characters should have voice-acting OR Include a text-to-speech engine with accents for each race, a decent markup language, the ability to generate files in place (or possibly realtime), and possibly modifiers for class and attribute levels. Factions with mutually exclusive membership, and possibly opposing questlines. Also, reasonable addvancement requirements. An evil(ish) alternative to the main quest with the same end result but a far different path. Similar, for some misc. quests. This might be as simple as having an appropriate motivator for evil characters. For instance, where the good motivation is "Save them because it's the right thing to do! And I'll pay you.", the evil motivation might be "Save them, and the evidence of <HORRIBLE TRANSGRESSION> will go away." Finally, bring back Galerion's dream. Custom spells and enchantments for anyone who can afford them, not just those deemed 'competent'. Edit+: Major skills should be able to advance past 100 (125 would be a good max), and there should be an extremely powerful perk, unique to each skill, available at that level.
What exactly are you asking for? It should be a fairly simple matter to apply the existing enchantment to another weapon. As for the 'souls claimed' bit, you could probably do that by adding a line (to the section of the script that does the killing) that increments a variable in a dummy quest script (that is, a script for a quest whose sole purpose is the existence of said variable). Someone else can better explain that part of things.
Hot Topic #1: The dumbing down of Oblivion
Abramul replied to Dark0ne's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
That's more a matter of being scaled down, rather than dumbed down. -
At a guess, it's an archive type that you don't have an extractor for. See this thread.
Hot Topic #1: The dumbing down of Oblivion
Abramul replied to Dark0ne's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Shouldn't testing cover some of the bigger categories of mods? Say, for instance, new races? Or new quests? -
Hot Topic #1: The dumbing down of Oblivion
Abramul replied to Dark0ne's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Not sure that you can even call Morrowind a 'true' RPG. That, to me, would mean anticipating all plausible approaches to any situation and implementing an appropriate result for each, a feat that is probably impossible in a computer game of such scope. For instance, you can't come clean about being an agent of the Blades (and, perhaps, make it clear your loyalty is now to Morrowind), or ask Sottilde to make a copy of the Code Book and give you the original. -
Chop the Google thingie, and you get: http://www.knightsedge.com/medieval-weapon...-mace-2609g.jpg http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Maces__Flail...e_M1534_894.jpg http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/ex..._axe_sm_540.jpg http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp...300px-Skip1.jpg I was going to recommend that you link to the full sized image using the thumbnail as the link 'text', but apparently, the Google thumbnails count as 'dynamic pages'. However, poking around one of the sites, I did find the relevant catalogue, which has thumbnail sized images. This likely would be true of the others, even if they aren't trying to sell stuff. For instance, [url=http://www.knightsedge.com/medieval-weapons/medieval-skull-mace.htm] [img=http://www.knightsedge.com/medieval-weapons/skull-mace-2609t.jpg][/url] becomes http://www.knightsedge.com/medieval-weapons/skull-mace-2609t.jpg (I stuck a hard return in there to avoid breaking the page) I'd recommend linking to the sale page, as that's less likely to be perceived as leeching.
The problem, I think, lies in your choice of search engine. For instance, I found this page through Google, and it includes some fairly large profiles, AND details of the base, blade, and head. (Actually, it shows several different designs, but the author labeled each picture.)
...a bottle, which was then put into itself. This resulted in...
While new animations could be done, they would have to replace the existing animations for ALL characters. Hopefully, this'll be changed in V.
On the topic of differentiating magic projectile magnitudes, lightning (think this was mentioned already) could go from one linear bolt at low power to several frizzy bolts at high powers, and perhaps high powers would have a speed boost. Frost could range from 'light glaze' to 'freezer that hasn't been deiced for years', ideally with 3-dimensional accumulation of crystals. Actually, it might be interesting to have 'Speed' be an attribute of spells that could be set in CS or in-game. I would love a high-magnitude Fireball spell that lumbers slowly toward its target.
At least in the case of fireballs, something could probably be done with the color. For instance, 0-25: orange-red 26-50: Yellow 51-75: White 76-100: blue-white http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0e/Color_temperature.svg/578px-Color_temperature.svg.png
...turning into a spaghetti tree, causing...
Tried Legends, didn't much like it. Probably will play again, sometime. Been playing a fair amount of Enemy Territory. The server I normally use is mostly empty most of the time, but it has bots.
My aren't you a sour sort? eh? It seems to be that your sole mission in life is to bring grief to others. Over the last 5....thats all it took....5 days ive seen you denounce and dethrone every idea and resonable personage here in this forum (it seems at least). You never have anything good to say about ANYone. And you boast and tout your "lore knowledge" to the greatest extent ive ever seen a nobody brag to be a somebody. Im no one. YOU are no one. get it thru ur he@d d00d @ninja: Actually, it sounds more like the plot of Arena. @ivxx: Had he not called you on it, I would have myself. I think 'leaf-boat' is probably a more apt term than 'canoe', if that's the type you're referring to. Ebonheart has a dragon statue.
I don't believe that such a mod is possible, unless you mean one that merely allows clothes and armor to be equipped at the same time rather than displaying both at once.
Aren't religious debates banned?
Shame on you! Tolkien is the King of Fantasy!
I'm pretty sure it should be the same name as you use on GamingSource. And you misspelled 'login'.
Persuasion Overhaul? Oddly, the number shows up in my download history as 3934, on the file page as 5403, and in the current file as 5408.
Further: The ability to add spell effects, skills, weapon types, and animations. Also, an option, when making a new weapon in the CS, to select a particular animation for it to use.
Oh, also: The chance that actions will fail. Guilds and factions that only permit copetent members to advance. A distinctive style of appearance. There wasn't as much room for this in Oblivion as there was in Morrowind, but hopefully that won't be the case for V. EDIT: Also, cast-when-used enchantments (maybe just on rings), and gradual regeneration of charge (somewhat less than a character with level 5 Enchantment would get in Morrowind).