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Everything posted by Abramul

  1. I would like to see a complex plotline, with numerous branchings, with quests that are complex, interesting, and lorish, and which cannot (easily) be completed at low levels. I would also like to see either a return to MW's text dialogue, or else a speech synthesizer that is easy to work with, capable of natural-sounding speech and emotions, and can produce the distinct vocal patterns and accents of previous games.
  2. You could, though, create a spell that, when cast on a gate, closes it and adds a random stone.
  3. It isn't doing this for me. It's simply buying one at a time. I'm buying for the TG guy in Bruma. What mods are you using? (Could you split our posts to a different thread? There's something odd (or modded) about your game, and this isn't the place to figure out what it is.
  4. Seems something was wrong with my search. This was the mod I saw, but it seems that it isn't what you're asking for. By default, when you buy or sell an item, if you have three or more of an item (whne selling), or if the shopkeeper does (when byting), a box will pop up asking how many you want to buy or sell, You're not by any chance buying lockpicks from Armand Christophe, are you? Since that's done through dialogue, you can only get one at a time (I think). If you want to buy a bunch at once, you'd do better to visit Shady Sam.
  5. Not entirely sure what you mean, as by default a slider pops up if you have 3 or more of an item. However, I think I saw a mod that could've been something along these lines. ... Can't seem to find it. I think the title was something along the lines of "Don't ask me how much" or "Don't ask me how many".
  6. Only one of Lovecraft's works I have is "The Color Out of Space", that being found in Omnibus of Science Fiction I recently learned that a rather amusing book I picked up a while back by the title of Title Deleted for Security Reasons is connected in a roundabout way to the Elder Scrolls.
  7. It isn't entirely clear what you're asking. If I understand you correctly, you want a spell that causes NPCs and possibly objects to stop moving around, causes crime to go unreported, and prevents them turning into a ragdoll until the spell wears off. It would be fairly simple to have a spell that disables all AI while it's in effect. I believe this also prevents crimes from being reported, and causes them to freeze in whatever position they're currently in. Not entirely sure of this, though. HOWEVER, I'm fairly certain that if they're already attacking you, they will use melee attacks if you get close enough. Not sure if they can use ranged attacks, or if they will engage someone if attacked. I don't think it's possible to disable collision for specific generic classes of objects (For instance, disabling physics on NPCs and items, while retaining it for statics), buts that's an area I'm not familiar with.
  8. Thought I posted this, but apparently not. When I first entered Chorrol, the local MD agent decided to attack Glistel (I think). After I killed him, I asked Glistel about the latest rumors...only to hear something along the lines of "Do you believe that cultists were behind the Emperor's murder, and are opening Oblivion Gates throughout Cyrodiil?".
  9. ...you DO realize the topic was "New Requests Forum", not "New Requests Thread", right? Would probably make sense to move the various "How [!] to request a Mod" threads to the new forum.
  10. ...and THIS is why a (usable) Lock spell effect would be good!
  11. It's a pretty simple matter, you can make a scripted spell with DuplicateAllItems as the main payload, put the arrows in any container, and cast the spell on it. Or, you can just stick them in a container, open the console, and select the container and enter DuplicateAllItems player
  12. My .DLLs show up in \Morrowind\MGE
  13. ...Or, you know, change the thumbs-up into a thumbs-down. I deemed that insufficiently neutral. Or, depending upon how you meant it, I thought showing a thumbs-down when kudos have been given could be confusing to some.
  14. I've seen that too, but from what I recall, you just have to open the console, and hit SHIFT. No typing required. That's as I remember it, though.
  15. Can someone please answer my question. It was eaten by the spelling monster.
  16. Is a graphical indication of whether we've given a specific person kudos coming anytime soon? Not sure what the best way to indicate whether or not kudos have been given would be, but I'm inclined to suggest using the current graphic when they have been, and a hollow outline of it if they haven't been given.
  17. Does the key work properly? That is, can you type ` and ~ in other applications? EDIT: Also, shouldn't the title be "Why DOESN'T the Tilde key work?
  18. I was going to tell you, but it appears to be password-protected. (If you expected a reply from the author, 'tis a forlorn hope)
  19. *pssst* I hate to break it to you now, but the refugee camp below Kvatch is one of the "pre-discovered" locations on the map. You could have fast-traveled straight to Kvatch seconds after emerging from the Prison sewer pipe. Yes, I know, but I prefer to find places on foot (horses are too slow) before fast-traveling to them. Had I fast-traveled to Kvatch, I would have missed the guy telling me to run away...although he refused to talk to me until I had killed the ogre chasing him.
  20. Intended to post this previously, but forgot to: I had fast-traveled on Prior Maborel's horse to Mortal Camp, as that was the closest location to Kvatch that I knew of. I figured there'd be a bandit or two...but when I got there there was a bandit (bowman, I think), and a Minotaur Lord. I engaged the bandit (think I poisoned him), but when the minotaur went chasing after my horse, which ran away, I chased it in order to save the horse. As I recall, it killed my horse just as I caught up (I'd been casting lightning bolts at it), I killed it, and a Brown Bear attacked me...all in the space of a few seconds.
  21. I'm pretty sure almost all NPCs use leveled lists anyway, so it would more be a matter of changing the armors themselves, and possibly tweaking the lists. The most tedious task would be changing the stats for all the magic items.
  22. Nice. A mod that makes NPC armor plausible, without going and saying "Oh, by the way, this also adds new equipment, monsters, etcetera". Am I correct in thinking it wouldn't cause problems if disabled mid-game?
  23. Something I don't get about loclpicking: ALL locks have five cylinders!
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