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Everything posted by Valus2035

  1. Hey I used to play a mod for the original Skyrim years ago by some cool modder. She did the 3D art, textures, and uploaded them as Dwemer machine guns with actual ammo and cool sound effects. One of her weapons looked very similar to a Tommy gun. In order to get the weapons you'd have to meet her character at the Dragonsreach sitting at one of the dinner tables. I used to shoot down dragons with them. I miss playing with it. Does anyone know of this mod or remember it? Thanks
  2. In response to post #85496478. It's fake huh? Here's their website for you to explore. https://tesrskywind.com/faq/
  3. Hello are there any Fallout 4 planet mods where you can build on? Like Mars, Venus, or other planets beyond the solar system?
  4. Hello everyone, I've been looking for awhile and haven't found a mod I'm looking for. Probably bad keywords on Google. Anyways, is there a mod that allows you to build a castle and place it anywhere in the world? Thanks
  5. Are you a coder? Not professional, but if you are looking for private...I'm more focused in sharing & passing knowledge to everybody interested in it. Publicly so everybody can see and gain from it. Sounds great. I sent you a p.m.
  6. Hello I'm looking for professional coders skilled with C++,C#, or JavaScript. I have some questions to discuss in private message.
  7. Is there or will there ever be mods for Skyrim that will include the lands from ESO like Stonefalls, Deshaan, Shadowfen, Alik'r Desert, Glenumbra, and so forth? I would definitely love to travel and do quests because those lands are very beautiful. Thanks
  8. Hello everyone. Thank you for the Nexus. I have always loved this place. You guys are always professional and hard at work with amazing mods. :) I've looked and didn't see any related topics on what I'm looking for. I would love to make a house from scratch since I have Jaxonz Positioner mod. Besides the Woodcutter mod, are there any mods that behaves like Conan Exiles, where you break open any random stones in the world with your pickax and add to your inventory? Thanks
  9. I'm not really good with keyword searches. I tried several times but no luck. Is there a mod that after you steal or beat or kill someone, you can go change your hair, facial features, or change armor so that mercenaries or guards won't come hunting you? Thanks
  10. Thank you for downloading the mod. :) It's been along time since I read the book I've made. I thought I made the mountain inside the land of Akavir?
  11. Hello everyone, does anyone know if the Creation Kit 2.0 supports custom animations from scratch?
  12. I finally got the Creation Kit. I have to say it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm gonna be a mad scientist for this program! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  13. It won't install from the Bethesda Launcher. I keep getting an error. I own the game for p.c.
  14. So far this dlc is fun. Can't wait til the CK comes out. I know all you awesome modders got some insanely cool mod ideas coming. I can just see it now, anime giant robots, X-Men styled Fallout, Armored Core styled modding. Man it's gonna be freakin pristine. :)
  15. I sure hope that when the new CK comes out it will allow for custom import for animations. I would like to see some unique additions to the program. What do you all think?
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