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  1. Hm... sadly I did that already because I looked up this site but it did not fix it. Maybe I'll need to reinstall the game and then try to do it completely in english to not even provoke any language issues but thanks for the answer.
  2. Does no one know about this issue?
  3. Hey I have a problem with SKSE, I installed it normally like all the videos showed (or like the readme.txt says). put .dll and .exe files into the main directory of Skyrim, put the Scripts folder with the .pex files into the Data folder of the game, but in game my "buttons" are now somehow bugged. For example, in the main menu the buttons are not named like this anymore: Continue Load Credits ... Somehow with SKSE installed they are now like this: $Continue $Load $Credits $... The $-Symbol is also on every spot where you can click Yes or No, Buy, enter inventory, or anything else for expample, as I said, every "button" got the dollar sign infront of it. Mods that use SKSE wont work (in my case SkyUI) but in the menu in game it says that SKSE is installed (at the version number on the bottom left side). I am not sure if it's just a language incompatibility with my language set (german). Does anyone know about this issue? And how can I fix it?
  4. I really don't recommend that because it's too easy to accidentally leave mod fragments behind that can cause difficult to trace bugs later on. Yeah I thought about that too but I can at least try it out, if it does not work I can simply delete the folders again. Since I am (only) used to installing / uninstalling mods manually (I actually never used the mod manager) I probably wont get many problems with that.
  5. Thanks for the answer! Well, at least I can save a lot of time reinstalling the game by saving these ba2 files but I will try to save all the folders and .esp files from the old data directory too and place them in the new installation after I got the game running, maybe that will work since I think it wouldn't really "change" anything in terms of installation because I always installed all my mods manually.
  6. Hey I wanted to know if it is possible to somehow make a complete backup of Fallout 4's game files, I installed a lot of mods and since I am going to buy a better computer I will need to install all the mods (and download Fallout 4 again with my bad internet connection.... it took me almost a whole day to download it) again which would be a hell lot of work. Is it possible to somehow make a backup of the game's folder? I had several issues already with Steam in terms of Steam not recognizing a game so I couldn't start it therefore I want to be sure to make it right (if it works). The way I thought it could work would look like this: - make the Fallout 4 game folder to a .rar file - save it somewhere - install Steam on the new PC - unpack the archived Fallout 4 folder on the new PC - somehow "connect" the game with Steam again Would this be a way that could work out? Or will this encounter issues? As I already wrote, I had a lot of problems with Steam already, Steam wouldn't "recognize" the games and I couldn't start them anymore, even though all the game files were on my PC, the games somehow got "disconnected" from steam, there was no link anymore (For example: right clicking on the Steam icon in the taskbar would open the menu with recently started games, clicking on them would give me a pop up message that said something like "game could not be found" or "game needs to be downloaded first", even though it was installed on my PC, even in the Windows programs and features window). So, would this workaround like (I posted it) work in some way? Or is there no way around installing all these mods again?
  7. Well, I am sorry I found out what the cause for the crash was. For anyone who has the same problem and did not found a solution yet, here is my way how I got my savegames to work again: The "load-order" in the plugins.txt has to be exactly the same like it was before, otherwise the game seems to crash. For example: Old load-order (which is used by the old savefiles) Mod 1.esp Mod 2.esp Mod 3.esp For old savegames the plugins.txt and it's load-order must look like this again to work. But not like this: New wrong load order Mod 2.esp Mod 3.esp Mod 1.esp I am not completely sure if that was the problem but that was the only thing I changed after seeing the game crashing all the time when I installed all the mods.
  8. Hi I recently had to reinstall windows and therefore lost (almost) everything. I wanted to install Fallout 4 again and use my old savegames where I used many mods. I downloaded and installed the mods but my savegame can't load anymore (it crashes when loading a savegame, the game itself loads up totally normal) but I can start a new game normally. So, is there a way to get old savegames running or is this impossible? I saved most mods when I downloaded them so there shouldn't be any different mod versions that I did not had before. Can anyone maybe help me in some way?
  9. Whenever I change my camera view from first to third person (or the other way around), drawing a meele weapon or stopping to sprint (sprinting thing only in third person mode) my character blocks / parries. That's quiet annoying since it interrupts me for a few seconds. Does anyone know why this happens? I have no idea why my character is doing that. EDIT: Weird thing: This happens only with my new character (level 3, wanted to play a meele character)... my old one (level 97, more likely for big guns / powerarmor and so on) isn't blocking in all these situations I mentioned above.
  10. Hm... my problem is that I don't even use sneaking with my character, I am using the minigun (with some kind of tank / power armor build) all the time and it's weapon damage is pretty low, especially if you play on surival difficutly, it takes like 200 rounds with a normal minigun (no legendary) to take down a raider veteran or even more rounds for a supermutant primus. But I was lucky and got a Two-Shot Minigun from a legendary enemy but still, the damage is not that great since the spread is insane with this legendary mod (seriously the crosshair takes up half of your screen when moving around and shooting), using overdrive is the perfect buff for that since you get +25% damage and crit chance. IF the better criticals perk does affect these crits damage the minigun would be even more useful since you spray many bullets and every single one has a 1/4 chance to land a crit. And it's pretty interesting that sneak attacks count as critical hits too, I did not know that before and thought that would be two different things.
  11. Hi I can't figure out if this perk (better criticals - makes the crits hit harder, on rank 3 a crit hits x4) works only for VATS, or even if I use the drug Overdrive. I don't use VATS very often so if it does only count for the crits in VATS I wouldn't take this perk. Anyone knows if this perk works "outside" of VATS? I mean, you can still perform critical hits with the Overdrive drug.
  12. Hey :) I am searching for an armor mod, wich changes the, i think Dragon scale/Dragon bone armor, like this, on the screenshot from steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=73050717 (The Girl at the right side) Does anyone know, wich Mod is it? Please send a PM to me ^^
  13. Hi I wanted to know if there is a Mod where i can equip a second armor only with the appereance. Its because i have some Mods that the low level light armors looks better (fur and so) but the armor of the guards are better... I want the appereance of the fur-armor and the stats of the guards armor. Is there any mod for this?
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