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Everything posted by melomac

  1. ENB currently causes a lot of problems as of Patch 1.5 of Skyrim. Best advice is to remove it. Problems I have had are: 1) Can't see anything underwater other than a grey/green haze. This was my show-stopper. 2) Translucent artifacts on the screen when in grassy areas (artifacts go away if I toggle grass off). Boris knows of the problems and may have a fix out for ENB soon.
  2. Housecarls are granted a special protection through the companion alias in the follower dialogue. Find the FollowerDialogue quest in CK and open the Quest Alias Tab. In the top right of the panel you will see checkboxes that can make an alias protected (stop battle if nearly dead) or even essential (never die). You will see followers have the protected box checked.
  3. hmm, my misunderstanding. There are no events or functions in Papyrus tied to "meditating". Even sleep is not really interruptable (the DB come for you when you first try to enter sleep and there are events tied to when sleep starts/stops in Papyrus but nothing to force the player to wake up. Once you start sleeping, you are dead to the world).
  4. The Greybeards and priests meditate so you may check in those quest areas. SendAnimationEvent (SAE) can start and stop a meditation idle in console and papyrus. SAE idleGreyBeardMeditateEnter - will start the meditation SAE idleChairExitStart - will end the meditation (in Papyrus, use the form 'debug.SendAnimationEvent( akTarget as Actor, "idleChairExitStart")' Other idle events can still interrupt your event (breaking meditation). Best to set up a sandbox package and disable most of the interrupts there and assign it to your NPC.
  5. Depends on the animation. SAE (SendAnimationEvent) can be used to start/stop animations from the console and papyrus scripts. Ensure in the console you have nothing targeted and try the following: SAE IdleStop - Stops many normal animations SAE IdleChairExitStart - Stops most sitting/kneeling animations SAE IdleLayDown_exit - Stops most laying down animations SAE HugA - a short hug animation that seems to stop any idle (don't know why)
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