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  1. Found the problem it was the directional color. Had to uncheck box and then set directional color to 0 which gave me all the way around uniformity in color
  2. Ok what is happing is that the room I am making is half lit with no lighting at all. Round room and half the cell on it is bright and the other half is dark. Makes it real hard to put lighting in. A little more detailed. Take a circle draw a line down the middle shade half the circle. Thats my problem. And it dose not matter what cell lighting template I use. Its always the same half lit.
  3. Ok what I am trying to do is create a human statue. A normal npc will always look around ,sway and move there hands. I need it to stand completely still untill a trigger is set off. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  4. What I'm trying to do is make a npc completely idle no movements untill triggered. Npc's alway look around move hands and so forth. I'm trying to make one or 2 completely Idle for my mod I've looked at some instance's that have draug that are completely idle till triggered. For the last 2 hours I've tryed differant things. But to no avail . Is it hard coded the animation movements on NPC's or is there a script to stop animations. Appreciate any thoughts on this.
  5. Thanks Ardvark Thats what I needed. will look into the paste also Sk8on. Tryed the edit in object window but no nifs to chose from.
  6. Ok here gose. I need to learn how to export nifs to a folder on my desktop. Here is what I'm trying to do. I want to turn a loadstone nif to a key nif. In other words I want to turn a key into a activator But I have no nifs to go by except those from other mods. I have checked this with a sword that I had a nif for. It works so instead of picking the sword up it teleports you to a Xheading marker. heheh raid my crpyt will you, don't think so opps ohh crap I'm at the start of the instance again. Ok any help would be helpfull. Probably a tool out there somewhere. Just need a reference on the tool. Thank you for any help at all.
  7. Ok first off what did you change on Jenassa . I picked her up just to test. She is lvl 40 which is the max level for her. I had her fight Kamatu that was at lvl 50. Waited this long for him to check scimtar dmg vs lvl when you first find it. and yes its a leveled item. Well back to the test. I killed off all the lower Nps and stood there till she got his attention. She had no problems defeating him though she was 10 level lower then he was. She is a stock npc no edits with npc editor which i use a lot. I did change out her gear to stock elven gear no enchants or upgrades sword and dagger. I noticed ealier that her standard dagger dose not show in her hand hence the elven upgrade. Conclusion you had to change something in her info to effect the that she gets hit one or two times before she gose to knee. She dose duel wield so no change to class or combat style is needed. Hope this helps
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