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  1. Not many replays... but it would be a good idea. And maybe if it gets big like an expansion pakc, Then maybe somehow.. you could get some money to the project. Good luck
  2. this is a discussion about a modbased expansion packadge for skyrim. Here are some of my thoughts. ... I have seen many mods now... and read about all the ppl wanna mod this game... Its everything from programmers to experts to creative ppl learning to mod .. designers to artists... And you know what... If all these ppl would go toghter, then they could form a team, a team to build an expansion packadge. Maybe release that expansion for free... but becouse that expansion will make the "skyrim" game sell more.... bethesda should give this team some money (not gonna get rich but.. better than jusst realesing a lot of small stuff everywhere fo free). Or they could make it like it was an open project but with some directives... and descition makers... well, thats gonna write down what the mod should have. But best! would be to have a place where all these ppl can meet and collabirate without it have to be special solutions (should be some kind of forum... or upload place where the designers and the programmers/artists can easyley see what have been done, whats have to be done, and what ppl working on.) Does a place like this excist? name it. This place should have connection with normal users (could use skyrimnexus by uploading beta versions and get feedback.) Also I know this site, Getsadisfaction.com is a nice place to get ideas and feedback from normal ppl.(maybe costs to much) An expasion packadge devoloped by a team from the community. Its better to have 10 ppl working on a project toghter, than 10 ppl working alone.... even thoe they will put down the same time... the work can be more focused and precise to not do any unnesesary work. Also designers/ideas will have direct contact with texture, modelers and programmers, it will be a faster communication from what we want, to problems, to ideas, to decition, to making it, to realesing. To use a forum like this would not be ideal... the team that form should have a better place to hang around, discuss... sharing.. always see the latest work easy but having a history of the past work. I dont know if this team could use Skyrimnexus normal site as a meeting place? maybe... Things im thinking of when doing an expansion pack by modders. Have in mind that there is no reason combinating mods from others modders outside the project. New quests and missions, texture / graphic update, better psysics interaction in fights (swords should be able to cut of an arm if you hit his arm with enought streanght), New weapons (spears, big ants who bite your enimie and so on) Yea i dont wanna be telling whats gonna be in it.. but to do really good stuff we need to collaberate.
  3. ... better better.. but not good enought :D Im waiting to play the game untill everything is patched and everyone have done what they want with the game to make it more realistic and fun. ( half a year or even a year or two, im guessing )
  4. This is like the best idea ever... I think all animals in the world should have a "closed health and damage stats... And all other stats on it to"... So u have to level up with basic stuff to get to the trolls and bears and stuff like that... So in the beginning you have to avoid animals and dragons... but in the end your a killer mashine... And to put in dragon babys and stuff like that... what a great idea. If you can, try to bring on more people to your project so your project will be official before the next bethesda game ;) And maybe make a dragon cave... and more missions, where you get to know the npcs (or friends if online version is made) so that it will be like an HOBBITS ADVENTURE thingy. glhf
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