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Posts posted by rdamstrom

  1. such a utility would be useful indeed but to my knowledge there is none. tes4files might offer some help. it can remove esp's and mesh/texture data for that esp. shared data would be broken though, but it moves it to another folder in case you want to move something back. it can also make bsa file's from an esp. which might help to manage some of these mods a little better,


  2. Actual I think it is quite possible the hard part will be convincing some one to do it for you especially since you have no boat of your own. perhaps you should consider doing the mod your self. don't tell me that you don't know how to mod because at some point and time none of us knew how to mod. if you think it is worth making then give it a try. and may someone will help you help yourself.
  3. to use other people's mod's in your game you should first install this


    make sure you read the instructions and any instructions included with the mod your trying to install. only add one mod at a time and make sure it is working before you try to install another. start with the easy one's. some mod's are not easy to in stall and not all mod's will work together.


    Now if you take your time and make a face worthy of putting in the game. I will make an ec companion of her (see link below)

    there is no hurry you will probable want to learn how to install some hair , eye , race mods before you begin. most of the stock hair kinda sucks.you will also need this so you can get these mod's to work


    you can pm me with some pictures if you can't find the hair your looking for as well as any good Idea's about companion's in general. I don't mind helping you out if your willing to put in an effort yourself.

  4. well that's not much to go on, sitting when you sit is hardly inspiring. in my latest work I have them set up on a virtual schedule when released in a properly setup house the will move to different areas of the house the outside locations can be anywhere. a tavern for instance. while all npc's can do this they are in a fixed location so you can't move them to a different house. they can not change they wardrobe. this is all mostly script driven not package driven. anyway their controlling script can be changed at any time. this is exactly what happens when they switch to following. once they are following they will heal you or themself's if they are able. trickle charge their weapons ride horses when you ride. if you stand around to long they will complain a bit (no voice for this) but it is still much more then you will get from a cm companion.they can gather stuff for you in a very efficient way. even demand payment for the work they have done. not all of this is present in my latest release because it isn't easy to get a release ready and trying to upload these files has been a challenge in the past. my engine is flexible enough to allow the companions to be different. have there own personality if we care to go that deep. and so this is really where I'm at now is trying to develop companions that have a background a purpose and a good solid personality something that keeps you coming back for more. what I want in a companion is someone that is brave on the battle field but not so cold that she doesn't have a softer side. sometimes she might be a little bit of a tease if she gets bored but never a little (@@@). of course this might no appeal to everyone but my engine can support just about any companion you care to build. so lets talk about what we really want them to be like and see if we can be inspired to create something really good.
  5. I have a companion engine that is quite capable. I haven't done much to it lately because I got a little burnt out on it and didn't really get much feedback from the community. it does use the obse but in a much more efficient way so it does't put a heavy load on the system. I really need to get back to work on it so if you have some good Idea's I'm listening.
  6. just a thought. you are working with a single piece body mesh aren't you? if not you'll need to make one for the purpose of coping bone weights. the script only allows you to copy the weight of a single mesh. if you start trying to copy from multiple meshes then things start to go bad. also now that I know your using other peoples meshes there is other things to watch out for. most meshes have bones attached to them and they can get mixed in with the other bones that you can't even see because they are duplicates and take up the same space. you will need to learn to clean these meshes before you try to use them.
  7. well I don't know what you have done at this point to weight your mesh but I usually use the copy bone weight in blender and copy the weight from the body to your mesh. to do this you will want to delete the existing groups before you try this or it probable wont work. if that doesn't correct the problem you will need to play around with weight painting your self and maybe adjust your mesh. if you plan to do a lot of this then you should try importing some animations into blender so you can see your problem areas before you export. sitting and sleeping are probable the worst and it may not be possible to eliminate all the tearing.
  8. I'm just looking for a normal pair of ladies shorts.

    Is anyone interested in making some or are they already available?


    I'm looking for something that is longer than what I've seen available, like between the knee and thigh.

    I know there are some other shorts out there but finding them may be a task. aside from the I do have something like that for the skinny body Hgec. could be adapted to the others sizes,


    not real big on texturing but I can do some procedural texturing to give it a little better look.

  9. The easy way is to learn to model correctly and not try to use finished models to make new one's.this is why most people give up. it's to much work. results are sloppy and you never learn to use the the tool set properly. learn to use the modifiers.

    my skills continue to improve the more I know the tool set and I have yet to create anything from another model or body part.

    there are so many video's that you can watch and follow along with with your blender open and just do what they do. tag all the best one's so you can go back an refresh your memory as blender has many parts and it will take a long time to memorize them all.

    good luck

  10. I too am a fan of the smaller more petite style body and I feel your pain. I started working in blender some time back and managed to make a few things but never bothered to release them since my style is not really suited for oblivion and my texturing abilities are minimal at best. I even made my own body model but it is probable not too realistic but very detailed. anyway here's a link to some works in progress. if there is an interest then perhaps I can be persuaded to finish them.sorry I don't do conversions not much fun in that. if there is someone who could texture I might be up for collaborating a bit.



  11. I am currently trying to add a quest to a mod I am creating but when I try to add dialog, the cs crashes. Any suggestions on how to get around this problem?

    I had a problem like that once it took me days to figure out that it was sound card related. I use usb head phones as my sound card and if they aren't in the cs will crash it you try to add new dialog. there are other reasons as well I remember seeing a thread in the Bethesda Softworks Forums perhaps you should try there


  12. after getting bored with oblivion. I started toying with the idea of creating an open rpg/rts framework to play around with just to see where it go's. currently I am using the unity 3d and having alot of fun with it so I was wondering if any one else was using it and what you might be up to. if you like to mod and haven't tried it out then maybe you should. I'm only just learning at this point but so far the thing's I like best are the ease at with you are able to get other program's work with it. if you like to use blender you need only save you blend file where unity can find it and its in the game no exporting required. need to make changes no problem. any changes you make will be updated automatically. the same is true for editing scripts. you don't have to use unity's script editor you can use any editor you want. unity will tell you if there is errors in your coding and even offer suggestion's on correcting it. push the play button and see your code in action. you also have access to all of the .net classes. oh did I mention that it's Free


  13. I have always used joystick and trackball. people always have a hard time understanding the concept when you tell then you use a joystick they think your looking with the joystick but that's what that trackball is for. I can't imagine trying to drive a horse or car with a keyboard.
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