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  1. Exactly what it says. There are such amazing palaces, mansions and Castles. Radun, Caranthir. Works of art and absolutely beautiful in most cases. I currently use Caranthir for fun and Skystone castle for my militia. I have 2 criteria. Does it have nice clear lighting? Not the foggy weird stuff. I want to see clearly at home. Does it have enough accomodations. These poor devils fight to the death for me and I will not deny them sleep. Is there a home mod with a barracks built in or plenty of accomodation for followers. Skystone Castle is the best I have found and I like it a lot. I dont like that it is split into different loadable areas and the main hall is not particularly well lit. It is is the best I found though with those 2 issues aside. This is is no way meant to demean the incredible work of anyone. I am continually blown away by the talent and ingenuity of the modding community. I am just looking for something very specific.
  2. All of my settlement building mods where whiped out. Where I had glorious wall and fortifications they are all gone. Nothing not vanilla survived. I actually saw steam over write the lot. How do I make it so the game no longer needs steam. Steam appears to be the problem? The solutions arent working, they are not coming back. I tried the various solutions posted. True in part, most of the mods are working again except the ones which took me longest to engage with and use in the game. Aaah actually it did. Where I was looking earlier there was a save saving a version without them. Old save sorted it out.
  3. I already expected ps4 and the next Xbox to have some form of DRM. publishers hates used game sales. With XBox using LIVE and EA using Origin both of which are incredibly invasive, your worried about Steam which only collects sensitive information if you agree to allow it? I would love to hear the logic behind that one, particularly now Ubisoft and EA both install spyware so invasive it could actually get many homeworkers fired for breach of their employment contract. Steam is one of the only gaming clients we actually allow to share space with data, otherwise our employees have to install physically seperate DSL and PC hardware for homeworking. I am not saying Steam does not have its faults, but these days they are the friendly face of gaming.
  4. What I want to know is what have they done on the PC to make it a PC game. I dont play console games on my console, since I found it looks old even when it wasnt. Oblivion was the game that actually got me to buy a new gaming PC at the time and my XBox has stayed put since. I did occasionally rent the odd game if kids were coming over from one of the extended family but I would no more buy games for the Xbox that I would a fish a unicycle. Its just pointless, they all feel and look the same, tend be extremely linear and are over in a weekend. Saved thousands by renting. The difference being, with the PC i buy games. However, ever since reading that this is coded for console and therefore already out of date, I realised that Oblivion was a console game too, and thanks to the modding community it actually was a classic, maybe even a legendary game on the PC although the vanilla game was even then pretty medicore. What they did do however, was to create a beautiful, open environment and left it open for community development. This turned a MMRPG (massively mediocre rpg) to a legendary classic. Not necessarily as an RPG but as a world builder to create the game exactly as you wanted it, thanks to the modders. Ever since I first heard about it it has blown my mind that they coded for a product slated to be replaced in a couple of years. Rumours abound about when the xbox 720 is turning up and its believed its going to be announced at one of the big shows in 2013. Given the time during which Oblivon has sold and been relevant, limiting the shelf life like this seems a bit odd. I know these companies have a habit of creating their own internal brainwashing machine as do most corporates but surely there is someone at the top allowed to be objective. Dont they read the same blogs as everyone else. The XBox hardware lifespan has been very obviously artificially extended to meet a revenue requirement. Played Fallout 3 on the Xbox? OMG its disgraceful and if you ask most of the people I know on LIVE what they think of Bethesda? Its not a polite response (though you can probably thank brink for that). Personally, I think it would pay to adopt a similar strategy to EA with BF3. Make a great game, do a good job with the engine, make it platform appropriate after creating the showcase able to demonstrate your USP's. I just hope the modding community can do their magic once again and give me the game I have been waiting literally years for. Fortunately, after comments in the media, my expectations have dramatically realigned. 3 days to find out. In the meantime, EA have done a phenominal job for PC gamers with BF3. I never ever thought I would have cause to thank EA for anything but credit where credits due. Its designed with a specific understanding of PC's capabilities and it shows. What a change 2011 has been. EA gone from being an evil grasping corporation, to an evil grasping corporation with spyware and an engine which is the best possible engine for developing a PC game at the moment. (genre specific maybe). Whille Bethesda, who were love by my clan and I as a great company. Released games like brink which were pretty much awful for anyone with 2 braincells to rub together. In this case, change hasnt been bad as it has bought frostbyte 2.
  5. So many classic serious have been utterly ruined by being crossplatform with the exception of Oblivion. However, I have read some worrying news lately in PC gaming magazines and on the internet concerning skyrim. After seeing what can happen to many of my favourite serious when released cross platform to the (1 weekend gaming formula) I am nervous. I dont think I have ever anticipated a game so much as skyrim. Morrowind and Oblivion are my favourite games of all time largely thanks to the modding community but also because they had a good foundation. (Open world, non linear and reasonably large) though bigger really is better for me in world terms. My concern is that there seems to be a growing perception among PC gaming jornalists that Skyrim is suffering from an on going process of dumbing down. I just recently played the other game I was really looking forward to this year (The Witcher 2) only to find it could have been Two World 2 or practically any other Xbox lightweight action game with an RPG label. If I was religious I would pray that this doesnt happen to Skyrim, sadly I dont have the comfort of religion or the fairies at the bottom of my guardian so I would welcome any feedback or information concerning how open and non linear Skyrim will be. Particularly how big the game real estate / world is looking. Oblivion was the game that made me finally give up entirely on the Xbox and spend a fortune on pc gaming gear (an on going never ending process) but its starting to be a waste of time as so many games are basically xbox games with only a poor implementation of anti aliasing enabled (such as supersampling). I can only hope that Skyrim is a true sequel to TES series and creates a new world for us to explore without the extreme linear experience that I always find makes me feel like the game would be happier as a rolling demo without the player there at all. Any reassurance from anyone with actual information would win my heartfelt gratitude.
  6. Are you by any chance a young chapplaying on a console?. I would guess so or you could mod the problem away. I think this is a great game. The fact you can walk around without danger at low levels is a good thing in my book. I actually think the game is slightly too easy as a nod in the direction of the instant gratification console crowd but that just my opinion. Overall it seems pretty good so far if not slightly too easy. I just hope the mods come thick and fast so I can change the few things I dont like (Poor quality textures etc) I agree with the guy above and the comment about invisible barriers. If you can see it and physically get to it you should be able to go through it. I dont give a sht* if console hardware cant cope with loading so much up or whatever. I dont pay 15x more to play with the same crap limitations. I agree with the previous poster about the invisible barriers, if you can see it and are physically capable of getting to it you should be able to pass. I know some of the barriers and loading points are to support the console hardware capabilities etc but thats not my problem either. Should be enhanced for players not playing on the cheap that invested in the more hardcore gaming experience..
  7. Mind blowing post. There are some issues with this game. But personally I am having almost no problem at all other than very occasional crash to desktop which seems to be caused by issues with windows7 64bit memory management. Try reducing settings, I use 2 machines (2 homes in different countries) but right now I am playing on: i7 950 Rampage III extreme mobo Gskill Low cas 1600mhz mem 12gb 5970 x 5870 crossfire (Which doesnt seem to be working too hard even at the highest settings) 256gb ssd (Samsung) 750 gb Samsung HD (Game installed on this). Absolute no major issues other than the occasional (once even 1-2 hours maximum) crash. This is really really annoying but hardly the end of the world. Apart from this I got the game I thought I was paying for and am well happy. BUT - If there is one thing I dont appreciate so far its the poor quality textures in the game. These would have been ok in 2007 but they look tired and dated now. I know it has to run on a shite box 360 but at least give us pc gamers some better choices. Having said that I am sure some decent mods for that will turn up soon and all will be right in my wasteland world. In these days of games designed to last a week (Publishers call this market the casual gaming market---- see console owner) I always appreciate anything with some longevity which isnt so linear it might as well just play itself like a bad movie. Good job as usual Bethesday I would say. If it isnt perfect I can forgive the flaws (as long as you fix em) Would rather they had come up with the next TES installment but this is a fun intermediate game.
  8. I really want to donate to you guys. You have been fantastic in support of my all time favourite game (Oblivion) for the many years I have been playing it. High time I made a donation. I had a look at how I do that today. Unfortunately it seems your only using paypal? Before starting my own company and subsequently moving out of the UK I was a director for a large systems integration company. One of the companies I was involved with was paypal at the time at which they had just moved a large portion of their call handling too India. Shortly after there have been many investigations about call centre staff selling customer details to organised crime (they are not alone in this in terms of bad outsourcing decisions but I will be dammed if I give them my details). The number of people afftect is (Allegedlly - as Paypal have avoided prosecuting people for fear of the bad publicity) been significant but worse, the harm that has been done to this people has taken some of them a very very long time to resolve. I dont use Paypal and have banned completely from my businesses. Even beyond this our group of companies has also taken the measure of ensuring that our stafff (provided with company owned hardware for homeworking) are not permitted to utilise Paypal from any company provided machines. So it would be a bit hypocritical if I as the group Managing Director broke my own rules now matter how much I want to donate to you. Incidentally I know of at least one major corporation ( a client of ours with 45000 employees) has taken the same step. (banning Paypal, LIVE and Steam from company PCs as well as other services under penality of facing gross misconduct proceedings). Apologies, I digress due to my strong feelings on the subject. Suffice to say that I DO very much want to donate to what I see as a fantastic service. However I am unable too. Could I suggest you broaden your ability to accept payment somehow. Personally I can use a variety of non compromised payment providers. Moneybookers, Alertpay and others ( Had tried worldpay but found them to be painful to use). I hate to see a good effort go unrewarded and given the limited coverage of paypal geographically I am fairly sure your missing out on possible revenue.
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